>24 and want to drive
>too nervous to take driving test
24 and want to drive
I'm 29 and getting my license the first of next month finally. I have no friends or family who would let me drive their car so I booked several driving lessons. These places specifically prepare you for the driving test so I'm not at all worried.
I am pissed at my mom for not letting me practice driving with her at all. I'm literally never driving her anywhere ever, even if she were having a stroke I wouldn't take her to the hospital, fucking bitch cunt.
>tfw failed 4 or 5 times
>can't even keep track
>still haven't passed
driving is for normies anyway
Did you literally not practice driving at all?
Its a necessary skill to have, and you will need to eventually, or otherwise be dependent on other people to get you places, go grocery shopping or transport your stuff.
I really regret not getting this handled sooner. Been NEET for 5 years, if I would have got my license 5 years ago even if I never drove since, I'd have 5 years clean driving record instead of being an almost 30 year old with no driving record.
Reminder, when you get your driver's license your name is automatically put on the jury duty waiting list.
Same when you get a govt ID card, register to vote, get public benefits etc.
not them but i practiced tons and still failed. i'm shit under pressure so i forget to stop at stop signs
I practiced a whole much and the driving instructor said I was his best student but i get scared with the driving test people
first test
>almost make it to the end of the test
>do a left turn too close to on oncoming vehicle and fail
second test
>screw up a couple times and drive too slowly
>didn't stop at the stop sign
>test person says i'm too nervous so she's terminating the test
third test
>get a new instrctor and practice a whole lot
>test goes well, almost made it back to the driving center
>get overconfident and merge to the right lane after turning without check behind me
Those are the ones i remember. i think im missing one
good thing I'm autistic about following all the rules
also its why I'm not at all worried about driving. As a pedestrian people are walking everywhere and it takes a lot of effort to walk through the city without touching against or bumping into people. When driving, there are rules for everything, including what to do when other drivers are misbehaving, and everyone intends to drive so that their vehicle never makes contact with anything except tired on the road. Feels much safer than walking desu.
Its the mother fucking paralell parking aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>take test
>someone else had been using the car before me so the seat was in the wrong place
>didn't think to move it back
>get really bad leg cramp like 5 minutes in
>had to ask to pull over and fucking stretch
At least I passed, something like that might have given a different robot a heart attack.
Non american here, how difficult is the driving test in the states?
Here in country you usually learn to drive as soon as you can reach the pedals with your feet, I learned when i was 13 and got my license when i was 18.
I passed it the first try at age 18. Wish I had done it sooner. Now that I'm at uni I can't afford a car and don't really need one. When I move back in the summer I'm going to try and make up for my missed teenage years by buying a car and picking up high school chicks, wish me luck bros
I drive.
>falling for a single mother
Truly the most robotcore film.
Don't drive to me or my wife's son ever again.
You need to pay attention to the autistic things like stopping in front of the white line before pulling up at stop signs, doing the exact speed limit, specific posture of how to reverse and back-up, parallel park
you will fail if you pull even a foot past the line becaues you can't see around a corner. Just stop then pull up
Just watch Initial D and you'll actually WANT to start driving.
>watching initialD
It's not even that good, only the OST.
I've heard they take a test. Just basic stuff like taking a turn and parking, but depends on the state you live in
Please dont ever mention that normalfag shit ever again
>implying normies can drift without dying on japanese mountains
>finally got license in america at 25 years old
>never got it earlier because no friends, permavirgin autist, shut in, no reason to drive
>parents refused to help me
>driving school guy said i was great driver
>passed test easily even though american test is easy as fuck
>have had license for 4 months
>still have not driven a car since driver's test
>have not bought car because no reason to
license at hand is more important than you think, your parents failed you not helping you get it.
such is life for us neets where we need to figure this shit out on our own
about a month ago literally the perfect car showed up in front of a drugstore in my town, it was a mid 2000s honda civic with low mileage for 3k dollars, literally everything i wanted, and the guy sold it before i could even see it
i literally get cold sweats just thinking about driving. its pretty bad,
>live in B'gubmentland
>endless bullshit bureaucratic education required to drive because they think niggers do shit with cars due to lack of information rather than not caring
>do everything
>not take actual driving license test
>tfw a lot of time has passed
>tfw not sure if the "education" is still valid or if I have to throw away 2 weeks of vacation time again
>tfw being too afraid to know to get license
>endless bullshit bureaucratic education required to drive because they think niggers do shit with cars due to lack of information rather than not caring
There's not nearly enough driving education, the average person is a terrible fucking driver and it's no wonder so many people die every year on the roads in situations that don't involve speed, alcohol or drugs.
We have twice as many road fatalities per year per population than 'Murica, though. And that's in spite of it being a third-world shithole where most people don't have cards -- if you change the parameter to deaths per vehicle it goes to over 5x. Doesn't seem like driving education does much.
Probably not education so much as better experience and retesting perhaps on license expiration. I used to work in road maintenance in breaks at university so we spent a lot of time just driving from job to job and the amount of people who are a danger to themselves or others is ridiculous, and it's not just people speeding and overtaking dangerously. It's about not giving way or just not following road rules or bothering to check your blindspot when merging. There's no easy solution, but I wouldn't care if these people only hurt themselves.
>excited to drive/possibility of having my own car at 14
>dad briefly takes me driving a couple times
>older brother has car that he ends up selling to friend
>dad went away again
>cant stand trying to learn with my mom
>pass theory test at 15
>never drive again until just recently at 22
>still not good enough to pass a test
>get nervous as fuck thinking about driving and hate it
Is this a robot problem?
>just ride bike everyday at 25 because nervous to drive
>literally this morning im coasting down a boulevard and right in front of me two cars get in collision