Why haven't you considered /plastic surgery/ yet?

Why haven't you considered /plastic surgery/ yet?

Attached: IMG_0803.jpg (1869x628, 84K)

because i'm not asian

could you give me a quick rundown on plastic surgery?

>when you have to hide your jewish features

they don't have plastic surgery for personalities.

>they cut your face open
>they inser things to make certain parts bigger
>chin, jaw, brow, etc
>they can also cut things out to reshape things
>eg. extreme aquiline nose made straight
>it usually cost a considerable amount if you are middle class
That's the basic rundown I supposse.

well he went from a 2/10 to like a 5/10

I have.

I want to be a pretty lady.

So he went from carnival freak to human being? Sounds worth it.

Because I have self-respect left.

because who the FUCK cares. proud chinlet checking in

>Because I have self-respect left.
If you were truly ugly or had a snozz like that guy you wouldn't.

what do u wanna know?

Now this sub-human is gonna reproduce, and pass on his shit genes.

>Shit genes just because he was born with a few wrong millimeters
Retarded, he's well off enough to get plastic surgery and he's Jewish or white so he's obviously above average IQ and that's what matters. He can always pay for his kids' plastic surgery, which is what Koreans do and they're just fine.

>be 2/10
>marry 2/10
>have 2/10 children

>be 2/10
>surgery up to 5/10
>marry 5/10
>have 3.5/10 children

Repeat that a few generations and you've fixed the ugly.

looking good doesnt even matter if youre a fucking autist, i look reasonably good and im still useless around women.

even had a gay dude hit on me at work last week

Moral hypotheticals are stupid if you assume you're the only person doing it, rather than everyone is doing it.


>be 2/10
>surgery up to 5/10
>marry 2/10 who surgery up'd to 5/10
>have 2/10 children
The Korea analogy is apt.

I would personally adopt, who would go through the pain of carrying a monster in your belly.

>21 Century
>still having a beak

How's the cave life going, user?

The point is that you wouldn't know if you're marrying a used-to-be-2/10