Lad I came to wew at you.
At least crop that shit off at the top.
don't disrespect your own kind mr. reddit spaces
it's unironically true though.
roasties and white night normie scum will deny this
>tries to blend in as a non-reddit intruder
>posts with reddit spacing
ya dun fucked up
No, we just try to explain that Incels put half of the arrows in their own backs and that they should probably stop doing that then they sperg out saying its the womens fault and run away back to their preffered hole of choice.
Most of the incels in places like R/Incel are just as bad as the women that make false rape accusations, only difference is they hurt themselves, eachother and the ones that join them looking for genuine help more than anyone else.
lol, now that's both true and genuinely funny
>ironically trying to claim you're a channer by not using spaces
It only proves you to be a phone poster to be annoyed by long posts.
>implying incels give a shit about raped females
I swear to god, I feel like I'm the only person on the internet that understands this picture.
Clearly you don't.
You must be a female or something.
I wish.
But seriously, the point isn't that "hurr durr the big wolf clearly has it worse check your privilege", the point is that the wolf cares more about the single arrow that got the pup than the multiple arrows stuck in its own back. It's about compassion.
>uses reddit spacing
I love this pic so much. Incel's have no self awareness. Still entertained by how they had their subreddit deleted.
fuck desu fuck
Oh it actually got deleted? fuck when did that happen?
*tap tap*
This is what your spacing sounds like.
*tap tap*
That's the sound of your accelerated case of your hands falling off and turning into little nubs.
*tap tap*
*tap tap*
That's the intent of the original artwork. That was clearly not the intent of the incel (or falseflagger) who capped it
Yes and its hilarious that incels see shit like this and go "ah this resonates with me" and then miss the point as hard as they possibly can.
Imagine you live in a place that only has spicy food. You eat it every day. You actually kinda hate spicy food, but it's all that you can get. After a while you get numb to it and just put up with it. It'll be spicy food today, spicy food tomorrow. That's life in Mexico.
Now imagine that you live on a diet of whipped cream and strawberries. Every day, sweet and creamy treats. Suddenly though, there aren't any. All there is that day is vindaloo. You've never had spicy food before, and you have no option but to eat it. After that it's back to strawberries and cream. Every meal afterward will be stained by that memory. You'll never forget it, for sure. How could eating actually hurt? Food is meant to be pleasurable. But it did. In a way, it will always hurt.
So normalfaggot retards that suffer one bad thing rememeber it because they had good lives but people who have suffered all their existence don't mind it anymore, because we evolved to adapt and overcome.
Correct, you've understood my analogy. Of course, it's killed off a bunch of your tastebuds too. It could be that if you ever did have strawberries and cream, you couldn't even taste it so you'd just go back to spicy food. It's what you're used to.
Please tell the tale, I know nothing of Reddit.
What you're telling me is that weed is the answer.
I mean, it's certainly an answer. All there is for us is trying to offset the generally shitty quality of our lives. It's almost impossible to imagine what the internal life of a person who's had a consistently positive experience is like.
>(((reddit))) spacing
How to piss oldfaggots off with one easy step.
No faggot, men get rejected by the whole world vs a female got dicked, once again, but didn't le permission first. Then she gets attention for it, everyone says they're sorry and all, vs ermagerd pathetic virginman.
Though it is about compassion; men get less, yet are wounded more. We commit suicide more, yet females pretend to more often, so they get more attention despite that.
>inb4 le makes me reddit
Fuck off idiot.I've used the site since 09, and am nearly 30. If not a phone poster, and older, it's easier to read with breaks. My vision is not perfect. Grow up.
>tap tap
Okay retard, that doesn't even make any sense.
This is what your posts sound like though:
>do something against the reddit narrative
>ur not from around here huehuehue
I don't understand the whole reddit spacing thing.
People have typed like this as far back as I can remember on the website.
It must be newfags (ages 15-24) that get upset over that.
Isn't getting upset over the way someone types more of a reddit thing to do anyway?
Reddit apparently trims down your newlines, so if you want to have a single empty line between your paragraphs you need to input three new line characters, like so.
Newfags saw a spicy new meme and decided that putting spaces in your posts in the first place was wrong, because they're fucking stupid.
lol nice try faggot
I know. I'm twenty-nine, and it's a bunch of teens with tiny cells trying to fit in (everything into their tiny screens).
Yes. Actual reddit spacing is more than one enter key striked. It's blatant ignorance to call one space reddit spacing when on reddit, if you check that place out, of which, one would after it's been mentioned all fucking day, you must press it twice to even get one line break.
>two taps
Okay buddy. Three taps would be reddit you fucking unoriginal faggot.
>using vocaroo to fit in
There it is again.
Men do not get rejected by the world, they get what they deserve.
For those that make the effort to adapt themselves or their environment to their liking they get rewarded, those that don't get nothing.
The world was never fair and should never be fair because competition is what made us and what drives life fowards, you either play by the rules, change them to better suit yourself or drop out of the race you fucking faggot.
Nobody has explained why reddit took down incel.
Its incel discrimination
Incels are like the jews in nazi germany
What you mean nobody tried to explain why the self help forum that turned into a literal invite only cesspit that convinced people to an hero because of shit like their elbows being too fucking pointy and kicked members once they had sex once got shut down?
Gee I wonder why that happened to a reddit forum that had several subreddits chronicalling the delusions that came out of R/Incel because of how amusingly insane some of its members had become.....
>probably too young to even get the insult
unoriginal comment
This was probably the cringiest thing I've heard in a decade. Before this it was these weebs screaming "OH YOU LOST THE GAME" in the lunch room in high school.
You're only one year older than me. I just haven't gone in your gay corner of the pop-culture world.
Nice cope.
>Nice cope
Spoken like a true newfag.
>Spoken like a true newfag.
no u
>paying that con hiro that would range ban users to force them to buy a pass waaay back with two channel
This website doesn't even have any features worth being conned into giving them money.
You are cancerous. Though, as a newfaggot, it is I suppose of all people you ought to pay for the extreme stress the doubling in traffic newfaggots from reddit has caused.
>bitch get the fuck off my chan with your incel shit
Everybody who unironically agrees with this needs to be locked up in a mental asylum
Incels don't have it half as hard as volcels.
>You are cancerous.
You are mom.
With oppression wars you first have to be oppressed fag.
Look at this bullshit. The only reason your type doesn't get removed for low quality content, is due to the fact you are buying your way in. Money KILLS the internet.
>low quality content
>from clyp guy
high quality, low noise
Volcels are oppressed by reality itself.
This board is proper shithouse and I don't understand why you sad cunts all flock here
I'd rather die than be an incel who is desperate for attention from roasties, but humans aren't intended for this life either.
It's easier to suffer when you know other people suffer as well. Most people here aren't really suffering, but it's the illusion of comradery that keeps me here.
please join my discord server
i need this in my life
Exactly, most the people here are just making threads over and over again about pointless shit
The pointless shit can be funny too. That Drake & Josh trap thread the other day made me audibly laugh for the first time in awhile.
reminder that reddit would have never cracked down this hard on hateful/fringe subreddits if Jow Forums and stormfront weren't trying so hard to infiltrate them
Yo what, that sounds classic
Jow Forums is reddit
>Yo what, that sounds classic
Desuarchive's search is broken(as usual) so I can't find it.
>Jow Forums is reddit
not really, the donald is much less extreme. the thing is stormfront genuinely wanted to infiltrate all of reddit and essentially turn it into a hivemind like they did Jow Forums. the reddit admins and mods responded to that by cracking down on everything
>born with an ugly face
>born short
>lack social skills because you got bullied by assholes in your youth
Fucking retard
Wow, nobody but you is short ugly and traumatized!!!
>bragging about being on this cesspool for years
Holy shit
A faggot that actually paid for a Jow Forums pass.
I've been here since 08 and this is my first time seeing this.
Some of us have nothing to be proud of aside from how monumentally awful our lives have turned out.
arguably better than having a completely mediocre life and being bored 24/7
>I'm here ironically
Slam that an hero button. Like and subscribe to ehll.
>putting words in my mouth
im here unironically im just not proud of it
I'll trade anguish for boredom.
Hell doesn't exist.
Problem, C*tholics?
I've had both and I don't know which I prefer.
Most creative Jow Forums comment i've ever seen
Immersive kek
"You do not have permissions to do things"
fuck disco
invite me then kick right away eh
That entire subreddit was one big falseflag. Brand new accounts would post shit like the OP image, get screenshotted by a "different person" who isn't an incel but just happened to be browsing at the time, and then it'd get posted to other subreddits to make fun of.
Strangely these new accounts would never post another thing ever after posting this horrible thing and getting screenshotted, almost as if that's the only reason they were made in the first place.
sorry friend
see and I'm quadrupling down on the whole "discord is for faggots and if you don't use IRC then you're a WebIRC cocksucking faggot who should just drown in cum" viewpoint
>Born with an ugly face
Ah the staple of Incels, you can work with that very easily, stop acting like no one ugly ever got laid and before you blame it on bad genetics remember where they came from and that your parents who are likely just as ugly as you had to have gotten laid to make you in the 1st place
>Born short
My dad is literally 4 foot 5 and I was taller than him before I finished primary school so fuck off with that excuse
>lack social skills because you got bullied by assholes in your youth
Doesn't stop you from developing them now does it? No so shut the fuck up you spineless peice of shit and learn to talk to people like everyone else had to.
These things literally help make up for any shortcomings you may have, people like those who put the effort into self preservation and hygeine because it shows they want to be wanted, you do these things to highlight whats good about you not because they will magically make everything shit about you dissapear.
There is no excuse in the entire world you can make that can justify you being an incel, it is all your fault and will continue to be until you play the hand your dealt like everyone else has to, you have some control over the cards you choose, the cards you play and how you play them now shut the fuck up and either play the game of life or an hero.
You press it three times to make one space in reddit. Here it would be twice. It is merely a line break
Being this retarded should result in a range ban.