>Hate coming down off recreational doses
>instead of riding out the comedown until I sleep I re-dose because I can't handle the comedown
-Literally waste adderall doing this because the high quality sinks fucking drastically when you don't sleep
Sucks being a pathetic addict. I envy normal humans who put adderall to good use
Hate coming down off recreational doses
I wish I'd never discovered this stuff.
If you're going to use Adderall to get geeked might as well switch to actual meth and get more bang for your buck, and less shitty of a comedown.
>Sucks being a pathetic addict.
Actually, maybe you should stay far away from meth.
The difference is that with adderall you can actually be a functioning member of society
I've had my meth phase
This is more legal and less expensive for me
hahahahaha just fucking discipline yourself
what a fucking baby
Op here forgot to say this in my last response to this post
>meth has a better comedown
You've clearly never tried real shit dude and user who said you can function better is correct. I am more functioning on psycho doses of adderall than anytime I did crystal
>He can't control himself, abuses pharma and thinks that he's better than someone who has their stim habit under control because he ingests amphetamine salts instead of methamphetamine.
Pure fucking delusion.
>go fast all day long
>take xanax and drink a glass of whisky when coming down at night
>sleep for 8 hours
>wake up refreshed
it's not that hard dude. it is a risky path to take tho
Meth does have a better come down used responsibly. A tiny little pinch of meth is enough man, trust me. Comedown is related to how much you ingest not how high you got.
tl;dr, less drug, better comedown, stronger drug, less drug to get as high.
Only benzos im prescribed are ambien and i never risk mixing those to stop a comedown (unless im not sleep deprived) because I have those really bad hallucination trips that are fucking disturbing. Fucking Christ short story time
>been up for two days taking recreational doses of addy
>take HALF an ambien because I must sleep
>everything (every single object in my house) starts doing this demonic chanting while doing doing this creepy hula dance or some shit.
>Im ducking and covering and screaming in terror at the inside of an normal apartment. at one point I think there was a shirt on the floor I trusted and prayed to him for not scaring me
There is a meth prescription
But its 1mg
Methheads take 1 gram or more
That's 1000x the recommended amount
yeah, ambien is not really a good choice for coming down. maybe start drinking or get better benzos
It's okay user, I'm the same exact way with Ritalin. I'm almost 19 and my dad can't even trust me to administer my own medication.
I take ambien as prescribed always after that incident user.
One beer oddly helps me with comedowns sometimes
me 2.. Its evil yet magic. pandoras box
Coming down from coke is bad. Just laying here alone and degenerate
Just because you're irresponsible doesn't mean you should discourage robots from their much needed cure to robotism
This thread was started by someone who can't stop taking too much drugs and its pharma not street meff. Read my post nigger.You can get SPUN SPUN SPUN all night on a pinch of meth instead of a fistful of Adderall.
less drugs, better comedown, stronger drugs, less drugs to get high.
Like you said though, the potential for abuse is far higher with meff than with pharma stims. At some point you just can't keep popping pills you're just giving yourself the heeby-jeebys without getting any higher.
With meth, you can always get higher. You can stay high for weeks. You could even shoot it if you want that sweet sweet rush. Meth is a bottomless rabbit hole. Whereas pills just stop doing it before you're a schizo mess who hasn't slept in ages.
I can score some ritalin sometimes.
it is fucking shit, but I still take it when needed.
2 hours of increased concentration followed by a fucking long comedown. no euphoria either.
>tfw Adderall and Ritalin impedes my mental ability instead
am i to intelligent for stimulants?
signs of an overdose by what you're saying
you can, but srsly who does less than a gram of meth
I got it perscribed for depression so I get the euphoria and all, the comedown is awful and I just keep taking more to stop it. I'm completely addicted now and I don't want to stop because it makes me feel normal
that is why I stopped... I can feel all the shit coming back, but I don't wanna drool again... u can do this, user!! stop taking this things after your brain rest for a bit... is it time? awsome!!! u can make it
Low key stimulant users who are either self-medicating with medicinal doses or just get spun on Friday to play vidya or hang out with their bros. Not everyone who uses meth is a super hardcore tweak ganger.
>prescribed ritalin for depression
are you american or something?
that's fucked. get off that stuff. it will fuck you up.
I love stims too but I only use it twice a week max
You have to take the comedown with the high, or stop chasing the dragon and never take so much in such a short amount of time you get a comedown.
Otherwise, you will begin to see the terrible, terrible long-term abuse effects of stimulants. You don't want to go there. If you control your habit you will have a wonderful relationship with these drugs. If not, your life and mental state is about to get weird dude.
9 hours of sleep, followed by morning cardio, and cold shower is much better than drugz
stop advocating meth retard
I don't even know, my psycaitrist is a fuckin quack
I already struggle a shit ton with mental illness and stimulants are the only thing that can bring me up anymore. Nothing else works, I can't function without shoving pills up my nose
what is the comedown like? i've taken higher doses of vyvanse a few times and there isn't much comedown, just a period of feeling tired and zoned out. I like the feeling though, i'm so tired that the world seems distant.
i don't get how the experience is so enjoyable you'd become addicted though. yes, it does give you a vague sense of happiness, but i only use it because it's the only way I can force myself to do hard jobs without giving up.