I deleted all of your pictures because you wanted me too. But I have a few left of you on my phone. Is it okay if I keep it Kathy? It makes me feel better i dont want to forget you
I deleted all of your pictures because you wanted me too. But I have a few left of you on my phone...
add me back you dumb baka.
Sorry i deleted my discord. Im nowhere near my home and in a different state too. I couldnt stand being in discord
I guess i'll see you around then.
Sorry i dont think ill be around after today
How many times have you said that?
Too many to count i think
Why are you out of state, Rem?
Are you the person who made a thread a few months ago saying you have a crush on OP?
>expecting me to remember what I said a few months ago when I don't even remember what I said yesterday
What le fuck
rem's a fag, why would you want to talk to him in the first place
Well, crushes are pretty persistent, so do you have feelings for OP now? If you do, you're probably the same guy!
Well idk who rem is. opie never specified, but I felt bad that he lost his oneechan. And we got to know eachother and and he just left me and I don't want him to die
He would unironically be better off dead, he's hurt a lot of people very deeply and continues to wreak havoc in their lives, and he's obviously quite miserable himself.
He seems like quite a cool character and never did anything to wrong me besides consistently delete me. But we all have our faults user, why are you so mad at him?
Im not gonna die. Dw
Also the other dude is cod. Hes a guy that intially deleted me after i didnt want to be romantically with him. So now he stalks me and spergs out all the time. The neutral sounding one is casey. And hes a cool semi neet. I dont talk to them anymore. Im just not gonna be around because im going through some stuff right now.
Cod has posted my info before and tried to semi dox even tho he doesnt have enough to go on. And has posted pictures of my oneechan harassing me in threads calling her names. He is mad that i didnt return prison gay love to him after i asked him to post a lot of threads for me. Which is understandable but i started hating him when he became creepy and took things out on other people i knew
Sorry for deleting you man but im no better than any of these people or what i say about abuse from that particular girl. Im just some dude with recessive bpd.
>we all have our faults
I'm sorry, but you just have no clue what he's like. I'm not going to explain every awful thing he's done to his friends, I'm not really out to convince anyone anyway, do what you will but don't say you weren't warned about him.
I genuinely don't give a single fuck about you besides going into your threads because I'm a bored NEET. Your life is honestly entertaining to read about.
I have never attempted to dox you, that's a lie. Do you honestly still think I'm still bitter about the gay love thing? I've even tried to be your friend and help you as recently as a few weeks ago but you continued to treat me like shit.
Dude i cant take you seriously. Sorry. I treat you like shit because you posted pics of my friend and you used others for recovery just like you accused me about. Youre a manchild and i think youre creepy
Well before mods come along and ban this social media thread i'm just gonna leave this here.
Totally up for you to add me back blanc, or any other goys here.
>deleting pictures
>not sharing them for all to see
You're right I posted her pictures and obviously it wasn't the Christian thing to do but I can't say I regret it, just revenge for how I was treated in the past. Won't happen again as far as Kat is concerned.
I'm not really sure how I've used others for recovery, can you explain what you mean by that?
Have a good night mayn. Im gonna exit the bread too
Why can't I just have a cute e-bf who never wants to see pictures of me or VC because I have anxiety?
Cause you keep going for losers, find better and genuine people user.
Are you a genuine person?
Maybe, user.
I just don't really care about what others look like that much, the bond we share matters a lot more to me.
Well I posted my info in this thread go look =w=
But I don't even know if you are a caring and genuine person yourself user...
I absolutely am!
Faggots and traps are mentally ill and need to commit suicide at their earliest convenience.
As in, right the fuck now.