WW3 has just begun.
How will you surivive the Nuclear Hoolohoax due to begin today, lads?
WW3 has just begun.
How will you surivive the Nuclear Hoolohoax due to begin today, lads?
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What is with all the fucking happening-fag threads. This shit has been non-stop continuous fucking alarmism for fucking YEARS. WHEN WILL YOU FAGGOTS JUST LEARN TO SHUT UP AND WAIT.
I suppose I might travel up North to the Yukon in order to avoid conflict, or if there is a nuclear winter I would travel south
Holy fuck Zyklon Ben finally revealed his power level
He made plenty anti-black and antisemitic cartoons before attracting a the_donald audience who didn't wanna look openly racist to liberals.
Why the fuck is there a Sikh symbol on the skull?
It sucks that another Iraq is happening but I'm glad drumpf is gonna be seen as a total failure of a president forever because of it and will never get re-elected.
Lol are you seriously that big of a faggot? Damn
God damn it i still dont have an underground bunker with 20kg of canned food
Iran, dude, not Sikh
Does this mean I should just keep being NEET until the nukes drop?
I don't mind the whole dying in a nuclear fallout situation if it means I don't have to wageslave for the rest of my life.
stop false flagging, retard. there's already enough. russia wont do shit anyway.
Obama made Canada sign a deal yrs ago to deport any draft dodgers back to America if they are caught though. They arent granted asylum any more.
>Tfw live in Sweden.
>No one cares enoug about us to bomb us.
>If Russia gets nuked we get a comfy Nuclear Winter.
This is great.
I'll just say I'm a muslim and stay.
Lucky for you the Army welcomes muslims now into their ranks
I am glad they finally will bomb their selves fuck all of this shit everything can better die than go on at this point
Can someone explain be this cartoon? Is he implying that both trump and Putin are controlled by Iran? Why is the star of David the nose of the skull and trump and putin in the eye sockets?
I think the point is that all three Israel, United States and Russia have the same vision for the future - a nuclear wasteland.
big if true
this is also an aboriginal comment
But why does the skull have Iranian symbol on it and why do trump and Putin look worried?
Israel, Iran, Russia, America, are all pro-war and responsible for Syria. Also False Flag attacks.
WWIII will not start because Donald Trump is playing 5D chess with both Israel and Russia. He made just enough of an attack to placate Israel while keeping Syrian and Russian casualties to nil.
Iran is in alliance with Russia/Syria isn't it? Presumably they are part of the escalation. Trump and Putin look worried because they started a world war over a false flag. The whole comic is supposed to be anti-war, not something antisemitic or celebrating mass death like a lot of Jow Forums posters in this thread are suggesting.
The only people who will suffer from this is the entire population of the middle east, the dead civilians in Damascus, and the countless deaths of people continually dragged into the petty games of American politicians and weapons dealers trying to make a buck. You'll be fine-ish. At least it's not Iraq tier yet.
Ben's constant need to over-label his comics shows how cogent and well done they are. It's basically a Jow Forums post illustrated by a kindergartener.
I don't want to survive it. I hope a nuke takes me.
>5D chess
>it's US VS Russia in the Middle East, S11E54
>the baby never heard of political strategy
You are right le small hand drumph rolled out of bed and decided to bomb random place in syria
Reminder that Ben Garrison is actually incredibly reasonable outside of being a Trumptard
>tfw lebanon who lives on syrian border
pray for me bros
If there happened to be another world war and I fled to Mexico, is there a good chance I would be safe from the war?
And it would be too cold for the Shitskins so they might leave. Especially if the political climate gets disturbed enough to we don't just spend everything we have on making them comfortable.
Shoot an IDF general for me. Good luck.
It's extremely unlikely he's not a good goy.
If Russia and such gets nuked the EU won't have enough money to accomodate for them ahahaha.
Just dont go to neither tijuana nor mexico city and you'll be mostly safe
>When you made fun of doomsday prepers but they were right
He couldn't be a bigger faggot than the guy getting offended on another man's behalf, tbf.
>an action is not completely random, therefore it cant be retarded.
Sure, buddy.