Have you actually tried approaching girls and trying to get a gf

have you actually tried approaching girls and trying to get a gf

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No, don't even want to really. Am I gay now?

I literally never did, not even fucking once.

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No, I didn't. And now I am a 30 yo virgin. But well, could be worse I guess.

Like about 400 times in the past two years.

No, but I'm also not really that interested in getting one unlike a large portion of this board seems to be. I have no problem talking to girls or having them as (platonic) friends though.

Same here
I don't even masturbate or watch porno anymore. Been clean for like 6 weeks now. I think I've finally reached the end.

yep, got phone number of women in class, went to coffee after class. Was txting her, she ghosted me. this 100x times

Hundreds of times.
I am relatively successful, no complaints.

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I've tried about 3 times
Each one successful
But they all ended after a month...

Teach me your ways wizards. How do you get rid of wanting a gf

I was a virgin until I was 23. (Turning 30 this year.) The most important thing I've learned is that men and women are more alike than different. We both want to feel comfortable with someone before we trust them. We both want to not feel alienated. ("All men do is blah blah blah/All women do is lie and ghost.") We both want a person to demonstrate worth to us before we decide to spend time with them. So don't use divisive language. "All women ____ ." Even if it's positive, even if it's partly true, it just makes you seem closeminded. There are good and shitty women like there are good and shitty men. Period. It is YOUR fault if you haven't had a girlfriend or not as many or the type that you want. Period. Guys date every single day. It is not suddenly women's fault if you aren't. Never forget that. Be confident, but also have humility.

Having a girlfriend is a special thing. Not like Jesus or religion special. But special as in a privilege. This is where the IDEA of being a gentleman comes from. Whiteknights have blown it into 100000x overkill. But the IDEA is simply honoring the beauty of a woman. In word and deed. Because men, mentally, rank women according to their breasts, jack off to strangers, friends, and sometimes relatives, and generally treat women as interchangeable. But the reality is, women have emotions, and fears, and hopes, and strengths, and weaknesses. They are people. A gentleman will ALWAYS remember that.

As far as actually getting a girl, explain that you work hard, that you are honest, that you are STD free, that you are seeking a partner to have fun with outside of work, and that you don't mind treating a *girlfriend* to nice dates but that you don't want to take out lots of random girls. Then ask the girl if she would like to hang out. The girl will usually say no. Same for "hey wanna go to my place/your place?" That's ok and normal. KEEP TRYING TO PERSUADE. The right one will say yes.


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yes, every single female has rejected me, from 10/10s to 1/10s

Yeah. I was at a gig back in November, saw a cute by herself, so I went up and said "hey how you going?". She was cool about it, we danced and she bought me a drink, asked me if I had a missus. Tried to hang out a few times, I was away for a while and couldn't. 2 weeks ago we made plans but she cancelled because she had a really busy weekend and wanted some time to herself, which I'm cool with, I understand. Should I try again robots? Or will I just be annoying her? She doesn't reply much on Facebook unless I'm asking her out. We really clicked at the gig.

Just got older
You can only day dream and fantasizs for long. It eventually gets old. Plus there will be less contact with women as you get older.

Never really wanted a gf or anything. I mean it would be nice but I have and can remember feeling a need for it. Never even had a crush on anyone.

Nope. Nonetheless I have been rejected dozens of times without even having to approach in the first place

>30 year old neckbeard explains how to get woman

how does that work? originol

Just wanted to share before I get up and start my day user

It was weird. In High School I had this one moderately attractive (6.5~/10 if you want a number) girl who wanted me to date her. However, rather than coming straight up to me, her friend bugged me every day from the beginning of our school year to date her. She didn't like me (i don't know if it was because we competed for top spot in school or if she got bad vibes from me), but she never stopped trying to get me to ask her out. Eventually, I did, and she said yes, and we "went out" in the loosest sense of the term. She 'broke up' with me about a week later because I basically just did the same shit I did before with her and I think she got some weird idea she was the jealous-type or some shit.

Overall, it was a 2/10 experience, but I think it saved me from being a complete lowlife, because her friends were the "le epic meme" types, and I would prefer to be a hikki before that.

is that pic from an actual episode or did someone photoshop him to look like a zika virus baby

Not that guy, but I suppose I could say the same thing

>middle school - lunch period
>friends decide it would be funny to go table to table and ask every single girl if they would go out with me
>beg them not to, but of course they do it anyway
>awkwardly watch from afar not knowing what to do
>get rejected by every girl in my grade

Damn that's mean of them nigga

This was not because of you, it was because of the uncomfortable situation. Don't count this.

That would be very cringe.

>Be me
>Middle school
>PE lesson in 7th grade. As I walk into the gym a girl from another class starts laughing at me by screaming how ugly I am. I hide in a janitor's closet for a while to let it subside. I go out and she starts screaming again.("Uglyaaaaaass")
> Later, still 7th grade.
>We're watching a movie in the video room with other classes. A girl sitting behind me hit my shoulder, I turn back and she asks: "What's you name boy? Ugly McUglies?" (best translation I can come up with). I turn my face again while I hear her and her friends laughing.
>Also 7th grade
>No teacher in class. We're chatting and shooting the shit.
>Out of the blue a guy shouts so everyone can hear:" You know what's really funny to me? user! Look how fucking ugly he is!" One second of silence followed by bursting laughters (especially by the girls)
>8th grade
>Out on a school trip, hiking
>I'm sitting on a rock while a group of qts starts talking about how the children they would have with a random Chad they had a crush on would look like.
>One of them notices me and says:"Well let's hope they don't look like user at least" (laughters)

These are just a few episodes. They were countless between age 11 to 17

Think about consequences.

The girls are all whores and I have nothing to offer even those degenerates, let alone the woman I long for that likely only exists in fiction.

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can I see? A picture of you? I don't believe you're ugly.

>asked out 6 girls
>0 said yes

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>As far as actually getting a girl, explain that you work hard, that you are honest, that you are STD free
>that you are STD free
Top kek, shiggy diggy doo to somebody you haven't even met up with.

Yes, it's hard in public, you have this idea that women don't want to be bothered with because I don't want to be bothered with either so there's no point, you meet girls by having friends and having other people introduce you to girls, it's like a "caste system" for any race or group.

I have not because I know I am a low value mansso there's no point.
Besides I have autism so there's even less point of trying.

is this a psyop? this thread has been posted like every day for the past 6 years.

and in each one OP just vanishes from the thread. it's weird as fuck.

Yes. It indeed worked, now i'm married and happy, user. I even got 3 sons now, thank you so much.

>is this a psyop
How to out yourself as a retard in 4 words

Most threads are ran by bots, moot sold the site to a DOD subcontractor back in 08.

At least on /b/ even the mods are law enforcement.

>i can't explain it or discuss it, better resort to name calling

Yes. And 6 months later she dumped me because i was too clingy and autistic. I hate my life

If you believe in psyops you are a retard and arguing with you is pointless

>doesn't want to explain or discuss why this thread is posted everyday for 6 years with no OP, just wants to call me a retard

we're not even arguing. kek. sorry i interrupted you're important shitpost thread, my bad, continue.

Most of the the "Why don't you just settle for a 4 /10?" threads are bots along with the tranny stuff, you notice this after being her for years and you ignore it.


freudian slip

Yes, sorry for coming between you and your investigation of this thread being a psyop.

nah man OP here, i posted this the first time i have been on this board for a few years

nope. this is likely why I don't have a gf. i never meet or talk to any women so it's a literal impossibility for me to get a gf. I just don't want to put in any effort and i'm too nervous and I think everyone else is a retard. all of this combined doesn't help me.

Herrrr I'd rather not, sorry.
But if there's one thing I am sure about myself is that I am really ugly. Trust me

why would i do that for?

>see attractive naked girl
>want to be with her
>realize she posts nudes on the internet
>don't want to be with her

That's the thing - find i'm only attracted towards distant and somewhat cold women. If i approach her, all mystery is gone and i'm not attracted towards them anymore.

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Modsssssssss modsssss under8ge fagt hereee hereeeee moddsssass

Yes I asked my oneitis out when I was 16 and she rejected me (very gently) and this, with some other things, has crushed me so much that I'm only now contemplating flirting with another girl....more than 10 years later.
Read this if you want to give me some advice, I know I badly need it

Idk where to meet them. Theres a cute girl at work I want to ask.

Ask her out now. She likes you for sure.

This is my score on photofeeler btw

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I need to der a Pic now