Why do white boys do this?

why do white boys dress up as girls and wear makeup?

Attached: why.jpg (750x936, 112K)

cuz your a fucking faggot op

but im not the one dressing up as a girl user :(

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>when will they stop trapposting
>what purpose does it serve
>how faggy and autistic is op that he not only saved but posted these

I dont know if thing creature is male or female, but it deserves a slap in the face. It look like someone ate a bunch of white chocolate, ingested a bunch of semen and then defecated in this persons face, and then this person smeared it all over its face. Fuck, I wish I could kick this piece of shit in the temple

because modern society values girls radically more than boys.

mental illness + masturbation addiction coupled with masses of similarly deluded deviants networked via the internet

before the web, these people shunned at a healthy rate
now the patients are running the asylum

i love how the same four angry samirs make it their business to scream at every gay thread

We're all born naked and the rest is drag

>implying you're not in /r9pol/
get used to it buddy

because white features work better for females

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yeah go ahead and do like the progs did and become the dominant aesthetic of the internet so we can gamergate the shit out of you in six years

Why do people do these threads? To make white guys angry again?

the kind of person who gets really mad at these is generally a retard and it's to annoy them until they leave

Because they like the idea of being bent over and filled with cum.

Hello pol. Still here? Well, in all all actuality, you insecure man you, most of the transexual hookers I've noticed were black.

>being bothered by traps
>on Jow Forums
>when will the newfaggots that invade from pol that should have stayed at reiddit leave

It's pol posting to make itself angry. If you don't believe just visit that place and see my post here Jow Forums's raffic recently doubled and pol and /b/ are the fastest boards. It's HS kids trying to troll themselves, as they are insecure and racist.

>boo hoo the white race is kill
>poke fun at self
>soy boy
>hating traps

>not disturbed by porn constantly being tamped into your thick skull
>when will faggots ever stop craving dick

>being disturbed by degeneracy

Slam that right winger board, faggot.

>white women started behaving like men
>white men will have to become the women
It's natural shift in the society.

>loves gay porn
>has audacity to call me fag
Your days are numbered, bug chaser.

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your politics have caused you to side with people who keep 9-year-old war brides


to show that women are worthless if they think their looks are worth being useless in every other aspect of life

Because their mommies and daddies didn't give them enough attention while growing up.

Bitch looks like shes made of fucking plastic

Happy Halloween nuggah

Ain't that shit expensive as fuck?

Probably got off on it. Or some significant other. Let 'em.

The overdraw of that lipstick tho.