So I catfished this girl on tinder and after I told her I'm fake she said this
>you must have really low self esteem if you do this. Too bad, we could at least talk for a while
I know that if I used my real photos she wouldn't even gave me time of the day, but still it made me sad
So I catfished this girl on tinder and after I told her I'm fake she said this
>didn't smashed
pathethic beta male
How do you know this? You're a retard for wasting your chance. Use your own pictures next time.
>didnt even get fap material
I have 10/10 chad photos and told her I'm 190cm while I am skelly manlet
>Use your own pictures next time.
I'm not OP, but you really think if OP used his real pics, he would have gotten a response?
That said, catfishing seems like a huge waste of time. Just pointless conversations because you'll never actually sleep with the girl you're talking to.
Seriously, some of you people need hobbies.
You're doing good op
Women do the same thing
Why did you admit it you retard? Dont tell me you are that honest guy who just cannot tell a lie without a straighy face? Am i right op?
I just got her to go to a place to meet me and had her waste time. that's all I wanted
Maybe next time try looking for a chad version of you and say you had to drink through a straw so you became skinny or something
How do you know until you try? You don't. Also what is a 10/10 chad to you is probably a 5/10 to girls.
You catfished HER and then YOU complain?
>How do you know until you try?
Again, I'm not OP. I've never catfished and use my average looking real pics in online dating and Tinder. Believe me, getting a response from girls if you're not Chad level attractive is very difficult.
>Also what is a 10/10 chad to you is probably a 5/10 to girls.
Sorry friend, but conventionally attractive is what most girls want. And Chad is conventionally attractive.
How fat is she?
How fat are you?
Give it to me in kg too, none of that bullshit lb rubbish
what type of crazy language is that by the way?
I guess I could just google a word... polish eh, goddamn that looks hard to pronounce
Literally just go along with it and make her waste her time. You dont have to come. Stop being such a nice guy, you are making all girls in 50 miles radius drier than my dead grandma's pussey
I'm a kissless virgin but know everything about women: the post.
Your pics and writeup suck, most likely. Get better ones. Chad is a meme and does not exist. Stop making excuses.
It's literally just "gym, football" and I have 400 matches
>I'm Chad and I know how women react to guys who aren't conventionally attractive: the post
It's cute that you think bios matter. Sure, pics matter, but there's only so much you can do if you aren't conventionally handsome.
I dunno if it's a waste of time - in that Catfish show the two losers nearly always end up hugging and sucking each other off or some shit.
>TV show
>Real life
I guess I am Chad then because I get girls off tinder easily. It helps not being a raging angry desperate autist.
>brainlet volcels in denial actually believe this
I guess you are
My brother goes to the gym every day and he gets girls but none have replied in tinder
>B-b-but he films everything with a little portable c-c-camera - it must be real
I like how just saying that unattractive men have a harder time dating makes me a "raging, angry, desperate autist" now.
It must be nice to live in a world where because everyone treats you nice means all others get the same privilege.
>catfishing seems like a huge waste of time
i use tinder to catfish girls i know and get them to send me nudes
who's wasting their time now fren?
Tinder only works if you're relying on looks, I'm afraid, if you want to get a girl otherwise you're going to have to charm her, but that's not that hard, the thing that makes you unattractive to women IS your low self-esteem, women like confident men and you have to be confident, even if it's pretend confidence, any girl would be lucky to have you and you genuinely have to believe that.
I have a fit body and change photos at least once a week on all dating sites I use. I was rejected about 500 times because my face is average/below average. I'm still a kissless virgin but now I've spent a year and a half on this useless shit. Fuck you.
For fuck sakes just clean herself up man. Wash your greasy as shit hair and get a decent haircut - DONT JUST SHAVE IT OFF, get rid of the faggot neckbeard - SHAVE THAT OFF! pluck your fukin nose hairs and eyebrows and ear hairs and any other dirtyass stray hairs. Got acne? Get it fixed- see a dr if it's really bad. Wash your shitty clothes and make sure you look like you actually care about how you look. Finally learn how to smile without looking like a total creep.
Nah you just came across as a desperate autist loser virgin
That's actually really fucking genius. How do you get them to send?
So much damn projection in this post that I can't even help but to laugh.
I have a full time job. I have to be clean and relatively well-taken care of. I don't have greasy hair. I don't have a neckbeard.
Are you really unable to admit that if your face is ugly or if you don't meet one of the other standards that makes a man conventionally attractive that you'll have a tough time dating?
Wow, a nude picture of a girl. It's not like I can go on any porn site or even Jow Forums and see bundles of them.
>B-But it's different when they send it directly to you!
They're not sending it to you. They're sending it to the Chad in your profile.
Thing is I'm a total ugmo and I've never had a problem but I guess it's different for you faggots
>match on tinder
>chat to them for a while
>add them on snapchat
>arrange a date with them for about a week's time or so (make up some excuse why it cant be sooner)
>say something about how hard it will be to wait that long to see them
>ask for nudes
it helps if you have some topless pics of your chad of choice to send in return
If you haven't had a tough time with women, I doubt that you are "a total ugmo." But this argument is pointless unless you actually post a picture of yourself, so we'll agree to disagree.
i know they're not sending it to me but its different when its someone you know
are you telling me if stacey from your high school had her nudes posted here you wouldnt be excited to see them just because you can see nudes any time?
get aids you lying piece of shit
Hey buddy I am a totes ugmo and I am swimming in so mush pussy I literally shit clit.
Going to the gym doesn't make you Chad.
Honestly, I really wouldn't react any differently unless that Stacy was sending them to me directly.
>rejected about 500 times
You are either lying or not telling us something.
I'm guessing he might have a little 'sloth' going on
Protip: don't use dating websites.
Go out and just b urself :^)
this just isnt true
everyone wants to see hot girls they know naked, its just a fact about straight men
No need to catfish to get nudes. Girls are sluts and will send them without asking.
message a girl you know right now and ask for nudes and screenshot what she says
You don't ask for nudes. You just are nice to her and eventually she will send some without asking.
>be not a chad
>talking to a girl
>being nice to her
>she randomly sends you nudes without any context
this has never happenned
Then that means I'm a chad.
i'm willing to bet any amount of money that that has never happened to you
More than once. You probably have never chatted with girls from Jow Forums. Not everyone will send nudes. But some will.
Also trips wasted on a retarded post.
go back to soc you faggot
it doesnt count if the girl is
znam to uczucie nie od dzis opie
zgnilem bo ci sie pewnie wydaje ze by sie nagle w tobie zakochala jakbys jej pokazal fotke
Ching chang chong and a nip nong to you my lady
Angry denial is all you bitter virgins have.
Unfortunately for many of us the sad truth is that Chads are born, not made,
Used tinder for an entire month, nobody talked with me nor accepted me, uninstalled in shame.
I only catfished on tinder to see if the chad meme was real. Even made a tyrone account to see how true the BLACKED meme was.
It seems that the chad phenomenon is true. The tyrone one got some matches too, but at a lot lower rate than chad.
Unfortunately for you that's just another tranny psyops lie that brainlets believe. Chads are made, not born. Nobody is born a Chad. People can become Chad and also stop being Chad.
Why didn't you try with your own pictures?
Because I'm not a chad or tyrone. I also don't want to be in a relationship right now and tinder would cause me to lose chances with potential mates if I were to match with and then ignore them because I want to avoid relationships.
Why are you actively avoiding girls? Are you afraid of sex?
I'm way too busy with other things in life, that I really want to avoid adding the pressure of getting and especially maintaining a good and healthy relationship. There also aren't a lot of women who are attracted to me, so I assume it might take awhile to find someone. It seems counter-productive to have to put in that much time in something I don't feel I need and doesn't have that much priority in my life.
U benbke de somethung something
Brawo, posuwasz sie do przodu w swojej skali spierdolenia
How do you keep up the bit on snapchat? Or do you just not send pics on there?
i do it on the messaging part of snapchat and send the occassional topless picture when i want to up things a bit