I need to make $600-800 ASAP. What are some of the fastest and easiest ways to make cash? Should I sell my clothes on eBay? Draw my blood? (Will they take someone who's underweight?)
Anything on the spot?
I need to make $600-800 ASAP. What are some of the fastest and easiest ways to make cash...
You're not going to make any money in a quick way without selling your holes.
Are you cute?
>I need to make $600-800 ASAP.
It depends of your gender. Are you a grill?
If yes, then it's actually pretty easy.
Yeah sell clothes probably. If you had more time you could donate eggs, that's how I made money for nothing.
Sell your hairs to wig manufacturers.
If you live in the US I heard you can sell your sperm and blood too.
Spend the day and night scavaging for cans and metals to resell them.
If you have a car do some undeclared taxi with bla bla cars or whatever carpooling platform is the norm in your country.
I'm not a whore and have self respect for myself. Please, any other ideas?
Sell your Bussy
thats an actual pussy though
and its a shit ass
>its a shit ass
i mean i know the black dude throws off your frame of reference but seriously?
Then you aren't desperate enough. Sell plasma. Sell used socks and panties. Use chaturbate. You could also deal drugs. High paying quick jobs with no level of entry are usually always illegal or dangerous.
Sell whatever your posting on. Also sell yourself for sex
Time for a mcjob
>I'm not a whore
Yes you are, all girls are whores. Just a matter of price.
tell us why you need the money
maybe I can be generous
email me mesuvious gmail
There's generally three ways to make money: skilled labor, unskilled labor and by selling your body.
If you're looking for such a small amount of money, I'm assuming you don't have any marketable skills. So that's out of the question.
Since you're a small girl, I'm assuming hard manual labor (the only type of unskilled labor where you can make decent money in a short amount of time) is out of the question.
You could apply to like retail or fast food, but you won't make $600+ quick.
So yeah, that pretty much leaves one option for you. Whether or not you take it is up to you.
well, user has spoken. Now its up to you to see if you get it fast
Protip: sleeping with someone for money is illegal. Sleeping with someone on camera to make a movie isn't.
depending on what you look like you could make a quick thousand.
It's illegal only in third world theocratic shitholes.
USA btfo
amerimutts on suicide hotline
Depends. Is the money for rent, paying the repo man, or crime? If not, you shouldn't be desperate to dump the cash.
However, the best way is to liquidate your shit. If you have no shit, you could pick pockets. It's deniable and easy to learn.
>I need to make $600-800 ASAP.
mcdonalds is always hiring
>borrow 800
>Place on red on roulette wheel
>Win 800
>Give initial 800 back
blow few guys in macd bathroom
Ill give you 10$ for a pic of your vagene
if you'll sign a contract to be my internet girlfriend for a week (emotional connection, nothing sexual) I will send you $700 today
you have to be genuinely interested in me or be really good at faking it
I'll give you $800 for being my sex toy the entire weekend. If you're not fat. And have bobs and vegana.
If you're a roastie get 80 beta orbiters to send you $10
I'm not OP but if they don't take you up on the offer, I could. I'll do it for half the price, and if things go from there then maybe things could be without pay.
Is actually meeting up and sex on the menu? I'll pay you well.
>girl offers me a platonic relationship for money
>other people flood her for a sexual relationship
you two will get the rope
>thinks catfish robie has bobs and bageen
Girls want sex, not platonic relationships.