When was the last time you had your dick sucked?
When was the last time you had your dick sucked?
2 days ago, originally
The human mouth is full of germs. I wouldn't put my dick near my wife's mouth when she was virgin, to put my dick near a whore's mouth is unthinkable.
Enjoy your STDs and infertility.
>eat dead plants and animals and various shit gorged with judeobolshevik chemistry without an issue
>can't eat pussy to save your fucking life even if after washing it's literally just tongue on skin contact
Last night. Fuck you, you bunch of perma-virgins
"'But these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destructions, suffering wrong as the wage for their wrongdoing. They count it pleasure to revel in the daytime. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions, while they feast with you. They have eyes full of adultery, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in greed. Accursed children!""
Last night by my thicc fiancee
If your answer isn't "never" then fuck off my board normies.
>implying I haven't browsed this site longer than you have
>wants to brag
>has to resort to anonymous posting
>on Jow Forums
Last Tuesday, this particular girl happened to be extremely anal about it, she had to wash my dick for like 20 minutes with soap until she deemed it clean enough to suck, seemed to be a kink of hers or something
12 years ago, when I was 16, and still skinny, I could bend over and do it, myself - it's the only dick I'll ever suck and I'll probably do it again, once I lose weight.
Can't make this shit up xD
Two weeks ago. I jack off too much so it doesn't feel like much but it's hot seeing her do it
Sucked myself off yesterday
Six years ago.
Stop posting beast also, nigger.
donkey kong 2020 gameplay (unreal engine)
God that sounds so fucking hot desu. But you still gotta leave normies
I don't even really enjoy blowjobs, they don't feel really good desu, and I've gotten blowjobs from various women so it's not like I only have a single reference point.
I'd honestly rather eat pussy than get my dick sucked. I know that makes me a beta faggot but who cares, I'll do what I enjoy without caring about other people's opinions
That's not how you eat a banana
im in the same situation as you
i think its because i beat the shit out of my dick for so long nothing feels good anymore lmao
I want to eat that banana
Can relate, I enjoy being face down in a girls most private place rather then her sucking my dick, it really feels like nothing
Last week, origano prezzemolato
about 7 minutes ago
3 years, and not even missing it
It's been close to 2(two) fucking months, OP.
What does the deepthroat feel like?
today, by my azn wiferino
Never, get the fuck off the board you normalfag
last night for my first time, and i got it sucked this morning again
feels good, but we tried to fug afterwards and got instantly flacid
I sucked my own dick last night, thank you.
years...about a month after highschool