ITT: WW3 has just started

what now?
(original thread)

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Check my dubs or else you'll regret it friend

Good thing Im too out of shape for the inevitable draft

>literally just signed up for selective services this year at the urging of my mom
pls let this just be a meme, whatever forces there are that govern the world

They'll send you to fat camp before basic training. Just fyi.

>tfw almost 29

I'm too old to be drafted right?

Well in any case I'm too clumsy and autistic to serve, doubt I'd even survive basic training.

>tfw 6ft 160lbs skinny fat loser
>tfw ideal size for the draft

p-please dont

>living in a place where you can get drafted

Same situation but 31. The worst case scenario is they draft fucks like us, put us through very basic training and then send us to the front as cannon fodder.

Grab my katana and kill as many as i can then rape as many women as i can.

In that case I'd rather die on my own terms as a draft dodger

Why did you make this many threads about this you fucking lunatics? Why can't you just keep it contained to one? Why don't the mods do anything about this?

>just started
you must be new
nothing will happen
they've cried wolf for many years now, it's just pathatic.
just like how it started in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

t- extremely paranoid conspiracitard that's been ready for decades

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Be pissed I haven't bought everything to move out into a deserted Alaskan island yet.

>in between Russia and the USA

Nevermind I guess. The Attu was occupied for a reason. They ain't safe.

Neither are just randomly any woods.

Still, I'd be pissed I didn't have it all, soy beans planted, solar power, batteries, saved file to play and watch videos all day by myself. If ww3 breaks out the items will be kill or too expensive.

>items listed
Except minus the food. Planting food is more complicated and there was no room.

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For the same reason mods let pol rape us up the ass over traps and blacked porn, etc.

They do not care. I was even banned for spamming though, due to making one reiko thread. Pol threads will not be banned.

>nothing will happen
why not?

Actually it started in the 50s with the cold war and shit but whatever.

But the bitching over commies is even older.

The geneva convention rules of war is pure tyranny. That's mostly what this is about.

You know there are about 15 threads complaining about women, right?

I made an anti-Jow Forumstard thread and they deleted it but didn't ban me. Fucking filth. They'll let idiots shit up Jow Forums all day but punish actual robots when they speak out against it.

Do you know where you are?

Slam that pol button. Like and subscribe to rthedonald.

because in order to start WW3 Putin would need to actively try and do it. but his Russia is the most beta piece of shit cucked country whose only strengths are manipulation and doing things indirectly. russia will never actively try and start WW3, NEVER.

>tfw you were laughing at preppers but they were right all along

Well I'm just gonna die then

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Threadly reminder that Russia won't be getting into World War 3 or launching nukes over a middle eastern shithole.

>disqualified for selective service despite being physically healthy due to multiple major surgeries
About the only good thing that happened when a nigger stabbed me a few times when he tried to rob me as a teen. Can't lift heavy due do increased hernia risk, but can do light weights and cardio.

If Russia was still communist and anti God yeah ww3 would have started by now but Putins Russia along with China are essentially capitalist cou tries now and they arent that retarded

>he doesn't understand why all these countries are in Syria in the first place

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I would be ineligible on medical/ mental health grounds but I would lie if possible. I want to serve my country. The chaos of a draft would be just the opportunity.