Help. Girl is giving me signals. I don't know what she means by this but here it is

Help. Girl is giving me signals. I don't know what she means by this but here it is.
Match with grill on tinder, turns out we're from the same neighborhood. Turns out we have a lot in common. I kind of asked her out and she said she is really busy and will see if she can find a day. Says she likes my sense of humor a lot, several times actually. Recently also sent one of those heart emojis. But also she won't message me first at all. What do?
You guys are my only friends please help me this might be my only chance to get a GF. She recently started messaging first too.

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>Turns out we have a lot in common

just be yourself

Go for it, I'm rooting for you OP!

"halp! i need advice from a bunch of autistic virgin losers on the internet about what to do on a date with a woman"

that's literally op right now

Can't blame him for posting. He's a fellow robot ascending to chad status.

Wait 4 days and see if she replies first.
Invite her out but not like a submissive, meek little faggot (that you are), instead go with something like "Hey, I have a couple of hours to spare, let's go grab a coffee" or "Hey beautiful, I want to take you out, are you free at xx:xx?"
Typically avoid questions, go with statements. Avoid making her make the decision, you make it for her.
Avoid typing out whole paragraphs of text, mirror her in that regard.
Keep it playful and keep teasing her and telling stories (lie, lie, lie).
Dont go into serious emotional and personal stuff. Avoid those topics and deflect when she initiates. You first secure attraction and then you open up.
If you can manage to get a date make another thread and I can give you pointers for the actual date itself.

I've been in your exact same situation. Had this friend who was close to me irl but we never talked irl, our only contact was online. She liked my sense of humor. On New Years Eve I got drunk and called her for the first time, we talked for two hours, I asked her if she wanted to meet up. Then she got 'busy'. About 7 weeks down the line she finally admitted she's not interested in a long-term relationship. So I suggest just fucking killing yourself OP you'll die alone either way.

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>I kind of asked her out and she said she is really busy and will see if she can find a day.
this is a soft no btw
she might be trying to make you into a friend, just wait, it's very unlikely that she wants a romantic relationship with you or wants to hook up, desu it just sounds like she was trying to reject you without hurting your feelings.

make money and fuck whores is easier, most honest and way less disappointing than a real grill

Ask her out, don't act like a virgin, but don't act like a Chad either. Just be a generic normal dude, make occasional jokes (don't overdo it), avoid talking politics or deep stuff, and don't approach any emotional topics, if you're meeting her the first time. This will work out 95 times out of 100

The only way to be funny op is to be confident whity often and frequently to build a style of humor. If it's not a thing you're used to doing by now don't try it on a first date... Be yourself.

>Just wait
For what exactly?

Just get her meet up and see if you're actually compatible irl.
Don't worry about her being busy, I wouldn't listen to
she might actually be busy like the grill I am currently dating, who woulda thunk?

Tinder is a puppy love generator with the occasional one night stand
They'll get their attention and move on
Done this cycle with probably 50 girls, don't expect a home run on the first swing champ
And yeah saying she'll find a day is a no, that day won't come. She'll just talk to you less and less til there's nothing

You can do it OP
Just be calm and don't say something too edgy the first few times you meet

The problem is meeting her.

Ask her when she's free. Then give her a time and location where to meet for a date. Roasties respect men who take control. If she makes excuses she's not interested.

I'll try this but after I get a haircut because I look like shit right now.

Anymore tips?

If she doesn't message first and she said she's "busy" that either means she's shy and nervous to meet you and overthinking it, or that she's truly busy and unwilling/not interested enough to make time for you. I think the fact that she's still messaging back on an app where she could easily unmatch you and never hear from you again is a good sign.

this is sound advice except for the roasties/men take control bullshit. An easy way to gently push her would be to find an event or place you think she'd like (works especially if it's time-sensitive, like a movie that's only playing a certain night) and tell her you'll be there if she wants to meet up.

so fucking stoked for SuperTroopers 2.

Nah this guy is so wrong lmao
>and tell her you'll be there if she wants to meet up.
No that reeks of desperation. It says that "I will go out of my way to meet you".
You have to act detached, aloof. Give her the vibe that if she wants to meet up, cool, or I have other shit to do.

She gave me her Instagram right after we matched. We don't talk on tinder.

Do you have reason to belive she's actually busy or does it seem like a way of making you go away?

What I suggested IS detached, stupid. It comes off as "I'm already doing this thing, you can come along if you want but no pressure"

Yes, she's quite busy.

>Bee yourself dx
Shit bait

girls never message first
If she likes talking to you then just keep at it bro

>i'm really busy and will see if i can find a day
next time suggest a day yourself. if she is interested she will say yes or ask for a different time. if she gives you the idk i'm so busy crap shes not interested.

>won't message first
not a huge deal in an early relationship. don't text her too much maybe just to learn basics and setup dates.

>she recently started messaging first too
thats a good sign but the first thing is big red flag. make sure she is not just using you as a text buddy though cause girls will do that.

I'm sorry OP, she doesn't want to see you in real life. Move on.