Shit brainlets say

>"entertainment name" is just a distraction! The government tries to make you ignorant of what's really important! Like politics, science, poverty, gender pay gap, animal abuse, Syria and global warming!

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Omuhc yvytfeqvrese


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>I'm too smart to get a gf or a job

Anything posted on Jow Forums.

>all people are equal

Those people are still smarter than the conspiritards on Jow Forums because the issues they bring up are at least real even though they bring them up in a silly way.

I've got news for you.

That applies to your post too dumbass.

Very ironic thread OP.

>girls only want Chad 20/80 rule I can't get girls because I'm too nice

It is just a distraction. Whether the government does it on purpose or not is up for debate.

>Chad 20/80 rule
That's actually true, denying biological facts is extremely brainlet.

That for each man, only 20% of women find him attractive and 80% don't?

No, 80% of women only want Chad.
The 20% is too ugly and self-aware to lust only after Chad.

How is that possible when Chad is a meme and doesn't exist?

>being this new
Hypergamy with females mean that 80 percent of men don't get laid, only the top twenty of men get laid, as the females, 80 percent of females go with the top twenty men. What average male ould go with the twenty lowest female though?

Please ban yourself. Chad is an expression of eight out of ten you blithering idiot. Smug fools should go back to wherever they came from, before we unfortunately cure you of that blissful ignorance.

it's the Pareto principle, virgins just suck at explaining it

>Chad doesn't exist
Were you born yesterday?

>knows what the pareto principle is
>not a virgin
Are you sure?

And literally that's what we said.

>80 percent of men don't get laid
This is the most retarded thing I have ever read.

You missed the point entirely, the point is that these people just have a silly moral compass because they don't understand how important stuff like televised sports are.
If you went on and made all tv series and movies illegal and wiped them from the internet like CP all whilst science started advancing twice as fast, poverty was a thing of a past, the top feminist problems were fixed, animals weren't abused, wars worldwide were stopped and the planet was saved then people would realize how fucked they were in the head.
Many people don't give a shit about fiction, but for half of the population a sudden realization would occur that a single form of entertainment was more important to them than all these virtue signalling topics
You know, war isn't some kind of divine thing, it's just a process that has a side effect of making people unhappy. So if say you went on and banned all video games it would cause a similar effect to a war really.

the implication is that 80% of men must be incels. the actual reasonable conclusion is that the top 20% are producing 80% of the genetically viable offspring.

Yeah, 80% of men are raging autistic virgins. Oh wait...

There's a difference between enforcing a ban and just openly discussing/challenging the supposed benefits of the entertainment industry. There's a reason why 4 out of 5 doctors don't recommend Camel cogarettes anymore. Society progresses through dialogue, not bans.

I think OP might be shitting on my "music makes you retarded" thread. I dont think "the governemnt" distracts you, but I do think music as a marketing device and cultural manipulator is used all the time by private companies, governemnts (anthems), and your buddies and peers every second of the day. The consequences of which are often completely ignored and unchallenged.

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Are you one of the 17% that suffer from dyslexia?

>all women are just sex lusting whores who desire the exact same thing

fuck off incel noone wants you here

just let me listen to black guys talk quickly in rhymes about drugs ffs leave me alone

>I don't believe in god because nobody proved his existence to me and also there are contradictions in the bible!

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>Every white country is run by a tiny ethnic group known as the jews
>Everything we hear and read is filtered by jews
>The greatest thinkers throughout history were jews
>But the master race are whites

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>Not believing in something that can't be proved

Total brainlet