>girl calls you shy
Girl calls you shy
>never been around a girl to call me shy
Literally a synonym for beta
The heck did ya expect?
Being called "Chad"?
so what do. just accept and embrace I'm a beta?
Same. But my male friends call me shy and nice. They also tell to talk to girls in the club, but I just can't.
Shy is an underestimation of the average social skill of an r9ker
>my friends
Fuck off, failed normalfag.
I think it's more painful than being legitimately autistic/ unaware socially.
you're completely hyper aware of every social dynamic but unable to act and acclimatise yourself to it.
>regularly speak to groups of 50+ people at work
>used to be in a debate society, have no problem asserting myself and my opinions
>girl describes me as "shy" because I don't constantly blabber inane bullshit out of my mouth every waking second of the day
this shit right here is my entire life
>oneitis calls you nice
I knew my life was over right there
>girl gives me any attention at all
>start imagining life together
Do girls do this? Do girls see a qt guy and imagine their lives together the way men do?
No. Women are more animal than human.
Pic undoubtably related in every each way possible
>girl calls you creepy
>oneitis only looks at you with a resting bitch face
Only once has she smiled while she looked at me she only said hi but she put on the biggest smile ever. It was so heartwarming it made me super happy, further reminding me of what i can't have. I went home, looked in the mirror and then i fell back into my misery. God, why am I like this, normal people wouldn't overreact this much to his/her oneitis smiling at them.
this happened to me once but then when I spoke to another girl who found me attractive everything I was doing that the previous one found "creepy" didn't exist
>your mother loses her mind and disowns you in her mad feverish convulsions
>your aunt died to a local serial killer
>your sister devours your semen in her pagan rituals
How did I made here
>your sister devours your semen in her pagan rituals
please elaborate user
no only men are the true romantics. Male love is selfless and sacrificial. Female love is very conditional and they will leave you during hard times.
She takes part in some sort of obscure cult thing, which gives its members assignments to celebrate beginning of each season. At spring, for some reason, you must drink a load of your oldest male family member which happens to be me. So I take a part too, in fear of upsetting her
Does she at least blow you off or something? Do you get anything out of it or do you just jerk off into a cup or some shit? I WANT MORE INFO
moar plze
I did it in some jar and left it to her in a kitchen. I didn't really spoke to her properly since and have no idea if she really did consume it. I don't know how to begin the conversation about it. If I touch incorrectly some underlying theme to all of her behavior she would probably snap bad
This is some good shit right here. God bless humanity's weirdness, it's all that keeps me going. Hope ur relationship with her wont go bad.
>girl keeps saying hi to me every time
I fucked up royally
>avoid group discussion or any form of talking in general
>but if there is no way out of it, speak fluent with confidence and have a strong presence.
Still hate it
fuck off this board you normal faG
>40 year aunt got married recently
>Had a speech at the altar about how 'shy guys are the best for marriage'
I hated weddings already, but that moment I was especially pissed.
>girl smiles at me
>imagine what our kids will look like