Hey white boi, wanna commit racial genocide?

>hey white boi, wanna commit racial genocide?

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No, why do you?

no fuck off i may be a lonely khv but i'm not a race traitor

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Are you asking me to kill people?

No, that would contravene international law.
Let's shag instead!

>implying anyone, even niggresses want to have nigger babies

Actually my boipucci already belongs to Tyrone sorry

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Lmao imagine being this much of a cuck

i can't get cucked if i have no gf

Sacrificing yourself for muh imaginary white race

>he thinks race is imaginary
and you call me a cuck

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I'm sure cherry picked photos are a good enough reason for you to deny yourself happiness.

based user,
when nuclear holocaust start find yourself a white survivor gf to scavenge with, my dude

Why are these threads always addressed to white robots? Why not try to indoctrinate the Asian/Hispanic/Arab robots with jungle fever?

Black girls are my one and only weakness, they awaken something inside of me, how do I resist?

>cherry picked
are you sure about that

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Whats sad is minorities are the reason for everything going to shit.

yep, pretty sure famfamfam

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I mean if the metro photo was not good enough reason to cuck yourself, this photo definitely is.

Why do people constantly pick on Mongolia? Attila the Hun was a long time ago.

i will keep her from getting raped by mutated niggers

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you just keep on doing you mate

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Oh thank fuck, I thought these threads had died forever.
Desire to enslave that black gril by the door on the right intensifies.

Where's that fembot nigress who posts in these threads? I miss dat femnig ass.

No mooom I can't find a girlfriend right now, I need to look up photos to support my pseudo scientific beliefs.

That's a pretty cool pic on the right, breakdancers in a subway?

Cunt, race realism is obviously true, your line of attack isn't gonna work on him.

Instead of trying to beat him at his own game, just strike hard and fast at his loneliness with pic related.
It worked on me. In my heart I know the 14 words to be true, but that didn't stop me shacking up with a tiny brown filipina.
Accept that only swirlposting can destroy the white race.

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Imagine waking up next to this white man.
Are you so loyal the the socialists and multiculturalists who are selling out your nation just because they're white?
You cannot save your people, but you can accelerate their destruction and in doing so ensure that your enemies burn when this civilisation comes crashing to the ground.

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>Imagine waking up next to this
no thanks i'd rather kill my self

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You cannot even begin to comprehend the magnitude of your error.

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how is not wanting to have sex with a nigger an error?

>race "realism" is true why wouldn't it be it's called "realism"
>In my heart I know the 14 words to be true, but that didn't stop me shacking up with a tiny brown filipina
I feel sorry for whomstever has to live with you

a pathetic white boy like me couldn't even hope to resist

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I actually can comprehend the magnitude. It's better than a inseminating a black, that's for sure.

>lipstick mark on booty
Imagine the implications.

Lesbionic neigroid superlust

>more loyal
>more fun
>better in bed
>better bodies
>thick, plump lips
>more family-oriented
>less entitled

it's a yes from me dawg

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>>more loyal
>>more fun
>>better in bed
>>thick, plump lips
>>more family-oriented
>>less entitled
That's a lot o *citation needed* user.

of course i do, you're first nigger.

congratulations if you believe your retarded photo then you've reached autismo levels that have surpassed many

>alt-right literally cannot even understand speciation
Actual real-deal brainlets.


Kill your self you already are a traitor you fucking faggot


You guys clearly don't understand how species are classified
Generally sub species used to be classified by the 75% rule, if you can tell 2 animals apart 75% of the time just by looking at them, they are different sub species. Which works for races.
Genetically we can also see differences, which is why ancestry tests work.
Race is as much a social construct as species and it works for classifying people