Tfw no bf to chain me in his basement

>tfw no bf to chain me in his basement
>tfw no bf to mercilessly fuck me until I pass out
>tfw no bf to remove my gaging reflex and deepthroat me
>tfw no bf to choke me
>tfw no bf to whisper "I love you" in my ear after he does all that and gently stroke my hair

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bf means Chad. It is not rape if it is a Chad. You will let Chad fuck you in the ass on the first date. But you wont even kiss your future husband on the second.

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That's actually a dream of mine
Only I'd kidnap the person
But I guess I can skip that part
I would condition you with light electro shocks when you're bad and give you dope when your good like a good pet
Unless you're gay then gtfo

it would look something something like this?

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>I would condition you with light electro shocks when you're bad and give you dope when your good like a good pet
Jesus christ, what's that?

I think this is some form of Stockholm syndrome tbf. It is pretty common with abused women; they fall in love with their captors.

Also, the guy was probably really confident and good looking.

I was talking to some fag on discord about a similar fantasy but he stopped responding

In khazastan people rape women and marry them
Sounds pretty based if you ask me

That's because you're a tranny, and only homogays like trannies. Real men won't touch you with a 60 foot pole.

Doing that is a great fantasy of mine, but I'll add a few more stuff to that tho.

>I'll add a few more stuff to that tho.
Like what?

A whip and some shocks to wake up could be good, and if I really want to get kinky I guess I would get her pregnant and then make her abort just to be able to milk her

you don't need to do that
just give her the mommy pills

>I guess I would get her pregnant and then make her abort just to be able to milk her
You can induce lactation without that. Abortions are potentially risky. Being kinky is one thing, but risking your partner's health is another.

I guess that can also be done, but I also have a slight fetish for pregnant chicks, not to mention it is way cruel

True, I guess the pregancy part can be let down

>kidnap girl
>tie up in basement
>use her and cum in her constantly
>get her pregnant
>continue to use her
>after she gives birth have her raise the child as well
>until eventually she is happily your wife raising your children

I know there is a big titty milf reading this and I just wanted to tell you I love you and you can't make me not love you mommy forever and ever.

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They do this in Kyrgyzstan as well; it is a central Asian thing.
Call me a cuck, but I think it is cruel. I do not like hurting people.

Feminism is wrong; men and women are inherently different and the sexual liberation of the 60s has damaged the West. However I still believe in being kind to people including women.

>Make child another cumslut

I mean they marry afterwards.
It'll be a more lasting marriage too cause she'd obsessed over regaining the control that was taken away from her.
It all works out in a bizarre psychological way maybe.

>Sounds pretty based if you ask me
This is why I fucking hate men. God, I wish I were a lesbian.

And I wish I was gay
My life would dramatically improve

What would you do with the sons though? Fuck them all the same? Have them join you in fucking their mother and sister?

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Be my gf, you can dominate me any time (male).

first you love rape and now you hate it
make up your hormone ridden mind

tfw I want all of this along with being slapped shoved around etc constantly being reminded I am beneath men and nothing more than a slave but want to be held and loved at the same also would want to be forcibly impregnated multiple times

>begging on the internet for a guy pretending to be a girl to dominate you so you can have a 'gf'

our race is fucked

I really like femdom and it's rare to experience.

This will not stop until the family is a cult of inbred degenerates that workship the OG (aka me) and fuck their sisters and mother ovee and over again. Kek, idk, that's pushing the fantasy really far.

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>create race of barely functional monster people because you took a sexual fantasy too far

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meh guess ill bite
have a thing for bdsm myself, but not to the degree that i find it arousing to leave longer lasting marks, restraining is the much bigger deal for me desu

do you know how many times this has worked on here?

what the fuck? talk about cultural differences...

Of course that was a joke

Nice and nice trips

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I knew it was a joke, I just didn't see the question mark on the image until I had posted it.

I'm sincerely planning on doing OP-related. I have nothing worth living for anymore. But this is my dream. This is what I really want to do.
But honestly, if you're a nice person, don't go to work if you're in LA tomorrow.

Now you can happily go to sleep without worrying about an army of autistic cripples taking over the woman of your country.

what about the child you faggot?

Gee Jannu this is a really gross thread.

>LARPing as a woman
>current year

We're so doomed.

posting in
pick one

>All those r*dditors who believe it's an actual female posting

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Maybe I'm too vanilla, but this is too much. Choking, being tied up so you can't move, rough hurtful sex, I don't get it at all. I've had sex slave fantasies, but they are never to that degree.

>I've had sex slave fantasies, but they are never to that degree.
This is not even extreme.

Well it seem extreme to me. Like I said I'm pretty vanilla.

its the pot of greed!

Why is the overwhelming majority of fags into this masochistic shit?

They all want to get beat up and raped by guys its fucking gross.

ummm tasty

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How do you know who op is?

OP makes this stupid thread at least once, sometimes twice per week.