How do you deal with all these thirsty virgins, fembots?

How do you deal with all these thirsty virgins, fembots?

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I let them drink

This picture applies to all types of men and people in general though, at least for me. I'm sure any other """fembots""" would agree.

Original string.

i only ever encounter them on r9k and just ignore them here.

Its weird is it not?

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it's to be expected imo as it's a lot easier to approach a female with anonymity.

>just ignore them
fuck you too bitch

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spread your legs, I'm thirsty

i just ignore their advances and talk about something else. its awkward when people try to flirt hamfistedly out of nowhere

>people make comics about men approaching women and being seen as creepy and bothersome
>men read these comics and assume women do not want to be approached ever
>men stop approaching women
>women are surprised when it is harder to find a man

>women actually think like that
It would be funny if it wouldn't be true.

there isn't another decent option. no point in leading some poor dude on.

>men that look like THAT guy
>not chads
>men like THAT guy approach even less
>chad have even more thirsty roasties
>chad happy, roastie happy, beta not
>business as usual

But women DO want to be approached ALL the time.
They just don't want to be approached by (You)

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Its not thirsty virgins I have a problem with. Its extremely persistent Chad types that just want another notch and all the gross tactics they use. I don't want to be with anyone, but I feel flattered when shy quiet types hit on me because I feel like its less likely to be about sex and more about me as a person.

How come the girls on this board magically think they're better than the guys on this board, even though they're probably fat shut ins just like the guys?

Wake up. You're not getting Chad. You're lucky to find a husband before you die of diabetes alone in your 50's with your cats.

how the fuck are we supposed to meet women then

Then throw one a bone? The fuck?

You don't.

you are a cutie
you're a work of art
I know it sounds fruity
but pls take my heart

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most of us acknowledge that. the issue is that there's a lot of uncomfortable guys here that perfectly demonstrate the creepy neckbeard stereotype.

If you have to ask, you aren't Chad so you're not supposed to, user.

oh ok, guess i'll die alone then

Give me a chance ;-;

That's why you're supposed to chat a bit before meeting.

Fucking this. Someone originally answer this.

>I'll give him a fake number
I remember a girl doing that to me, it was a phone number that led to a recording of john cena's theme.

>then throw one a bone
Okay but they are not Chad so????

What stereotype is that?

This comic is so cute yet so depressing at the same time.

Nothing cute about it, it's absolutely abhorrent. The girl should kill herself.

Talking to a woman without explicit permission is sexual harassment.

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give them my number, don't judge a book by its cover. if we talk and i'm not interested romantically we can still chat and shit.

looks like you're already aware.

Cute because she looks cute, you'd think that nerdy girl you like wouldn't be like that.
We all know the truth though

the only way I can get the courage to flirt or hit on a girl without being on a benzo is to imagine her pulling out a gun and killing me.
I'm not entirely sure what that says about me.

It hurts knowing I'll never be good enough to able to make a girl happy.

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you could become a drug dealer.

This is 2018 and it is beautiful.

I think maybe sometimes girls just want to touch without it going further,
at least that's as far as I can tell is going on from reading an article about how some gay bars have problems with straight women hanging out there and groping guys.

they don't approach me, otherwise I wouldn't be on here

>they don't approach me
unless you look indistinguishable from a guy I don't believe that.

I'll approach you!

But she doesn't want to be approached by (You), she wants Chad to approach her.

But I am cute boy! I'm just afraid of going outside LOL

Are you Chad?
Then you don't.

I don't blame them you fuckers are pathetic and thirsty. of all the boards I expected Jow Forums not to be pussy beggars and call women on their attention whoring ways.

nowadays women only get approach by old farts who lack self awareness and have no idea the power women have over them. she can literally destroy his life on social media with a #metoo. no evidence or police report needed.

I don't really encounter them often because i live in a remote area but when i used to encounter these types, I treated them like regular people. Most virgins I've met were too scared to outright flirt anyway so i would hardly call them thirsty. They tend to act overly friendly but try to conceal their motivations.

That's why I really don't feel it when someone suggests I should use tinder or talk to normalfag girls.

Most women will not care if you approach them. They only care when you are dangerously below their league or act like a pig. If you are relatively fit, dress appropriately, have a decent haircut, etc then you are alright to approach most girls. They might still reject you but they probably won't be offended like if some 400 pound obese man who smells approaches them.

you're going to get #metoo'd

>They only care when you are dangerously below their league
So literally anyone who isn't a chad.

I don't get approached either. I don't think I'm terrible looking, but I've never been hit on.

Notice how the male's eyes are not visible through the glasses. I'm certain that's to dehumanize him.

Jow Forumsing someone editing in Chad

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>guy approaches a women
>everyone immediately assumes he wants to fuck her
Why do people do this

100% this. I can't even fap to hentai sometimes because more often than not male characters aren't allowed to have eyes, even if they aren't doing anything wrong.

I've never been approached in real life
The only time i've been noticed was when somebody was dared to ask the ugly girl out

Because women are incapable of seeing unattractive men as people.

you must be new here then or just stupid

If real fembots actually existed, they would never be able to say anything like that.

you'd have to redrawing it since the guy is subhuman

it's simple, i dont post that i'm female. saying you're female is just baiting them in... i'm not sure what your purpose as a "fembot" is other than to tear robots down while simultaneously giving females an even worse reputation.

it's like signing up to feed the homeless then complaining that they're all so hungry, check where you are, you retard.

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hey babe, be my girlfriend

That is correct, but also implies that people pretending to be fembots are almost never actually fembots, just roasties. Now be my girlfriend.

>20 degrees outside of some bar
>i see a girl in a very skimpy dress smoking a cigarette
>her hands are visibly shaking
>walk up to her
>"hey you must be pretty cold"
>"no thanks not interested"

What the fuck

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Chad or not, I'm not comfortable with a stranger walking up to me and asking me out or complimenting. I don't even like customers making small talk with me when I'm working at Publix. If they are commenting on my Mirror's Edge messenger bag or something anime/videogame related I'm wearing then okay.

Women don't want to be approached though. They want to hook up with Chad on tinder and preferably never interact with the bottom 90% of men.

So how would someone go about starting a long-term relationship with you?

>Hey, we're in the same lecture and...

How do we know he doesn't want help with homework or wants to get notes he missed?

He is a beta and has no right to speak to her.

Nope. You fags are so obsessed with this mythical Chad figure. There are plenty of average dudes getting girls.

I never understood this. Yes I do want to fuck them but i'd also like to get to know them better. Am I supposed to just pretend i'm not attracted at all? Guys see attractive women its only natural they want to fuck, but we're not incapable of putting that aside.

They don't keep them for long, or the girl starts getting fat.

Don't respond when they ask for discord.

You are supposed to be above 8/10 to communicate with a girl in any way for any reason.

>Am I supposed to just pretend i'm not attracted at all?
Pretty much yes, Being attracted to women who aren't attracted to you is basically sexual harassment.

It's like creepy men don't even exist now that I have a boyfriend. He's a beta pussy, and the only people who have tried to flirt with me are my friends boyfriends who know he's a huge pussy who pisses himself in their presence. Randoms just see I'm with a guy and back off.

When fat bitches won't leave you the fuck alone dammit I just wanna relax

But it appears that they act either as beta providers, or get cheated on/relationship otherwise breaks down in months. Chad himself pumps and dumps so he doesn't have that problem, but women overall do not seem to be interested in trying a relationship with someone who's not a chad despite the fact such relationships are doomed to failure.

sub 5 males should not be talking to women for any reason

I don't mind meeting and hanging out with new people, so I'll give them a chance. A chance to be my friend that is, I know they want more but I don't feel anything romantic towards them. Some of them accept it and turn out to be quite decent people, others have a meltdown and accuse me of leading them on when at no point did I give them any romantic hints. Being nice =/= wanting to fuck you, I can totally respect having the balls to make a move, but don't act like I owe you sex because I was nice to you.

just cheat and get it over with

>sub 8 males should not be talking to women for any reason

That's not the point of the comic though. The point of the comic is that the author says that she overthinks things. The guy is probably just asking her for notes.

translation: don't talk to me unless you're chad, because then i'll just want to use you for favours

This is correct behavior, so long as you haven't done shit like accept a dinner date at a fancy restaurant and pretended you weren't leading them on.

The point of the comic is:
>Women assume they will be hit on by any guy
>Women are insulted when approached by guys they find unattractive

How dense can you be that you got overthinking out of it

Whats wrong about wanting the best for yourself?

Lol what else were you trying to do with your statement retard it's obvious

reminder that only about 40% of men ever reproduced historically and much of that was through rape. If you are under 8/10 you legitimately should not be reproducing or even interacting with women, since we are theoretically too civilized for rape nowadays (unless of course you are a black or arab)

Assuming that you'll get hit on is over thinking.

Not at all, I have more respect for my friends than simply use them for my benefit.

Having dinner at someone's expense is a big no no even if they insist they just want to 'go as friends', the connotations are nevertheless there and I don't want to feel like I owe them anything.

Literally fucking nothing, just making an observation on something clearly abnormal and out of the ordinary

Oh fuck off cunt. 5 is literally average - it means you're not attractive, but also not unattractive. 6 means you're somewhat attractive.
7 means you're attractive.
8 is definitely attractive
9 means you're a walking magazine chad/stacy
and 10, as often said, is subjective 9.

white trash please, shouldn't you be in thailand having sex with shamale prostitutes?

Women rate 80% of men as below average in attractiveness. If you are sub 8/10 you are UGLY. Stop wasting women's time.

Here is the scale used by actual women:
1-7/10 - ugly
8/10 - meh
9/10 - attractive
10/10 - please fuck me asap

You sound like a good and honest person then. Your kind is too rare. Stay safe!

Nah you were obvious senpai.

> wants to leave
> doesnt leave

another example confirming that female saying 'no' means her body is ready