Fembots. What do you want in a boyfriend?
And would you have sex with your dad if he wasn't your dad?
Fembots. What do you want in a boyfriend?
And would you have sex with your dad if he wasn't your dad?
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They want:
2.good looks
3.a big dick
in that order
Why do they always pretend that size doesn't matter?
i understand, we need to appease the jews
Because then there'd be a backlash against the source of roast power
sexual liberalism
reliability, honesty, support, love
also a virgin
likes excessive clinginess
no, I wouldnt.
gentle, soft spoken, almost feminine
well read, interested in art and lit and history
good music taste
cynical and angry but nice to me
deathly, unattractively skinny
soft skin
dark hair and clothes
preferably some kind of non-white (just because im not white)
preferably under 6 ft
preferably not into sex
no, re: dad
has some status
working on wealth
not submissive
wants kids
Does this mean "tall"?
yes My dad is hot desu
Which of these are demands and which are preferences with wiggle room?
no it just means please shower often enough and brush teeth everyday
>at least medicore intelligence
>being a bit feminine (like being on the shorter side) and masculinie (maybe body hair?)
>being needy
>great taste in chinese cartoons and /lit/
I wouldn't have sex with my dad. I love him a lot, but even if he wasn't my father, he is still much older than me.
A handsome guy who treats me well. ie my bf
No I don't like old men, I like guys younger than me.
do women who like traps/femboys exist? always wondered this desu
also a virgin
likes excessive clinginess
that's me
Fembots are not, they do not exist. Anyone who claims to be a fembot is lying
How come these pictures never show girls who actually look remotely innocent or pure? One look at her face and you can tell she's sucked a huge amount of cocks.
Also you're right about fembots not existing.
I'm all of those things except I'm quite hyper around the person I like. :c
If they do they would almost certainly cheat on them like the little bitches they are.
>tfw too chad for fembots
>tfw too virgin for all other girls
Can I get a Jow Forums gf please ty
Clingyness is difficult to deal with.
What makes him hot?
Why are cosplayers so fucking trashy lol. Fembots if you cosplay then I don't want to so much as touch you.
It's really weird to me how you girls could go out tomorrow and have a baby put in your womb.
You have the power to create life and you do nothing with it. You let your wombs rot. You take pills to stop them working.
This fembot right here had sex with multiple men in the same discord promising them all she is there gf
>Clingyness is difficult to deal with
No its not
pls don't go away gf
>gentle, soft spoken, almost feminine
>cynical and angry but nice to me
>not into sex
One of these don't belong together
Did she actually meet up with them and fuck?
>Fembots. What do you want in a boyfriend
Necessary things:
>Shared interests
>Decent Hygiene
>Not fat
>Willing to work
>Wants kids
>Big dick
>Not too stupid
>And would you have sex with your dad if he wasn't your dad?
No, He'd be too old.
She's a confused lesbian most likely
The roasties don't give her the cock she craves, so she must have a skinny fuck toi to boss around to be her walking dildo
>Necessary things
>Big dick
Is this just because you've gotten used to how good it feels?
why do masculine men always project their weird cuckolding fantasies onto us?
Is 7 in enough?
The problem is these days 8 inches isn't even considered big anymore. Big is like 10 to 12 inches. Fembots think 8 is average.
In a sense, that's sorta one reason. Still a virgin, but I've used objects, and small ones just don't cut it. At all. But also, I just can't find small or average dicks attractive or appealing.
>Is 7 in enough?
Yes, but not ideal.
I love your honesty and I genuinely, unironically and truthfully have a huge cock. It's nice to meet a girl who actually appreciates it.
How do you know if you haven't tried it
Maybe mega cocks would hurt you
Who doesn't want someone that fits their idea of a good-looking person?
i'm biromantic asexual, i don't want to have sex with anyone. i'm confused by your responses
I'm Skelly
I'm quiet
I'm polite
I'm hygienic
I'm 5/10 - 7 on a good day.
No grils every talk to me.
You just need some vitamins D
the D cures all ails
you're also a beta loser
>boo hoo no gril talk to meh
fucking kek
But are you qt
A good dick would be better than a big dick
i feel you my dude it's like we are pussy repellent
I'm packing 9 inches that you could try to tame.
You said you wanted a beta skelly
make up your mind you confusing person
I'm attractive and girls never talk to me.
That's just how it works, unless a girl is head over heels for you (or she's just a weirdo) she won't approach you. Girls are lazy entitled cunts, and want you to do everything. That's just how life goes.
If you're attractive you can use chadter
or maybe we've been raised to believe being too forward comes off as clingy and easy/slutty, as you have been raised to think you have to act excessively masculine and alpha for a girl to talk to you. just a thought
Sounds like you have mental illness or your trying to justify why your attention whore with relationships come crashing down.
You know tinder
I just call it charder cause its meant for chads
user are you okay
I said I'm attractive, not that I'm confident or outgoing. I get a good amount of non-uggo matches on there but I have trouble messaging them so I just deleted it. I'm no chad, I'm in the same boat as you are.
A boyfriend who accepts me upfront for being a toxic, manipulative cunt who thrives on pain and agony. Someone who will treat my pussy like it's trash and beat it until I'm crying, because it's the only way I can get off anymore. I don't want your love or for you to fix me, I want to be treated like shit and fucked in my ass. Every guy fails to stick around for my psycho shit and so I've been alone for years now. I'm going to be 30 in two years. Despite all this degenerate shit I'm genuinely only looking for it to come from one dedicated guy because one night stands do nothing for me.
Just to reiterate what a parasite I am, my last boyfriend had to get a restraining order against me because I wouldn't stop stalking him after we broke up. It was the most horrid, toxic relationship of us basically insulting each other until we got mad enough to hatefuck. I sucked him dry and he ran off and I refused to let him go. I still do, but I want someone to replace it and drain like a vampire until they leave me alone like I deserve in the end. I am truly a pathetic piece of shit.
>user are you okay
>The problem is these days 8 inches isn't even considered big anymore. Big is like 10 to 12 inches. Fembots think 8 is average.
I do know that 8 inches is big, it's just that bigger than that is better (IMO).
>I love your honesty and I genuinely, unironically and truthfully have a huge cock. It's nice to meet a girl who actually appreciates it.
I'm glad you do user How do you know if you haven't tried it
>Maybe mega cocks would hurt you
As I said, I've used Objects. And no, the equivalent of a mega cock does not hurt me. Feels great tho.
sounds like you know absolutely nothing about me that would accurately lead you to this (grammatically confusing) assumption
not wanting to have sex is not mental illness, and my few relationships have gone just fine
thats really cute. I mean quiet in general, but if youre hyper around the person you like I imagine that being fun
I know. I try and tone it down but I cant help wanting to be attached to my partner
I wasnt the one to say that to you
Then your number one prio for bf should be
1. asexual
>A boyfriend who accepts me upfront for being a toxic, manipulative cunt who thrives on pain and agony
> I want someone to replace it and drain like a vampire
I'd be into this, pretty ambivalent about the rest.
I'm 31 and can only get off to causing women pain, beating them and making them cry. Want to date?
I have a question, did you insult him just so he would insult you? If you had a guy who would insult you without you needing to insult him and get him angry, would you be nice to him?
Any more pics of her? God she's so fucking hot
>I'm glad you do user
I meant to say charmander
Tell them you want to fuck not even I'm that retarded
> implying most woman arent sluts
That kind of social norm is from the past, when guys still hoped to get with a pure qt 3.14.
Dont pretend you are a saint, avoiding the harships of the chase because
> People will think Im a whore! And Im not!
God, being a 4/10+ girl in the first world at 201X must be fucking heaven.
I guess? I prefer a lot bigger than most women so keep that in mind.
Post your email and I'll send you a picture
Atleast make sure he isn't a nigger so I don't have to hang you to a tree
I completely get this. I can't enjoy sex unless I know I'm causing her pain these days. I want her to know I'm taking my anger out on her.
Keep telling yourself that, since you can't handle the truth. No sex drive is due to chemical imbalance either due to antidepressants, traumatized, or damaged/old sex organs.
Grammar, you might want to look at your typing
I'm not going to post my fucking email lol.
>Atleast make sure he isn't a nigger so I don't have to hang you to a tree
Okay??? But yeah, I'm only into white guys and if you had looked a bit further up in the thread you would already have seen that.
Or maybe they could be with someone who just feels sex isn't as important to a relationship. Geez, it's like people ignore the fact that relationships are all about the emotional connections, and being close to someone
i don't believe in drugs
i grew up rich and sheltered
>damaged sex organs
i have a misshapen ovary, i guess?
>old sex organs
i'm not young but i've always felt this way about sex
Yeah, if I really like someone I'm kinda like a puppy or something, and I get really possessive too. Also I'm really blunt ;(
Only a pathetic beta skelly would get into a sexless relationship, makes sense
A lot of the time I did it just to have him say something mean and it would turn me on. Letting dumb arguments fester for days until neither of us even knew what the hell it was about, just that we were angry and spiteful. And I don't actually know about the second question. I've only ever been with two guys and neither were the type to just insult me without provocation until the very end when it was a mess.
Oof this is why I don't mention I'm ace on Jow Forums. Not worth it imo
1.I want him to have some cool interests, and to be active, inteligent and witty . And ofc, a good person before everything.
Looks are not of a great importance to me.
2. No lol.
Hey dumb whore. Do you swallow?
Is 6" long and 5" around big enough?
You sound like alot of fun to be around
Yes. I genuinely love gagging on cock.
How about being hit, choked, and hurt in other ways?
>What do you want in a boyfriend?
I don't ask for much so in no particular order, can support himself financially and not ask me for money, good hygiene and tidy living space especially the bathroom, don't constantly look at other girls when I'm right there, if he says he'll do something he does and never embarrass me in public, in short a guy all my friends want and are envious of me.
>And would you have sex with your dad if he wasn't your dad?
What is wrong with you OP, I cannot get the fact my dad is my dad but I would definitely have sex, have babies and worship forever a guy like my dad. No guy has even come close.
>tfw 4.5" dick
Why was I born with this curse?
Rich and sheltered, let me guess: Went to a liberal college, believes in some form of Marxism (ie socialism, communism, and socialism lite), went to the east in the 90s.
Though its probably the misshapen ovary causing a lack in production of natural chemicals to promote a sex drive. That and if you consumed a lot soy. Soy negatively affects both males and females.
Nope, way too small for me.
>reasonably smart
>similar sense of humor to me, so we can make each other laugh, sarcastic
>affectionate but not clingy/insecure to the point that it becomes an ongoing issue
>interested in trying new things (food, seeing unusual movies/art exhibits, exploring new places to hike around, etc)
>enjoys similar music to me
>likes animals
>healthy, but doesn't have to be Jow Forums, just somewhat active and doesn't eat junk 24/7
>somewhat matches my libido, doesn't just want to have boring missionary sex, isn't overly selfish in bed
And no. My dad basically has undiagnosed ADD and other issues, he's a selfish asshole with a bad temper.
As long as it's in a sexual context I enjoy being choked, hit with a belt, burned, slapped, clawed and cut. But those are with someone else. My main method of indulging in my masochism is by beating on my pussy, usually with my bare hand. Sometimes I'll use a belt.
Is it all right if I have sex with the girls?
thats like my first two bf's, till I started dating a european guy and realized he fits perfect. I also like when he looks at me with his green eyes. Gives me goosebumps in a good way
Do you like stretching out your pussy with huge toys? That way guys have to use your ass to feel anything.
What kind of music are we talkin here?
>Implying women, even fembots, know what they want
All women are thots by design, and thots want chad. A woman will work her best to upsell her pussy to the male on the highest rung of the dominance hierarchy.
Even the most sniveling beta males can land an ugly gook wife as long as he commits to working for her and offering a visa for her and her ugly fucking family.
Cosplay sluts are microcosm of this behavior. A subculture they ordinarily wouldn't give a fuck about, strippers flock to cosplay events to sell their instagram account and upsell their pussy to chad. Of course they wouldn't have a fucking market if pathetic weebs didn't exist.
You seem like a down to earth homely girl
would bang
im interested in trying new things like the flavor of your vagina juice
I'm big enough that I can almost certainly hit your cervix. And make your pussy ache. Belts are something else, but still fun.
You are fucked up fembot. In a good way.