What has he done to your country?
What has he done to your country?
Peed in every elevator.
Bombed sandniggers and make America bad again
>He never raw dogged a porn star while cheating on his third wife.
>Never was accused of sexual harassment
>actually cared about people
Jow Forumsacks btfo
He was actually a really great president considering the standards of our politicians now meaning by normal president standards he did OK with standards for politicians this day and age he did really well
He was a much better president than Drumpf. Not exactly a high bar but still enough to prove all the racist retards wrong.
He helped the people of my country in amazing ways. I can't believe that such a good president ever existed.
Nothing. That's pretty much his thing.
And no, I'm in no way a fan of Trump but that doesn't mean that I need to mindlessly praise Obama.
Compared to the democrat presidents that came before he was a disappointment, it's just that republican presidents have been so terrible for the last 60 years it doesn't take much to outshine them.
Do you have a source for that? Genuinely curious.
Expanded the welfare state, abetted violent criminals and illegal Mexicans, got the US involved in more pointless ME conflicts after winning Nobel Peace Prize, catered to faggots and extremist pink haired SJWs.
truthfully he was just bush lite, but harder on immigration.
He never fucking did anything in office besides nearly tripling the national dept. You all are fucking stupid.
Democrats and Republicans are the same party, he was no different than Trump
Are you talking about Reagan? You know, the guy who is responsible for forever crippling the economy.
It's from cleveland
Pic related is for all states
>being this brainlet
you crack me up, bro.
>lowered the unemployment rate
>most respected politician in 30 years
>fixed the economy after GWB destroyed it
>marriage equality
He did commit war crimes and never closed Gitmo, but to say he did fucking nothing is a lie.
Meanwhile, what has Donglad done?
>hillary is not in jail
>no wall
>no defeat of isis in 30 days
>no factory jobs returning to america
>no travel ban
>only thing he's done has been bombing empty air fields
>removed us from TPP
>literally nothing
Different user and I agree that Obongo was the far better president but it's retarded to give the president most of the praise for a well running economy.
He's obviously trying to do these things but the other branches of government are pushing back. If you paid attention at any point you would get that since people are constantly asspained about it. It's not a dictatorship, retard.
>he never actually started a war
So what exactly did Trump do to garner so much support from Jow Forumstypes and the like?
The only thing I remember is writing a couple of tweets that were vaguely anti-immigrant/anti Hispaniccand the wall meme, yet here he is lauded as the second coming of Hitler(even though he likes Jews)
Same goes for his opposition, that went out of their way to demonise him because of those cause couple of actions
Was it just an overblown meme?
I don't like him because he increased the amount of drone strikes, didn't close Guantanamo, supported the patriot act and NSA spying on american citizens without a warrant. but overall he was a pretty decent president
oooh, so it's the governments fault Donald is a gigantic fuckup? It's not that he's 70+, obese, and has never worked a day in his life? This man can't lead or legislate. A fucking piece of toast would be a better president.
People like you are the reason foreigners think America is filled with retards
he personally shot Bin Laden in the face IIRC
>lowered the unemployment rate
i thought we had the highest unemployment rate while obomb hussein was in office.
>most respected politician in 30 years
because "muh black skin"
>fixed the economy after GWB destroyed it
economy was still shit and you know it
>marriage equality
Marriage is only between a man and a woman lololol
Also, I don't identify as a republican, if you are a good president then you are a good president. If you are shit president, then you are a shit president. Donald is the best republican president we've had in a long time.
Did you also notice the huge racial divide he caused? Yeah, I've seen better days.
>bleeding staff
>repeatedly attacked the FBI and various other institutions
>former staff members all under investigation
>received less votes than Hillary
>has accomplished nothing besides riling up neo nazis and white trash people on facebook
>legacy will be cheeseburger wrappers and the scent of orange spray tan lingering in the oval office
>never worked a day in his life
Wait.. So why does he have all of his money? How does he still have the money his dad gave him?
>economy was still shit and you know it
I'm curious, by what measure?
He has no money. He was never a billionaire. That's why he refuses to release his tax returns. He has less money than people think he does.
>has gone bankrupt like 4 times
lol, just admit you got conned.
Different user but his real estate in New York alone is worth more than a billion USD. He might be an incontinent retard but he's rich.
The racial divide is a result of the financial crisis, something like the Charlottesville aut-right march would never have happened under obama
>bombing sandnogs
>bad in any way
keynsian economics works.... for a few years. of course unemployment and such will go down but he tripled the fucken debt.
In Poland we only remember him for "polish death camps" and nigger jokes.
it's almost as if he was president during a recession
my sides
shut the fuck up you brainlet