How is this seriously a real movie, based off the video game

How is this seriously a real movie, based off the video game.

I don't want to live anymore just seeing this. We can't get a fucking Johnny Bravo live action movie, but this shit is perfectly acceptable?

Someone needs to kill Hollywood.

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kys yourself faggot. There is literally nothing wrong with either this film or Hollywood in general.

we're still about 10 years too early for any live action cartoon network movies

>kill yourself yourself

Just about what I expected from a brainlet who would see nothing wrong with this movie's existence.

Everyone at my workplace watched this and loves it. I think the rock being it is the main reason it's such a success also really easy to watch and digestible. Also OP is a hypocrite retard, attacking hollywood for making dumb films but wanting a Johnny Bravo movie.

whoa mama, this

The worst part about this, is that they're probably going to make a game based on this movie

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Uwe Boll directed a movie called Rampage.There is some kind of Irony to this

Its just a big dumb hollywood action movie. If you get angry at them you're retarded. Franchise was dead anyways. Last game it had was some mediocre wii game. I doubt a new game will even be made since it would sell like shit.

Can't expect you plebs to understand my pain. You worship pedophiles in RapeyWood.
Johnny Bravo is a true American classic. Created by a fantastic immigrant who loves America and wanted to make the ultimate Chad, but we get to see the part of Chad's life we normally don't think he would ever have to deal with.
Deep down Chad is just like us.
Whoa mama. Whoa...

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It was a good show. Any type of modern version of it would be beyond fucking terrible and you know it.

They didn't have to kill the memories of my childhood with this shit.
Not to mention the normies that are gonna be all "about it" now.

Its just a fun little arcade game. Rampage was never anything pretentious or hard to figure out.

>when movies start catering to the lowest common denominator

Depopulation when?

>when movies start catering to the lowest common denominator
What is literally every hollywood blockbuster.

I don't know why they didn't stick to the old story
>The monsters are mutated people

>when movies start catering to the lowest common denominator
>start catering to the lowest common denominator
>start catering

Where have you been.

they white washed george

You're nothing but a cuck.

my family came to America because the Irish were too fucking retarded they made potatoes their main crop, and didn't know what to do when all their shit got diseased.

I'm here because of fucking potatoes. Fuck you cuck. I'm a god damn true American.

>t. hollywood jew

cant wait for the nth fast and furious movie!

Say that to my face and not online and see what happens

How was that not original you faggot

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I'll fuck your shit up, you English piece of shit. IRISH GOD DAMN NIGGER LIVES MATTER!