What did fembots mean by this?

>see fembot thread
>they make a list about what they want in a bf
>see a list of requirements that i fit to a t
>respond to her
>she ignores me
why the hell would you post your requirements for a bf if you weren't going to reply to a dude who meets them?

Attached: 1523464944513.jpg (500x462, 42K)

they aren't going to list what they really want,
what are you stupid?

Because women lie to make themselves look better. All women want the same thing; Chad, no matter how much they protest this and claim they don't.

"fembot threads" are bait threads you dumb thirsty newfag

I fit perfectly into the fembot fantasy boy. Except I have a small dick..

Either a newfag or an underage retard if you think those threads are actually serious.

>see fembot thread
>ignore or if you really cant add a certain herb and move on

also doesnt want you only chad

Those threads are for them to state their standards and for robots to see if shit's worth it, it is not a pick up thread for retarded idea which LDRs are, you thirty beta.

Fuck. You are so fucking thirsty. Those threads should come with the prefix of >not a robot.

bruh this board haa a pretty small pool of people there's only a handful of "fembots" who come here at best and they will ghost you anyway for arbitrary reasons

it's literally because you probably live across the world. if you lived in the same city they'd probably add you on discord at the very least

i'm not stupid i'm just really lonely

i would at least like one response

they were just listing requirements, not implying that they were actively looking for someone to fill those requirements. a lot of people aren't up for ldrs either, which that would likely be.

stop ignoring people who told you what's up

You made the ridiculous assumption that women have any rationality or consistency to their behavior. All their behavior is determined by a disjointed set of instincts and emotions.

i guess it's my fault for wanting women to act sane for once

The lists are obviously lies they are telling themselves so that they can think they're not like other girls.
In reality, girls only care about 1 thing.
Just get Jow Forums and it will solve most of your problems with women.
If you want an actual relationship, its also important that you also don't act like a child

maybe they're smart enough to know r9k relationships can't work or maybe they're insecure that they aren't what you want.

You have to have iq below 60 actually contact someone from Jow Forums.

Because women are never lonely enough to need to meet with someone from another country.

Someone with an IQ below sixty is so mentally retarded it's unlikely for them to survive out of the womb...

sorry user!! i try to reply to everyone who responds to me.

because you're a stranger on the internet and getting a partner is more complex than just ticking off boxes you fucking autist