No one likes me?

I have been depressed for so long and I am 100% convinced I'm worthless. It hard for me to make friends cause every time I try my anxiety kicks in and by the time I'm done considering all the reasons why they wouldn't like me I come to the conclusion that its because I'm boring and don't deserve Friends and I get so mad cause I think that I'm a worthless human and a waist of a life.

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I don't like you either. Not even bumping this thread.

I can be your friend, if you like, user.
How about we talk a little bit?

I'm busy right now, so I can't talk to you.
I'll bump the thread. Maybe some generous user will come for you.
In the meanwhile, please, stay strong, op.
I care about you

Are you shy op? If youre shy people tend to just ignore you. (as harsh as it is, people think you don't like talking if you are shy) Maybe be a little bit more outgoing and voiceful then you can make some friends.

I'm the exact same way. Being lonely hurts but I also feel that it's exactly what I deserve.
I feel like any time anyone spends with me is their time wasted.
So I work my ass off to become better, smarter, more interesting, funnier, but I know that no matter how much I try I'll never be good enough.

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user I used to be really bad in depression for awhile and recently I started learning how to socialize well and all. I would crack jokes in class and shit, had cyborg friends and talked to a few normies, etc. I started nofap hoping it would help, and it did, I could talk to pretty girls easier and was happier more, plus I could hold eye contact easier but I could only go for 4 days then relapsed Thursday. Today and the last few days I've just been so depressed. I thought the girl I liked liked me too at least a little bit but recently we stopped talking so much and I've just been constantly insecure. I want out.

Not OP and pretty shy. My face turns red for everything too. Pretty much a death sentence for a male.

i wonder why
your a massive faglord

Well then it's obvious that you need to get out of your shell more and build some confidence. Maybe start with making friends online then once you get the hang of things start talking to people in real life.

I try to talk to people all the time at least saying hello and asking them how they are doing, etc. But i'm not good at initiating anything past that. I can converse alright 1v1 its just I never really know how to initiate it. Normies seem to just blurt out whatever the hell they want. Usually its when there is more than 1 person looking at me as I speak that I get a little red.

Mind me ask a few questions could be a little personal. It all to help give you advice tho.

Sure. Go ahead if you want. Not like answering anything here matters since i'm anonymous.

Man i feel you, i had depression for awhile, it really fucks you up, but just realize that most of the personality problems you think you have, only you actually notice. You're probably allot more interesting than you give yourself credit for.
Also ill be your fren

I wish I knew how to get over everyday anxiety without Xanax or other meds.

we can be friends if you want, op

online and offline are too different for most people user

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you only THINK you're not anonymous, Jason

Did you grow up without a farther? What's your race? And do you have any online friends?

Yes but you can use online relationships as a builder for regular ones if you're cripplingly shy.

Nice try but no.

Well not really no but my parents divorced when I was like 9 and from 9 to like 16 i'd live 2 weeks with mom and 2 weeks with dad. At 16 I had to choose to live with one and chose my mom cause she was a better care taker even though I liked my dad more.

I'm white hence why blushing a lot is a problem though people have said they don't even really care and some girls have said they think its "sweet".

No I don't really have any online friends. I do have a best friend who is far away now but we still find time to play some video games together. It's too bad hes not around because he is more social than me though not a Chad and he has helped me make friends in the past by introducing me.

I was hanging with a group of people for a bit but due to a variety of reasons I ignored a text or two and now they don't bother anymore.

I feel the same way, my dude. I have a small group of "friends" who practically keep me alive. The thing is though, half of them aren't even secretive about how much they fucking hate me and want me out of the group. The other half pretend to like me but are obviously uncomfortable/bored when talking to me. I would try to find new friends, but any other people who would even consider letting a beta like me talk to them have been told by one of the people on the "hate me" side that I hate gays and transgender people (An outright slanderous lie). I won't even try to get a GF cause I'm such a fat, ugly, socially inept manlet. I maybe have one geniune friend. I hate myself. I'm too much of a pussy to end it though. Why can't I just fade away in my sleep?

Well why I ask is because boys who grow up without a farther end up depressed suppressed and a little upset with life. They need that strong figure to emolate. You're set behind because of that. I also say white people are like oppressed by the sjw types. So it reasonable to understand why you might be a little shy. If you really want to get rig of your beta male tenancys. First you need to reject them and start doing things you probably don't like atm. Working out can clear the mind and it makes you look and therefore feel better about your body image. Maybe look at some of Jordan Peterson's stuff. And I would say you just need a good friend user....hang in there brother.

My father honestly was I think even shyer than me. But he grew up in a different time obviously. He had a few girlfriends and has been married twice though. He is smart with tools and skilled with money but not really a good alpha male role model.

Also yes i've worked out off and on. Right now I am getting my bodyfat down to about 10% then will start eating and lifting more. Also i'm actually gonna clean my room today.

Yeah I've set an alarm to go off every 30min from 7 am to 5pm when Im off work. And every time it goes off, I just do 10 sets of push ups, situps, beaches and lifting. It's done in like 2 min and it's works you out fairly well when you first start. Had dinosaur arms the second day.

You ever considered not thinking about why people don't like you

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You might actually be right. If anything you're a negative impact to humanity rather than 100% worthless. My only advise would be to enjoy life to the best of your abilities. You robots have this filter where they think every experience is somehow social, and their depression is only because of their social experiences. Stop being such a bitter faggot and go on long peaceful walks at night or something, surely you'll find some beauty or meaning in life eventually.

fucking normies coming to these threads to give advice

probably b8 but fuck you anyway

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Have you ever made an ATTEMPT to enjoy your life? If you're going to be so miserable about it you'll just continue rotting until you can't go back. You're in this on your own. Goodbye.

I'm not sure on the science behind it but you are probably better off condensing your workout into 30+ mins and not doing intervals. You want to get your heart rate up and have minimal rest. I do glute bridges, pushups, squats, rows, hip hinges, handstand pushups(or a leading variant), step ups, and pull ups. Each exercise is 1 min do as much as possible. Then 15 seconds rest. So 8 mins working out and 2 mins of rest. Then repeat that 2 times more for 30 min workout. On the other days I just sprint and walk for 20 minutes then do some abs and use the row machine a bit. This is to lose weight though i've gotten a little muscle, but since i'm eating less its hard to make muscle grow. Once I hit my target bf % i'll switch to dumbbell exercises and eat more.

There's nothing to enjoy, at least not for me. I'm just waiting for the day where my balls grow bigger than my survival instinct.

Enjoy your life man, I wish I could

Hahahahahha okay whatever you say. Enjoy your life retard

You know weight exercises work the exact same as bodyweight exercises, right? Either way you're going to be losing BF%, it all depends on your caloric intake.

This dude just made up the word "Voiceful"


Whatever you do user. Don't become a trap or befriend a guy called Reiko or Haruka.

Well I'm not an expert but I also don't need to get my heart rate up really. Im not trying to lose weight. I'm perfectly healthy, just trying to build muscle so I do a low rep with heavy weights then a short rest. I find doing a straight workout boring and slow. And it's been doing me well.... Again I don't know shit about workouts but it seems to be working for me.

I like your Appreciation but it been extablished.


possessing a voice.