/creative robots/

Come share your creative hobbies with Jow Forums

Appreciate, criticize and get/give feedback

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I managed to get something onto spotify
>live big band jazz

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fuck me daddy



i hate my voice but i do covers sometimes.

very comfy winter day/10

i love this, keep it up man

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Thoughts on this rap song I'm working on?
No hook yet

Photography user here with a New cam and a new pair of lenses (this one was still taken with the nikon d80)

Attached: 2018-04-11 07.25.28.jpg (1903x2626, 861K)


me again, here's another cover i literally just did.

i know jack shit about photography but i like this pic.

it reads like an old lil peep song, so good job user.

Sounds good!

First night out with the new cam and a wide angle lense

Attached: 2018-04-14 17.40.11.jpg (1970x2537, 1.07M)

people tend to believe, that you need an expensive camera in order to take fancy pics. Well these were taken with the 12y old nikon d80.

Glad you like it dude

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bit rough but that's how i like it, you made me feel a feeling from this ^^ a buzz of understanding and euphoria

here's a brief song i made that might get turned into a full song, it's like a song trailer


>nikon d80
My dad had one, actually I've been meaning to start photography so I can actually ask him for it.
Do you edit your photos in PS after you take them?

Eggman appreciation song

song i made, just an instrumental for now.

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I started a website to fight a certain cult.
Years later I realized its success has been driven by my autism - every website like that demands an autistic head because you have to deal with always the same questions (a FAQ helps a little bit, but you can't imagine in how many subtle ways the same question can be asked), always the same hurr-durring faggots and trolls, and the editor fatigue (every day you have to post something "new", for entire years, before the forum reaches its critical mass). Lucky me, they never found out about my real identity (or, if they had, they decided to not to go after an uninteresting fat autistic sperglord and giving me success and fame).

i'm gonna wager that the cult started with an s and ended with an cientology

A bluesy song about buying robot waifu


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I made two different versions of a guitar track demo today for a song that I made last year.
Nothing really different between the two besides the distortion.
I like the way this sounds. Just everything about it. Based on your description of it being blues, I was expecting it to be cliche.
And I also like the vocal style. Most acoustic guitar players I hear now do this obnoxious falsetto voice, but you've got your own style. Great track, user.

a (lost) love song i wrote


groovy, the first thing that came to mind was Boris and Electric Wizard. Do you have any lyrics to go with it?

>Based on your description of it being blues, I was expecting it to be cliche
There's a lot of cheesy and awful blues out there, but there are some nice gems. youtube.com/watch?v=N-pShRISHnQ

Will post my latest work soon, don't die thread.

bumping an original and creative thread

Screenshot of my warship drawings on tabletop simulator. Made some more models, and updated some old ones too.

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Dumb meme videos youtu.be/nvTnS-b5LSA


now this is meta

Why we so slow this time ?

I'm the lead writer on the Offical Jow Forums Book.


Lo fi folk and acoustic stuff mostly, but there's a lot of different stuff floating around

Attached: FurnitureMusic.jpg (1200x720, 128K)

Very nice. How do you do this? Does it require a lot of theory and practice?

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Not him but just pirate a DAW you like and watch some YouTube tutorials. Does it take long? Well, not more than your favorite video game but making music is very rewarding.


I'm a pretentious mathfag and I'd rather explore theory rather than actual playing. I already play the guitar but now I want to be able to understand music in depth. I don't really know where to start though, I'll still check these DAW thingy.

you and i are of kindred spirit boyo

I like wood carving

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lol it's a faggot

idk man whatever u kno


what if it splinters in you're butthole?

Is the user who made this here? Can you post more of your surrealism works?

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New Beats!

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as someone that knows nothing about wood carving, I think if you polish it enough it should be fine
he should make one out of marble though, that would be sick