ITT: that kid thread

ITT: that kid thread

>that kid who suffered brain trauma
>that kid who tried and failed to chat up every girl in his year
>that kid who shat himself not once, not twice but three times.
>that girl who thought she was a skater and tried to skateboard on the school roof only to fall through a skylight

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>the kid who would routinely poo in the urinal

>that kid who stole the principal's golf cart and drove into the school, down the stairs into the gym
>same kid posts a selfie with his new gun a week after school shooting hysteria

>that kid who thought he was a werewolf.....

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>that tard who jerked off in the hallways so much he legally required a wrangler
>That kid who was a literal communist, in every sense of the word
>That kid who carried a knife to look cool, but whenever he opened it he cut himself
>That kid who burned himself with a plasma cutter in metal shop
>that kid who farted extremely loud, teacher sent him down to the VPs office for causing a distraction
>That kid who made mustard gas and got chemical burns
>That kid who was a violent neo-nazi and is now in prison
>That kid who tried to be the pooping bandit but got caught pretty much instantly
I went to so many different schools so I have many stories of weird kids. Y'all fuckers want moar?

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>That kid who thought Traps weren't gay

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Every school had a kid like that. Every single one.

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>>That kid who burned himself with a plasma cutter in metal shop

we had a kid like that, he grabbed the wrong end of the butane torch in tech

>that kid who spat everywhere
>that kid whose life revolved around csgo skins
>that kid who smelled like cum and had very stained pants

>that kid who peed in the trashbin located in the girls bathroom
>that girl who "tried" to kill herself in the bathroom
>that kid who peed on the bathroom floor (was me)
>that kid who punched walls everytime his girlfriend did something he didnt like

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>That kid who used 4 year old dead memes and still thought they were relevant and funny we had several kids like that at my HS

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>that kid who brought a grenade to school and got beat up by principal in an attempt to pacify him

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Actual working grenade or a training one?

>that kid who only made dumb sex joke cuz he knew hes boring as fuck

>That kid who came to school with a horsemask on and a dildo in his hand, run through corridors and screamed at the top of his lungs "this is my sister's"

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>that kid who cut his nipple off
>those kids who got caught trying to rob the local corner shop

working one

>That kid who strung headphones through her shirt to listen to New Kids On the Block nonstop, never learned to read, ate chapstick--ate it--and pissed herself regularly. All of this went on through eighth grade.

>that kid who wore a skirt to gym class(was me)

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how the fuck does shit like this happen? this is the making of a robot, this bitch is probably browsing here right now

Sounds like a fucking chad

>We had 1 kid who ate chapstick also man

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Do people seriously not put their headphones behind their shirt? Who wants that shit hanging around dangling everywhere getting caught on shit

The communist was me.

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>That Emo kid who told everyone he was a Vampire and gave two kids "acid" that turned out to be his blood
>That overmedicated girl who exaggerated her mental illness for attention so much she ended up on lithium
>That black Terry Crews looking midget with a huge head who was 16 in 9th grade then dropped out

>that kid that got groped by a teacher, on was treated like a boytoy

We had a "communist" kid in highschool who was 5'3 and dyed his hair green.

>a communist dyes his hair the color of vegetables, something communists don't have
The irony

>that cringy middle class communist kid who wears velcro shoes
>that kid who walks around in circles talking to himself and has rocks in his bag

>that kid who took the school iPads and hid them in the roof

>that autist who abused his brothers and would fight you if you said sonic 2006 was a bad game

>that kid that i was little buddies with and threw shit at me

>that kid would bring a football into the bathroom and shit on the toilet seat (same as 2)

>That alpha chad who kept bullying roasties but they still chased him
>that retarded atheist kid who kept arguing with the teacher in religious studies
>that weird kid who would hide in the bushes at break

This reminded me.

>that kid who stole a school Ipad and broke down crying when the police were called to search every student.

> That kid who dressed up in Army uniform even though they are about as healthy as a sloth with a heroine addition.

>that severely autistic kid that would walk around reciting spongebob episodes to himself
>that same kid that you kangaroo kicked out of a stall that wouldn't lock when he got in
>that same kid that would throw a 'tism fit if the teacher didn't play the trailers before the movie

Remembered some more:
>that kid who shat in the toilet tank
>those kids who carved retarded graffiti into the stalls (Should have taken a picture of "fucky the clown", was amazing)
>That kid who tried putting cameras in the girls bathroom
>That girl who made a dildo on the wood lathe in woodshop (case in point why roasties shouldn't be in tech class)
>That girl who never showered, had the most matted greasy hair ever, and kept on throwing complete bullshit rape allegations
>that goth/emo ( whichever they're interchangeable) kid who tried to summon a demon in the local cemetery
>That gay kid who tried to flirt with the chads
>that kid who tried stealing parts out of school computers to sell, only to realize 10 year old computer parts where worthless
>That kid who cobained himself in the school parking lot
>That kid who was obsessed with sonic, in grade 12
>That rich kid who got killed smashing his car into a grocery store while 120 kph over the speed limit
Damn school was weird.

Oh shit I remember somebody was obsessed with sonic, there's at least 1 person in every school that's like that.

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>that kid who wore minecraft pixel glasses and was a weeaboo nerd autist
>had a fucking smoking hot emo gf

>that kid who downloaded cs 1.6 on the school computers, so we could all play
>those kids who stole mouses and keyboards
>that teacher who literally cried because he could handle our class
>that kid threw a punch to the school principals face
>that nigger who got so angry he threw his cellphone out of a window, breaking it in the process

>That rich kid who got killed smashing his car into a grocery store while 120 kph over the speed limit

reminds me of
>that rich girl who drunk drove and totalled a porsche, then her dad bought her a new bentley which she drunk drove into a tree and suffered a spinal injury so she could no longer walk

>that kid who pissed on my leg and then tried making it a big deal when I no longer wanted to associate with him.

Second one was me, except it was a dairy queen. We were too pussy to go after the gun-toting nips running the corner store

There was a nigger in my school who chimped out and threw the IT teachers super expensive laptop down the stairs.

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>that kid that was a Stalinist communist and wore patches and shit to school
>that kid who keeps shouting 8 year old dead memes in classes and complains how he has adhd and autism

We had one of thode fags, kept on screeching i can has cheeseburger and other lolcats stuff.

>That borderline retarded redneck kid who would yell 'NIGGER' in the halls and always try to start fights with the black kids and everyone made fun of him.
>That edgy hispanic goth kid with dirty hair that always had the cop watching him
>That quiet kid in the hoodie who stank really bad and always sat in the back of class with his head down
>Those two black girls that got in fights on the stairs everyday at the end of school

i never went to actual school but i was in a homeschool "group" and some of us were in classes together/did activities/etc. so:
>that kid who lit a dumpster on fire
>that kid who obsessed over mlp
>that kid who made a group message on facebook to all the girls he knew in the homeschool club and sent us lesbian hentai pics
>tfw when this was all the same kid
>that kid who wore fedoras
applied to at least 30% of them

>that kid who got his secret mlp porn Facebook page passed around school
>that kid who got punched so hard he had a seizure
>that Chad who raped those three girls and got arrested
>that fat kid who had cute girls constantly around him for his personality
>that rich old pedophile that would get invited to the school and give advice while trying to pay freshman girls for sex
>that rich kid who actually turned out to be poor and was acting the whole time
The last one was me

I gotta post this chart again baka. Everything you know about Marxist-Leninist states is wrong. :^)

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>that kid who used a pencil for math
>that kid with brown hair
>that kid who had a backpack
>that kid who liked some of the cafeteria food but not all of the cafeteria food
>that kid who usually did his homework
>that kid who got Bs and Cs but some As too
>that kid who rode the bus to school

nigger this shit is serious

>>that kid who had a backpack
Nigger they're called Jansports.

>that Chad who got in a car accident and came back retarded
>those other two Chads that were also in the car and died
>that kid who got electrocuted

>that kid who drew dicks all over the bathrooms with permanent marker (school had to close down some of the bathrooms for a bit)
>that kid who pulled the fire alarm for no reason
>those kids who took way too many weed edibles on field trips
the last one was me, but only once, and that one time i violently vomited everywhere

>those kids who took way too many weed edibles on field trips
Knew someone from a school next to mine who did exactly this. What a dummy.

>That kid who tore apart paper and glued it back together whilst eating his boogers.
>That kid who slipped a bottle up his pants, pissed in it and the drank it.
>That kid who would watch hentai on the bus.
>That kid who ate food off the ground

>That kid whos mapping youtube channel got exposed
>that kid whos pokemon lucario porn stash got exposed

>that kid who threatened a teacher for being lame and boring
>that kid who occasionally finishes that teacher's sentences to make himself sound smart
>that kid who won't stop bragging about being smart
>that kid who lies obviously and ppl just ignored him

>that kid who sent his crush a video of him fucking a sonic plushie
>that kid who ran over an old lady while drunk
>that kid who jumped out a two story window to impress some teacher

ours dropped a soldering iron on his hand

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>that kid whos pokemon lucario porn stash got exposed

I knew Lucario was thicc af (and Braixen) But I guess I didn't know I was the only man of culture as well.

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How the fuck did he get a working grenade

>That Kid that recorded himself beating it on another kids phone, then claimed it wasnt him it was his autistic brother
> That kid that took the wheels off of the security carts and hid them around the school
>That kid that hacked everyones school email and sent a mass email shitting on the school
> That kid that fucked the security guard
> That Tard kid that would punch you in the gut if you tried to leave class a min early
> That kid who got suspended for waving a trump flag during an assembly
> That kid that drove around with his trump flag on the back of his truck during the walkouts
>The kid that showed up to school stoned eveyday and still got good grades

>that kid who tried and failed to chat up every girl in his year
>that kid who thought he was a werewolf.....
>That kid who was a literal communist, in every sense of the word
>That kid who made mustard gas and got chemical burns
>that kid who walks around in circles talking to himself and has rocks in his bag
yeah i used them to do push ups and pull ups
how the fuck did you guys know me this is scary accurate

>That kid who studied hard in class and still got F's
>That kid who did nothing in class and knew nothing about the subject and still got all A's
>That kid who was Bisexual but everybody thought was straight (that was me)
>That kid in class who will always defend Xbox for everything they do
>That kid who jacked off and came all over the toilet seats in the bathroom
>That kid who smeared ketchup in the bathroom and locker rooms (I'm not fucking joking)
>That one downy kid who beat the lead alpha tard and became the new king of the tard klan

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>that kid who had a deviantart page for his fart and inflation OCs
>that kid who ate straight up ketchup at lunch
>that tard who consistently broke up with and got back together with the same other tard multiple times

>That kid who dedicated all his freetime to cockblocking
>That kid who made LSD
>That autistic kid who would hide in the bushes until people passed and ambush them

>that one kid who always had greasy hair and a jack skellington backpack

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Do you have any of theirs or at least the page? I want a good laugh.

sounds like fucking sam hyde

wowee nice digits boys

>That Roastie who took a video of her smoking weed with her friend and posted it to instagram
>That kid who unironically wore a fedora and a burka and claimed that he wasn't autistic
>That Chad who was actually cool
>That kid who claimed he'd made an original rap but he was found out
>That kid who could stink up an entire room an hour after he left, and the teacher defended him, claiming "not everyone has access to soap and water"
>That Mexican kid who enforced steriotypes by always harassing the girls
>That kid who defended getting bad grades saying he was Columbian
>That redneck kid who's best friend was a nigger
>That kid who was such a bad boyfriend his girlfriend became a tranny who wanted to date girls
>That goth kid who sang screemo in the talent show, yelling "GET CRAZY!"
>That kid who jumped up onto a library table and started screaming and got away with it
>That last one was me

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>That kid that would say "If the teacher isn't here in 15 minutes we are legally allowed to leave" Years before it became a meme

I knew a few kids who would say that

>> That kid who got suspended for waving a trump flag during an assembly
what the fuck
how old are you like 16