When you grow up, you get taught all these rules you have to follow. Don't do drugs, don't drink...

When you grow up, you get taught all these rules you have to follow. Don't do drugs, don't drink, get good grades and study hard etc

And I followed them all, yet people who didn't are the ones who get gfs and sex and I don't

You know the society is completely backwards if following its supposed rules puts you at a social disadvantage

Attached: Zoinks Scoob I got to take a drag.jpg (320x290, 14K)

dont measure a persons worth by the amount of sex they are having

That's what you get for not thinking for yourself.

Women just don't like boring pussy bitches like you OP, lmao.

I'm not, but sex is all that matters when you are an adult, if you're not getting sex you will never be able to focus on other things

Would you mind telling me how old you are mister op?

A lot of robots did drugs and drank and that's what fucked them over. Normies dont do drugs they just talk about doing drugs

I am twenty-one original years of age

>Normies dont do drugs
Oh but they do, user.

You clearly know nothing about being an adult.

Well good grades+health and sex are not mutually exclusive. Not at all. Of my friends, the one who gets the most sex is an anime watching, occational weed smoking, video game gaming, good grade getting, and working out-ing guy.

Your grades helps you getting a good job which makes some core parts of your life better. Sex is a very different game.

Nice one OP

>implying fucking ugly weeb hambeasts counts

Try again sweatie.

the rules are for control, you need to control society because people are stupid and the herd mentality just fucks shit up

on an individual basis of course they dont work because people are varied and different (hence how we survived this long) so wildly different lifestyles work for them

you're a dumbass if you hadnt figured this out and probably cant get anything in life because of this + good luck getting thru life without drink or drugs.. fucking hell

drink/drugs is the easiest way to meet and fuck girls too btw..



>ugly weeb hambeasts
what's an ugly hambeast? Are you implying he's only getting fat chicks? Lmao son. I know this is all anecdote but holy shit he had a 9/10 this easter. He also looks good because he works out.

So yeah, you can get sex but that comes from being good socially and/or having an interesting personality, depending on the girl you're looking for.

You'll never get sex because you spend your whole life generalizing people and getting mad. Everybody on this board complains about that but has such a negative, hivemind attitude and constantly groups all women/people with friends etc together

One hundred percent this. The core philosophy of Jow Forums is blaming the world for all their problems.

Life is suffering. People who deal with it are the ones who live meaningful and good lives.

I didn't follow the rules. In my late twenties now. I have no car, a shit job with no future prospects, a criminal record and my family hates me. Was all the sex and gfs worth it? Yes. No question.

>Caring about sex this much
Wew, no wonder you're here. Who gives a shit? Let them fuck like retards and get STDs, pregnancies with people they don't know and fuck up their lives. Solitude is far more comfy and peaceful existence.

What kind of dumb shit i have to read these days.

You know what's more peaceful? Finding a partner and deveopling a sexlife together. No stress, just fun.

That's infinitely better than "hooking up".

so a 5 or 6

Allow me to rephrase your misguided comments
>You spend your whole life generalizing people and getting mad, BECAUSE you never get sex
>Life is lucka and blessing. People who are granted it are the ones who live meaningful and good lives.

just fap you fucking moron

You're not a virgin because you followed all the rules. You're a virgin because you thought keeping your head down and following all the rules would eventually get you a pretty girl, because sadly this is a myth pushed onto a lot of beta kids.

I expect you never felt the need to figure shit out with regard to getting laid like other people did at some point in their development, and that's why you're here.


She's a kickboxer who also plays Overwatch. Filthy casual but still pretty good. I know this because we went to uni together

this this this.


only betas follow rules

Figure out getting laid?
In what world does basic human communication require critical thought?

Back in ancient Sparta they used to purposely underfeed kids and yet punish them harshly for stealing food so they would learn how to not get caught. You're not actually supposed to follow the rules OP, they're just general guidelines that you should disregard whenever it would benefit you. This is something that non-autistic people learn in adolescence. Read Max Stirner's "The Ego and Its Own".

Heard of that thing called biology. If there's one thing we know for sure it's that we're designed to fuck.

>we're designed

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Basic human communication is like learning a language, if you didn't do it as a kid/adolescent you're going to have a rough time.

T. Normalfag

If it came naturally to everyone there wouldn't be an entire industry of self help predicated on guys who can't get laid

imagine being this immature

Dude why do you think this fucking board exists?

Sadly this is a lot of Jow Forums's mentality. They think sex is this monolithic thing and gateway to becoming an adult because they've never had it.

But can you really blame them considering you only find out it is not after the fact?

As a child
>you're told not to give in to peer pressure
>you're told not to be like other kids
>individuality is encouraged

As an adult
>your survival depends on getting a job
>to get a job you need to give in to peer pressure, be like the other kids, lose all individuality
>same goes for finding a suitable mate

My face as I integrate into society every miserable day.

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One of the reasons why no one likes boomers, on top of being greedy to the core they're also flaming hypocrites.

And why not? Sex is probably the best general indicator of someone's objective worth as a human being. To have sex, one must generally have at least one of the below, and often more:
>social circle

At least for men, you can approximate a person's worth based on how much sex they are having and with whom.

What do you think of Stirner, Ayn Rand and Nietzche?