Wtf asians are short

the average height in asia is 162cm

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if i'm 159cm would you guys consider that 5'2 or 5'3

There a thing called genetic OP

I went to China once and I was suprised by this fact. You know how whites are partially related to Neanderthals? I think chinks are related to another pre-sapien human so their genes cause their vertical shortcomings.

i'd just round it to 5'3.

we are just hiding our tall ones. they are too cute to be simply shared with the public outside.

go back to work ching chang

>tfw 161cm
a-at least im near average height right????

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wtf you are a manlet

ooga booga dooga mooga

well at least you are not dahyun, she is 158.9

true. i have nothing to complain about in that case

what's the point in being tall if you look like an anime tomboy?

>even asian girls are taller than me

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Fuck off racist shit go back to Jow Forums

most asains are over 6ft, they just measure in rice lengths

That's why most asian women prefer white cock now.

claiming momo as my waifu

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>There a thing called genetic OP
>Racist shit
He's not wrong or racist in this instance though, height is partially based on your genes and races have enough variation to make saying that Asians are predisposed to being shorter not racist.
Now if he said something like this
or replied to you with something along the lines of
>t. Cao cao
Then that would be racist.

so is it racist to say pygmies are genetically predisposed ti being manlets?

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Tzuyu claimed

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Every non-subsaharn African race has Neanderthal admixture with East/Southeast Asians having the most.

lmao tall people are never "cute". Tall women are goddesses and tall men are obsolete.

tfw live in country where everyone is tall
tfw being tall has no benefits like American anons think

I'm 5'7 and i find asian women taller than me so fucking hot. Getting with a taller woman would increase the chances of my children not being manlets, right?

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your mamas been claimed by me

eaat asian average height

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Its still a complete crapshoot but yes, the odds do go up.

I know an Asian girl who is 5'7, she's considered pretty tall for an Asian chick.

>uses the fucking third world europoor measurement system

Sage goes in all fields

Most of the world is using that system, retard.

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rising order of numbers
>inb4 muhhh day is shorter than a month
kill yourself

Who's flag is on the moon again?

i have that checkered shirt

i thought they were getting taller due to western diets

The french? I dunno since the only flag thats up there is white.......

Why are croatian soccer jerseys so popular

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Jesus Christ that picture. The women look fake as fuck and the men have less testosterone than soyboys.

>tfw 193cm korean
feels good because i hang out with primarily other asians and i feel like a god among men

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it is a cool looking shirt