60+ thread

How are you hanging in there old fags?

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>tfw no longer get morning woods

>60+ thread

I don't believe anyone that matured would spend time here unless a complete fuck up

Think about it, anyone who is 60+ the only thing they should ever post is life tip advice since they have learned so much over the years.

That's all i would ever want from someone that old, just to hear about life, stories, tips and actual advice how to navigate certain areas of your own life

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its not that unlikely to meet old people here, statistically speaking if you are a virgin by 22 you will die as a virgin old man
and with my life experience, i can tell you that life is just going to go downhill after around 30

I doubt there are many 60+ people here. Maybe in the future.

>i can tell you that life is just going to go downhill after around 30

Why does this happen? You mean depression gets worse and worse or what?

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I hope so. I'll need someone to talk to in 35 years about my back ache and the good old days.

I think most people that are 30 and up are bound to stay here.

I met a Russian boomer on Jow Forums.

your body will slowly start to fall apart, the human body was designed to peak at 15-25

Where my grandbois at?

>tfw 30th this year


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>me to
>not sure what to do

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were there any good old days?

98% of the posts claiming to even be close to 60 are going to be bait threads.

Fuck yes

>Age 20-25 my best time in life
>Broke as fuck
>Jow Forums as fuck
>Had fun every week
>Learned new things every day
>Did i mention i was broke and had no money/shit jobs?
>Anyway, age 26+ i became successful (100k+) and eventually developed depression

Who would've known, being young, poor and working out every week was my best time in my life

It could be
It'd be a bored retired boomer

20-25 was the most miserable time of my life...

Maybe you could leave and enter the real world

I'll tell you 35 years from now. Probably not, but we'll have our nostalgia to pretend otherwise.

Can I have a job m8?

Honest question
How do i go back to normal society?
I only have to go to work or travel for life stuff

I have no life at all outside of this place or my work

You say "go back to..."
Was there a time when you lived outside with friends and folks?

>tfw haven't gotten it since late teens

>I don't believe anyone that matured would spend time here unless a complete fuck up
It's really the other way around. Kids have no excuse for being this fucked up. People who've seen some shit...
Besides, you should be busy building your life, chasing women or procrastinating homework. As you get old you have less and less to do.

Yes, from age of 20-26 i did have hobbies, goals and dreams I had friends, we would go drag racing on the weekend

During winter, we would rent a cabin in lake tahoe and chill for a week

I used to have friends and acquaintances. I used to be a normie back in the youth

Now age, 30
I'm living two thousand miles away from home, no friends anymore

See my family every few months (3-4x) a year

I'm 30, i still have tons to do but dont know what to do on some days

I'm probably going to sit at home all day today, i dont know what else to do

Well, why not get back to your friends. That helped me a lot when I started sinking into the computer zombie mode life.

We're social creatures. If you put a person in isolation for long enough they go literally mad. I'm an introvert but I realize I just wither and die without some friends to keep me going.

>in post soviet states
pick one mate there is no such thing here
boomers exist in murica because they accumulated alot of wealth while america was the capitalistic paradise and people could live well with the shittiest jobs
no one had those opportunities in eastern block so there are no boomers here. we just call them old people

the oldest I've met is mid forties

>statistically speaking if you are a virgin by 22 you will die as a virgin old man



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>I can tell you my life is going downhill since turning 30

Just waiting for my cat to die then I'll an hero

get a new cat then

>he thinks his cat cares about him in any way

Anyway, any pics of the cat? I'm a fan, but can't get one

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There are old fools user


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Also want cat pics.

Since my childhood sucked and i missed out on teen love will my low expectations make me more happy as an adult?

I imagine that if you had a great time growing up adult life must become a dissapointment for some.

>will my low expectations make me more happy as an adult?
Actually yes. But only from real effort.

Don't work for happiness. Hapiness is a biproduct from working towards your goal. If all you do is work and Jow Forums, you'll kill yourself @ 40.

Adults are just compentent children in the end

Sorry about this messy comment.

I lost my V-card at age 23. Hang in there buddy.

I have a similar situation at 33, but 25-30 was the happiest (and most turbulent) time of my life and I was always a weirdo. I only had a few people to begin with, then I had to move for work. Half my day is spent in total silence. Flying back is nice, I want to move back some time.

I lost mine at 25. 30 is the cutoff point.

This guy is probably right. The best years of my life were also probably the most stressful, but I felt like I was working towards something. Then suddenly, you hit your goal, you get a regular 8-5 job, and you have hours and hours at the end of the day (and weekends) to feel empty and directionless.

Find it hard to believe anyone 60+ is here now.

Anyone that age will have not only been in the job market back when it was going great and thus not a failure but also was in their prime back when there was no internet or robot culture of any sort, so they basically were normie by default.

>60+ thread
>no one is actually 60+

Is this the 25+ thread now?