talk about a fucking fall from grace
Talk about a fucking fall from grace
What originally happened originally user?
only decent vids are without him in it
wa happened
Is it about that old h3h3 and keem nonsense?
more money
catering to normie pop topics like every other youtube nigger brings in the big bux. i'd do the same tbqh
H3h3 is a glorified typical drama / commentary channel
Never understood why they feel that they had this moral superiority compared to shit channels like leafy and keemstar
Sometimes yes they are funny
But yeah they are glorified bullying channel who hides behind "fair use commentary"
Fucking bullies with moral highgrounds
They were never better, they were just self aware to stop unlike leafy and keemstar and are reaping the benefits. Also they were way funnier. pewdieshit is literally 5 years behind them trying to recapture the magic.
He's always been awful, that ironic EPIC MEMER humour is fucking wretched and it's just made worse when he acts holier than thou
>Sometimes yes they are funny
He was the funniest person on youtube by far. His vids grilling the good looking loser or joey salads are the funniest things ever hosted on youtube.
Everytime he said meme i cringe in a bad way
I mean like filthy frank and jontron can be funny without forcing a meme and act on a moral superiority base
Ohhhh they are bad and we are here to expose them!!
I unironically felt bad for that matt hoss(?) Guy
And while we are on it
Fucking i dubbbbbbbbzzzzzz content cop are also having a moral high ground attitude
Shitting on people is bad unless when i do it
>moral high ground
fucking when?
The whole content cop is
idubbbz has never claimed the moral high ground, he mostly just puts out people's contradictions. He's a lot like metokur in that regard.
Metokur is an absolute retard and a subhuman.
I like the podcast well enough but the h3 channel has fallen so far at least for me. they've put out like ten videos I haven't bothered to watch
Yes h3 podcast is good
But the main channel is shit
>my dick just touched the inside of the toilet bowl... there is no other solution i'm cutting my dick off
those fucking lqbtbbqwtfbtwomwkek faggots should relax... if they can take a dick up the ass they should be able to take a joke
You realize how hard it is to be consistently funny for this long when your style of comedy is incredibly niche and unique, and on top of that having a huge audience watching everything you do and say judging your every move
he doesn't even have to try anymore.
just sits around doing his podcast until drama pops up, waits a week to see everyone else's videos, then regurgitates their talking points while randomly coughing or doing one of his many lame 'memes'.
his latest zuckerberg vid where is such a prime example, just reading the twitter highlights and isolating soundclips.
"hehe he made a funny noise let me just chuck that all over the vid haha epic meme xD".
don't even get me started on the fucking atrocity that is their teddy fresh bullshit.
If you guys really care about it. Ill explain
He's like what exactly happened to the simpsons. Simpsons was a comedy that broke the nuclear family show, like a sharp knife. It was grim, edgy, and realistic.
S2-9 were the best comedy of all time. But it changed, because it became popular.
Simpsons was a breath of air from boring laughtrack punchline tv shows. Back in the 80's, Simpsons looked edgy af back then. It was cringy to see homer act stern and see this awkward family. But it was a new comedy, satirizing everything we currently were, in media, in politics, the human condition, societal values, as dark and brilliantly clever like no one had been able to before, all explored through the nuclear simpsons family and springfield characters.
Then Simpsons was too popular. It was no longer cutting edge comedy and satire, it BECAME popular culture. It was apart of the new changing 'thing' it once depended all its material on. Now simpsons is just a good show, about 6/10, and like a cartoon sitcom nowadays, and writers have gotten lazier.
>grounds=the material of your comedy
When all your joking about, is a certain grounds...and you coalesce into those grounds through popularity of your thought and jokes,
THOUGH the ROLE you had is the same,which is to joke about those 'grounds', the comedy given is now different, because the Comedian role has to now joke about what HE IS APART OF.
Comedy=[satire + parody] was easy, when it was pranks, and complete horseshit that was 2012 youtube. Now its more quality, and channels like H3H3 and pewds, keem, and all the popular shit, IS them.
They recently caught a break, with spiderman and elsa.
H3H3 did what all job-seeking comedians do. Change their ROLE. He does funny podcast, instead of the satire he once was praised for. And when times are bare, he does the ROLE, and makes fun of himself. Or perhaps does some meta-filthy frank act like a retard, play up to his meme.
This process is called Simpsonization. (made up name)
>needs to watermark everything
what a faggot
He's always been shit and his "good" content was just from when he was copying Sam Hyde
That's why you loved him so much. He was brilliant back then.
>role=the type of comedy/(entertainment) you choose to do
A lot of content creators are like this. Their grounds now involve them. Creators whos grounds, offer new comedy constantly make them consistently entertaining.
Grounds, are not ALL stale. Politics, is a great ground. Dynamic, and always new satire. The simpsons has plenty grounds they can still thrive on. It why new simpsons isnt totally bad. Politics, new trends, always give excellent grounds to humour.
The role is the most important. Roles are either chosen, or imposed heavily by popularity of the art you created, and is a description of what role you seem to be forming. Creators get stuck because they get stuck in a role, whose ground is now stale and dry. Some change their role, like H3H3.
You can change your ground, like H3H3, and focus on politics or SJW shit, but then the IMPOSED role by popularity is broken, and people dont like your creations anymore. You 'arent what you used to be, because now youve changed'. 'Why cant you go back to your original role, it was so great'. They dont understand the ground is dry. And he is trying his role. But he reaps nothing but weak crop he doesnt want to give you.
He made a new role, and has found great success. This ground is much more dynamic, because its just chatter and banter, an ease for any educated sociable individual.
H3H3 shouldve been like Idubbbz. You expect nothing, because all you expect him to do is act like a retard. He gives no fucks about the role that you impose on him, the role to make a content cop.
He makes it when he want to. Its why hes untouchable. He has ANY ROLE he wants, and his ground is infinite and to his choosing.
He probably hasn't the willpower to change and create as smart as idubbbz, and focus on good art, and perhaps youre being too harsh on him.
You guys want the feelings back, that you felt when you first had him. But grounds dry, roles end.
Sam Hyde is the unfunniest retard on youtube, the only people who ever liked him were edgy kids who were too politically incorrect for Adult Swim
ignore me pls orginally
>S2-9 were the best comedy of all time. But it changed, because it became popular.
The Simpson's popularity was at its peak when during its classic period though
Alright, Destiny, calm down.
This, really
H3 fails where Idubbbz succeeded because he was too weak-minded to not chase trends, and he's focused far more heavily on building up his brand. He does sponsorships, he forms working relationships with the likes of the Paul Bros even though he supposedly hates them, it's all an act. You would never see Ethan start a video series where he just starts monitoring wild pests in his backyard, and if he did he'd have to do it as a crossover episode with some big Youtuber. He's just too inherently lazy to create art that's true to himself.
Likewise, his current videos are fucking shite by the same factor of idleness. He makes fucking videos where all he does is scroll up and down Reddit and pointing memes out to his retard kid fans. He's literally exactly like SoFlo, except it's supposedly "irony" or whatever.
>implying youtube is art
Literally who? What kind of underage faggot cares about people on youtube in the first place?
these are unfunny you have to be younger than 14 to laugh at this
fuck I miss the old ethan.
I literally watched all of their video, I was a fan boy.
Then he started to get involved in his shitty drama "omg the sjw!!!!" so sad. Israel era was glorious.
idubbz is a fucking nigger and if you are entertained by anything he produces you are -5IQ
he was decent in 2013 and some 2014, back when he was way more unknown, jeff dunham sub 100k. the moment him and unfunny idubbz began internet policing to the extreme I lost interest and stopped watching. miss me with that cringey edrama shit.
I think the people itt over-analysing youtubers is part of the problem
Never found this shit funny. You have to be of a certain age to even consider this good
that has nothing to do with what i asked brainlet, when does idubbbz ever claim the high ground?
>he was decent in 2013 and some 2014
i can't believe you people actually come here
I hope mumkey jones stay shitty and good
The unfunny faggot garbage entitled "Vape Nation" was the final nail in the coffin for this previously funny Youtube channel.
He's such a rich celebrity Jew bastard now. Makes me sick.
I really don't want to defend a youtuber who I never really liked and argue about channels like a retard who takes things like this too seriously, but he was decent, he had a unique style, decent.
to each their own.
they're just bitesized youtube poops
>he had a unique style
I le ironic memeing and roasting people is not unique, you have to be joking
>previously funny Youtube channel
how many of you underage fuckers are there
>Everyone who likes this thing I don't like has to be of a certain age group
How many of you retards are there?
You don't like roasting?
not when it's "i'm so much better than this person because i'm a moral kike"
seems like you're judging his content in hindsight after "ironic memeing" became over saturated. of course "roasting" people isn't unique, but at the time his whole aesthetic and editing was comfy and it was goofy. you seem to take this a little too seriously, just like ethan himself, stop posting and reevaluate what's worth getting passionate over, because it's not this.
A couple posts isn't taking something serious, I just think he's an insufferable cunt that was never funny
Ethan is a little bitch typical kike rising to power and appealing to the masses
now after getting popular he just sits on his gay little podcast circle jerking with guests acting like they're special and their opinions are important, choosing easy targets to morally assault
People like him are the reason literal philistines like you exist.
>Jews start selling out when money shows up
Really activates those almonds
The funniest thing done by them was looking at his retarded wife try to sell bad art
>tfw no poonani and your birthday got snatched
>implying youtube and the people creating content on it havent been complete unadulterated garbage since 2009 or whenever google bought it
Youtube used to be creative because it was mainly just a site for genuine amateur videos. Now every video is professionally edited, every channel has 5 million subs, and there are patreon links everywhere. I remember back when you could click on a random video and it was 90% guaranteed to make you laugh or be interesting in some way.
>so why do you do ____
>"well i really enjo"
>dumb alien bitch says something in a very low tone
>ethan goes off on some Google search during the question
>interviewee has a confused look
every single podcast
there's this thing called demographics and i'd like to inform you that they exist
Why do you all need to declare that H3H3 was "so much better 2013" everytime they post a new video? We all know your opinions on it now.
He's the youtube sjwbutnotasjw police. His podcast is shit and his content is drying up. I stopped watching him once Hila became a regular. Her monotone ass voice and general autism is too much.
(copies sam hyde in jewish)
Because they are friends with le funny pink man dude. Just that, they got an audience for being with filthy frank.
to be perfectly honest, the collabs between him and idubbbz are literal kino
>Ethan "Holy shit I want to be Howard Stern so fucking bad" Klein
I wish he would stop going up on his soapbox and shouting his incredibly basic opinions like they're revolutionary. I just wanna see more fake pranks with the boob coming out.
he never has, that user probably doesn't know that though because he watched maybe one and then went to shitpost like a triggered faggot
in the leafy one, he states clearly that he likes bullying, but with the stipulation that you aren't a pussy when you bully
no wonder soyboys hate him. he's the realest nigga you will ever find on youtube
I actually enjoy the podcast but the main channel became way too predictable and unfunny
spoken like a true person who enjoy vine videos and meme female comedians. Just neck yourself
it is all clear now, your dumbass feels targeted
When he does talk honestly he seems sort of depressed and I don't think him or his wife were suited to working a normal job. Once he saw that he could goof off a couple hours a day and make a good living off of it he stopped worrying about making great content and now focuses on never going back to normal job again.
Naw he's a normalfag.
who is this cunt?
all these people itt talking about how "he used to be funny" like he was ever anything more than some lite comedy bullshit to put on in the background while you do something else. Even Filthy Frank's channel had more merit back in its prime. I don't really get how you can take this cute-sy type le reddite memay stuff seriously. I get a similar vibe from Rick and Morty. I get that it's just entertainment, but people that digest that kind of stuff aren't really playing with a full deck of cards, imho
i unironically hate him
he elects himself as the morality police of the internet whilst basically being a glorified drama channel like keemstar despite shitting on them
he literally just thrives off other peoples content like a leech - when there was no drama he literally put out a video of him and his wife browsing a fucking reddit page - he's nothing without drama to feed off
I never tought ethan was a funny man. It really comes to light in reddit/twitter. He made the same stupid fupa joke for 2/3 years.
Because he is unfunny he tries police the yt but he never really dares to say anything about people who are aware of yt game like keem, pyro or anything4views .Only some meme tier people who just arent the brightest people. He just backs off when he gets hurt and shit talks behind backs.
Post malone has saved him and his horsefaced wife from living in a dumpster and even if his content is ok in terms of yt content he does not deserve the success he has right now.
all the Youtube "comedy" content creators are straight up rip-offs of Kyle Mooney.
after the rise of Kyle Mooney, no other Youtube skits are funny. it's over.
That last video was fucking sad. Just him laughing at memes he stole off of reddit
Not even close
Podcast is a fucking cringefest
>implying both weren't copying Tim & Eric
This. People post lots of really old MDE on cripplechan's MDE board and its essentially Awesome Show sketches with edgier content
le i say nigger ironically face guy
hes h3h3 except instead of being "youtubes moral barometer" hes "guy that comes off uninterested in the drama but still feels the need to make 20-30 minute drama videos"
im so glad that out of all these youtube "comedians" kyle actually got a decent gig. even if snl is trash
Friendly reminder the only good videos idubbz did were those Overgrowth map + mod things
They were good fun
It's cool seeing his guests talk in a more casual setting, but holy shit ethan needs to shut the fuck up. Any time he or that horse-faced bitch open their mouth the quality instantly dives.