Let's hear your height and how satisfied/unsatisfied you are with it.
inb4 meme chart.
Let's hear your height and how satisfied/unsatisfied you are with it.
inb4 meme chart.
>5,9 almost made it
fuck man this feels bad
OP here, 5'8, not cursed with being a total shorter than women manlet but pretty butthurt I missed the cut for the normal range.
I know that just missed it feel bro
at least i use a real measurement system
>be me
>6'1ft tall
>girls show some interest in me because tall
I'd say I'm VERY satisfied to my genes
5'8 (172)
im from central europe so im kinda average but all the manlet memes burned into my brain so hard that i can't look at people taller than me without wanting to jump off the roof.
>women are retarded and think I'm 6'
Thank God
> 5 7
I might as well kms
I'm 5'5 in germoney. After I have given up at people respecting me and ever getting a gf it's not so bad.
Worst case scenario I can always find a tall guy who likes doming smaller guys
Hey I made it to the chart.
Hi there user, I'm :^)
Thank god I'm not ugly and have a big dick, so at least my self-esteem is intact.
I don't feel bad about being short because I'm taller than both my parents, I never expected to be tall. I'd only feel bad if I was shorter than my dad.
What were your family height genes like?
Well I'm not even into people so I guess I'm fine, hasn't hurt me so far
Transition when
how is this comment not original?
5'10 here, the chart is overly optimistic and I don't consider myself tall.
No one said you were tall. You're average, not a humiliating height.
182 cm (~6ft) and still feel short sometimes, wish i was 3 cm taller at least... Fuck these new generations
Just barely made it. Unless I go to the Netherlands/Sweden but I don't want to.
You know how many times I've been told that here. It's definitely not original
Women will see you tall, men will think you're average.
5'8 don't really give a fuck about it. My personality is garbage so women don't notice me anyways. This is a fact I have come to terms with many years ago.
feels so fucking bad i just want to be 5'10, i'm not asking for much
did anyone grow any after 18?
Fixed desu senpai
5'11 here. Nice height, although i feel that any taller just towers over me probably because im so beta and insecure. I remember when i would see Dietrich Wise (he was my brothers friend and my coaches son) and he was like a giraffe to me.
inb4 "you're" desu senpai
How the fuck do i measure my height?
Hello lack of originality my old friend
Get a measuring tape and measure to the top of your head you dingus.
Stand against a wall
Use a pencil to mark where the top of your head is
Use a tape measure to measure the wall
But how do i move pencil perpendicular to my head? I can move him lower or higher.
>be 5'11"
> oldest of 4 boys
>mfw my little brothers all grew up to be taller than me
Lol at least everyone here is a manlet.
5ft 10... Not sure if it's just me but 'kids' (I use the term loosely as I'm only 26 myself) nowadays seem a lot fucking taller than me?
nigga yes, I saw 2 ridiculous stick 78% giggaloofs just randomly 510 6'. theyre all freaks
I'm pretty sure 182 cm is 5'11 and a 1/2.
5'11.654" to be exact.
I'm a britbong and have no fucking clue what this says.
2 thin black young, breeds of the 56%, folk being tall in a predominantly 5'5 community
Between 5'5 and 5'6. Wear boots nost of the time which makes me appear 5'7. I could get shoes with thicker soles and inserts I guess but I'm not that worried about it. Trying too hard is worse than just being short. I'd still be short, just short plus insecure. It's only when I'm around people over 6 foot in good shape that it bothers me, I don't really feel threatned by lanklets.
feels height isnt a problem.
Money,job and my personality is my problem.
Just consider yourself 6'0
because 182.5 = 6'0
Even a thin flip flop will add more than 0.5 cms
I'm only 5'10" or 11" and 125 lbs, being this lanky makes me look taller so most people think I'm 6 foot+, feels good man
Funny enough I'm the tallest member of my immediate family, my mom and grandmother are like 5'4 and my dad and grandfather are like 5'6
Friendly reminder that according to the nazi party 5'9 is the ideal height for aryan super soldiers. Wich doesn't matter to me because I'm a 5'5 manlet but some anons are getting fooled by this bullshit chart.
Interesting, but got a sauce for that? Either way it'd make sense, the time of brutish giants wielding clubs is over in favor of people who can ruck/move longer distances at a fast pace carrying a bunch of shit on them.
Who cares what the Nazi's thought? they also thought Blonde hair Blue eyes was pure despite both being recessive mutations and that not engaging in a battle because hitler overslept and wasn't there to give the order was a sure fire way to victory.
They knew jack shit about Biology and a lot about Engineering fancy shit.
I'm 6'5 lanky and got laid a lot without trying. 6'6 = freak is not really true
I had to ask a friend if height really mattered after I got ditched during a date. The truth hurts. The truth fucking hurts.
Hell I knew a guy who was 6'8 and didn't have to try at all. Women like that. Also any woman approaching 6'0 will basically give themselves to you just because you're taller than her
I am 5;5 or 5;6 with shoes on and straight posture or atleast I thought I was for years I honestly haven't measured myself for awhile and I am 25 there is no way that I should or could have grown anymore. but the other day I was standing in line alone to buy some movie tix for infinity war and everyone behind me and in front of me were at eye level or even a little shorter I felt so damn strong lmao I was king of the midgets in the line and a few were couples one family etc.
I've also fucked 3 women two shorter than me and one a little taller than me and a dude who was 5'10 at least sucked my dick a few times.
>be 6'4
>be fat
it's mixed feeling.
Same shit, except being 6'0
Respectable height, not that tall but far from short.
Losing weight is easier when you're tall my man. Burns a lot of calories to move that much human.
5 11. happy about it especially cause my dads short and bald so Im quite lucky to only inherit one of those traits.
Every time I get depressed about my growing receding hairline I just repeat to myself "youre not short
youre not short youre not short"
I have no source because it's common knowledge here in germany. I could dig up the affiliation criteria for joining the SS but they would be in german so whats the point.
>wear shoes
>women are short and have no grasp of measurements so think I'm 6' or taller
Seriously, the only time I had a woman come even close to guessing my actual height was because she was 5'8".
Definitely should prefer that. It's a lot easier to find a way to fix hair problems with a hair transplant than it is to fix height problems by having your legs sawn and elongated.
>I'm a sophomore
Should I be worried?
>but also girl
Fuck these African genes
>to my genes
You almost made it, pal.
>Women despise me anyway
>tfw always wear the same adidas shoes cause im cheap af
>tfw shoe's add 2.5 inches
>tfw no one before my highschool day's has seen me without these shoes on
>tfw everyone thinks i'm 5'11"
>Still feel short since my college is full of tall Chads
>Also being a skeleton doesn't help
I might as well be a manlet, it wouldn't make a difference anyway, and maybe my back would be less fucked up if I was a bit shorter.
>Have had gf's/fucked bitches slightly taller then me.
>Two children from two different women (that i care and love).
>Martial arts teacher, taekwon-do, jiujitsu, mma.
>Get womens atention.
>Respected and feared by peers.
>8 inch pennor
Trascend your manletism manlet brothers
press x
I always thought i'm 5'10'', but turns out i'm actually 6'. I wonder what am i going to do with all these pussies i'm gonna be getting from now on.
I'm 5'7" and my gf is 6'.
This chart is wrong lol
No matter my dud i have been punching people/choking people tu submission so many times that it gives you a feralness aura. Heigth is a meme (well i have a strong build tho)
what are you doing on r9k tho? seems like you're doing good
>Two children from two different women
That's a disgusting situation man.
>8 inch pennor
so your genetic compensated you
Ah the manlet shill meme, almost as bad as the tranny one.
All those "bad" men are superior to the three tall "men" in that meme though lmao. Was this supposed to make manlets look bad?
I guess tall "men" don't have brains
holy shit, Lincoln must've been fucking giant in those time.
>Tfw 6'1
Literally the only good gene I have
I was a khv until my 23's and was full blown weeabo/comic/duengeons and dragons until my 24's i went closset nerd because reasons but i suffered many of the troubles all the young fellas are going thru here, also i am borderline alchie and a pot head.
I like it here and despise normies to no end, here is the only place i can share views on life and feel between equals.
what happened that you start plowing those girls? did mma help?
>Don't socialise with women so I don't know what height they think I am
Women are disgusting, children are wonderfull
8 inch pennor runs in the family i think, overheard once how one my dad's gf's was bragging on the phone about it with another roasty.
>he isn't even 6'4"
>and he thinks he has good genes
>5'9 king of manlets
Anything under 5'10 for a male is pathetic, desu. 5'7 is NOT the smallest acceptable height, I often see women taller than me and that is emasculating as fuck, the majority of women I see are somewhere between 5'5 and 5'7. Can you imagine being the same height or one inch taller than the majority of women ? That's suicide tier, at 5'9 I sometimes see middle schoolers taller than me, at 5'7 you're at the average height for 13 year olds.
Lanklet identified
Yeah, martial arts and manly things atracts women like fucking honey to flyes. It was very hard to me to deal with it bcs i suddenly was showered with female atention in my mid-late 20's when results of my training started to show -i started to train for my love of figthing games and shonen manga- before i was ridiculed and ignored, i am 33 now btw.
>Nigger terrorist on the good guy list
Get fucked user
good for you user. how did it happen with 2 children from 2 girls?
>couldn't attract 18-23 year olds because of your ugliness
>turned 28
>started attracting desperate 25+ single mothers or women who just got out of toxic relationships
>literally had to settle with used goods
>''Whoa guys, get Jow Forums and go get your teeth punched in, that was the secret all along LMAO''
im 6'3'' and have a gf
>not orginil
If you feel bad being shorter than a woman you're pathetic. I literally only date women taller than me. I'm 5'7" and my gf is 6'
I have fucked girls younger then me lad, sorry.
Ugly 25 year old desperate roasties with daddy issues and prostitutes don't count, you stupid nigger. How does this MMA shit even work ?
>hey gurl, wanna talk ?
>sry, I have a boyfriend
>I do MMA
>Whoa, I'm literally wet right now, let me go change my panties and we'll talk, k ?
Most of us are in college, faggot, this shit doesn't work. It's all about looks now, at 33 you can literally go on a dating site and you'll find thirsty, ugly ignored women ready to fuck you.
>How does this MMA shit even work ?
not that user but it gives confidence.
Had my first child at 26 with a girl i was living with, things never worked out bcs we lived in different cityes while i was going for phisc.ed degree. She is 6 years old now.
My second is from recent relationship with a thicc crazy femicunt uni teacher, sex was crazy and over the top, so as anything with her so i dropped it. Lil fella is 8 months old.
>I'm a '''''''male''''''' the size of a 12 year old girl and I pretend to fuck women taller than me on the internet
True ubermensch, nothing pathetic about your life, you turbomanlet.
6'8 person here
I feel pretty satisfied with my height, if I only worked out and did le calisthenics I'd be Chad as I do have good facial features
Shit man you are sour. Whatev's i do other things besides punching people in the face, i work on social programs, have usseles literature degree, among other things.
Hope examns turn up good for you.
Also lenely figthing daddy is pussy magnet for younger girls.
It's in the meat and dairy.
It's a lot easier to be confident in your 30's because the dating scene starts favoring men and becomes equalized, faggot. You don't need to risk brain injury for that, women interested in dating will treat you better at that age because they don't have many options left, but the point was that you're stuck with used up, fat, wrinkly cunts who ended up single at that age which is a major red flag. You can't start a proper relationship at that age unless you absolutely hate yourself, you can fuck them, but they've taken miles of dicks and are probably bored of sex already, you missed out on prime 16-22 y/o pussy and teenage love, you will always be a loser regardless of how much you try after the age of 25.