How do you think your life would be if you were born a millonaire?
I would be a millionaire.
my dad's net worth is over 1m and i'm still here
I would be able to have nice things that I enjoy without ever having to worry about finances. I could at least buy pussy, I don't care if that's the only reason it wants me.
I would be able to be a chad , the grills would love me...instead of a beta in a basement gaming on pc's with a dozen other guys
Immediate access to that kind of money before I was a fully formed human like I am now would possibly be a disaster. If I had the opportunity to magically go back in time and give my 17 year old self a billion dollars I probably wouldn't.
yeah that worked out so well for elliott rodger
robots would do nothing differently. their problems come from laziness.
I'd definitely be lazier.
Believe it or not, but I'm what most people would consider an extremely rich person
Father is a big Italian businessman, he owns a big collection of italian sportcars, one of the biggest ferrari collections in Europe actually. Mother side of the family comes from New York, old money. We live in a fucking palace.
Am I happy?
NO. I am 100% sperg. I'm 25 years old. I never learned how to drive. I have never been to a party. I'm fat and 5'6, never had friends or gf, etc. Even though I have all the money in the world I barely spend money, I'm a neet.
Fuck money.
will they ever learn, r9k?
I would grow up to be spoiled and weak, probably still a KHV.
Would be nice not having to worry about bills or checking bank statements every day to make sure you have enough to save a measly $500 this month
given how quickly I blew through my trust fund, I would probably be running out of money around now, and I would be much worse off as I wouldn't have any job experience
This is pure bait but got damn this angers me. Just thinking about getting my shit together and buying a 1k civic is so hard for me and yet you have everything. Im not mad at you user, the struggles are internal but please understand me
I can't say I would be a better person, but at least I'd gave the money to do something with my life. If not then I can just sit comfy with wealth.
I would be happy for once. Being poor fucking sucks and fuck anyone who says money doesnt bring you happiness. Of course you dont NEED to be rich to be happy and theres plenty of happy people who are poor out there, but life is so much easier when you dont have to worry about not having enough money to pay for basic shit. Money also lets you enjoy your hobbies and stuff to their fullest and get cool shit. Yeah wanting material stuff is shallow but who fucking cares you only have one life so why not try to enjoy it by having cool stuff.
btcboy here. Absolutely nothing happiness related changes, although it does give you a nice confidence boost knowing you can do whatever you want with little consequence
e.g. quit working whenever you want, get arrested it doesn't matter if they don't take your money
It also has the potential to make your life worse if you go NEET and lose your mind
One of my problems would be solved, the problem regarding getting a job. Other than that, nothing much would change.
In that case, why don't you send some of that fuck money to me
BORN a millionaire. It is very different than gaining that cash yourself. The anxiety never goes away
Ahh yeah didn't notice that. The people who've born into it definitely cope a lot better. It made me go almost insane at the start
I would be happier I think. Most of my depression stems from being poor. I have no desire for anything more than a roof over my head and food.
This. I just want to not a be a pathetic fuckstain dependent on his parents in his 30's, be comfy and have a moderately nice car.
What do you spend your money on?
Sell your car, pirate all vidya/games and your expsenses should be absolutely minimal if you're a robot and don't go to clubs and stuff
Rent mostly.
A lot better since I'd just invest it all and be a comfy neet forever
would probably have killed myself already
Do you house share?
My rents only 3.5k bong a year doing that in the uk
No, I can't live with other people. The anxiety would probably kill me.
Where do you live
Being homeless with a car is not that bad.
Yea. Having money is a bitch. You dont need to find a job like everyone else. Instead you need to focus on doing something youre interested in. I dont know why but all rich people i know including myself have asshole parents and are eather trying too hard to live up to their expectations or are compleatly livibg outside society.
The myth that rich kids are super happy, that they just travel on boats and fuck around isnt true in most cases. Money leads to a boring ass lifestyle with no obsticles. And if you whine about it like i do you deserve a bullet in most peoples opinion