[the current year]

>[the current year]
>"he" STILL isn't a sissy
Don't you want to be happy, anons?

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I would be a sissy for a amazon futa only.

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Haha yeah nice try dungeon tree

Stop responding to me as if my post was in any way related to retarded 3d drama.
Futa is 2d only.

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Fuck off reiko you faggot. Parmajano oregano.

I'm 30 mate. There's a time limit on these things.

All of you pathetic tranny shills can fuck off you

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look op im over weight by about 50 lbs hairy as an ape and very masculine features as well im 23 yo. Now how do you expect me to become a sissy?

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>im over weight by about 50 lbs
Workout. It's easier to go from overweight to toned than it is to go from skeleton to toned
>hairy as an ape
Shave? Electrolysis?
>very masculine features
Can't do much to "fix" that, but you could always go twink-mode or sissy-lite. Also, makeup, corsets, and flattering "clothes" exist.
>as well im 23 yo
Young enough. Pre-20's is ideal, but as long as you're

real talk, why do I find women with dicks attractive? I know i'm a faggot but why this specifically, why not just men?

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Because you admire the female form, not the male. But the male genitals are also more attractive than female.

Put the two together and presto. Monkey brain wants that thick, meaty she-cock.

Yeah that was kinda wrong. Dude confused my shit post for shilling for some trap cult. I mean really do you actually believe so autistic wanna be girl was conducting a massive psyops mission to convert 4chaners into a massive trap harem? It's more believable that it was just shit posters having fun and some guy baited retards. God I love you retarded autist everyday is so much fun.

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>soft skin
>smell nice
>feminine features

>rough skin
>don't smell nice
>masculine features

>cute and fleshy
>can be grabbed and petted
>twitch when stimulated
>smell pleasantly musky

>looks like an axe wound
>even 'innies' have to be spread apart and the disgusting insides exposed during oral
>can't be played with in a similar fashion
>just get moist with a gross smelling and tasting liquid that's thicker than water when stimulated

The fact that you like women and the feminine form over men is simply down to biology. Women are anatomically fundamentally different, even the most butch woman still has a different chemical composition of her sweat and her fat distribution makes her feel softer than a similarly masculine man. This is why a trap will never be a woman, no matter how much they try.

Go back to /LGBT/ you fag

this thread needs more HIGH ENERGY futa

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Eh maybe but itll take a lot of convincing or big pressure for me to do something like that.

Ah, nothing like a good spiderman thread right as I wake up. Really appreciate this guys.

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>the future of white """men""" is /lgbt/
Hey, your words, pussy boy.

>implying Jow Forums isnt already a bunch of faggots
Now a group of bigger faggots is trying to make ass bois cuz no real woman would ever touch them.

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>implying I think this place isn't fag central already
Honestly maybe a group is but from the reactions a lot more just started to shit post

Futa for everyone

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This is what people don't understand.
Liking futa isn't gay.

Why is it that male genitals are more feminine than feminine genitals?

Fuck off Neiko

Go die Neiko

>tfw made a blog on tumblr and sell amateur porn videos with my face exposed and everything

good to see Jow Forums back to normal

I actually kinda missed these disgusting gay ass threads after the Jow Forums invasion

Not sure how true this actually is. But someone told me that males evolved to look at the penises of other males as a way of determining dominance hierarchies. In other words, your attraction to dick is an incidental by-product of your instinct to establish and fit into a pecking order based on dick size. Doesn't make your attraction to dick wrong. I am sure that there is a shemale who would love to do the nasty sex type things with you.