>socially inept to the point he can't even speak an entire setence without dropping spaghetti everywhere
Is Zuck a robot?
>socially inept to the point he can't even speak an entire setence without dropping spaghetti everywhere
Is Zuck a robot?
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Yes and he did nothing wrong
Not his fault nigger cattle are barely literate
Don't forget there are cameras everywhere. He spergs up he his meme'd by normies. sad
he's a literal robot
he is a jew robot, literally a robot, it was built by the zionists to archive the final mass media control
>He spergs up he his meme'd by normies
what language is this
Nice try Jow Forums, but still irrelevant
t. zuccbot
Well yeah, everyone keeps calling him one now. So I guess he is.
>>socially inept to the point he can't even speak an entire setence without dropping spaghetti everywhere
Except this isn't true at all stop basing your views on memes fucktard
Ted Cruz made him drop enough spaghetti to feed Italy for a entire decade
>t. peson who have no reason to come on this board
this post is an example of the begging the question fallacy where you make an incorrect assumption as the basis of your argument
I honestly think he's a sociopath. The Social Network seemed to portray that well. Whenever you seen him doing some public thing it looks so fake and forced, and you can tell he doesn't mean it.
He's a lizardman in a human suit.
first dubs best dubs
reminder that 25% of the population (75 million people in America alone) have sub-90 IQs
Don't you have better shit to do than defend your reputation here, zucchini? Like selling people's info to your Jewish cabal friends?
no, he's a deceitful jew
>socially inept to the point that he doesnt realize that the ZUCC (tm) doesnt spill any spaghetti whatsoever
>Is Zuck a robot?
He's just a regular jew
He is far from regular jew
I'm convinced he has legitimate autism. Like not a meme actually can't process social behavior autism.
Phoneposter language, I'll bet.
>man who can't process social behavior is behind the most popular social media service
that would be too ironic
He's just a jew who got found out.
Why not? His original plan was to make a site that'd make it easier for spergs who spent all their time online to talk to women. Sounds pretty aspie to me
I believe it too. Zucc is definitely autistic.
Zuck is a cuck.
Yes and no. He just got really lucky off his website made millions and has some slut who married him for his money.