
Where do we go from here?
its a new week.

30+ accepted

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>still haven't got the courage to try to talk to her

i need inspiration fuck.

consider the alternative user

Am not very happy desu.
My life has become very stagnant.
My only social contact is online.

which is what exactly?

cheese bacon

if u think about her like u need courage
its safe to assume she will proably do good in ur lifestyle
the alternative is stagnation

do u have a job?

I really dislike you. I have determined your value is very low and therefore your words are meaningless.

I share your evaluation of this """person""". Honestly sad to see """people""" like it are allowed to even be on this board.

I honestly don't know what to do at this point. I just graduated in December, and now I'm planning on taking a road trip around the country for a while. After that, I have no idea what I'm doing.

I have absolutely no idea what to do on the gf front. Am I even capable of having one at this point? Am I just broken forever?

I hope you don't find anyone as you travel the world because this way I can feel better about myself knowing that others suffer as I do.
Do you have funds to travel? If so and if you can actually go do things without anxiety fucking you over and forcing you to just take walks and then head to your hotel/abnb, you should definitely go for it. It can give you a whole new appreciation for where you live, while allowing you to see and do things you could never see where you are.

>Do you have funds to travel?
Yep, recently got a legal settlement for a car accident.

Good luck and have fun, and don't believe the Jow Forums maymays (or better yet, go verify them in person).

I know this has been asked a million times but are MtG meetups a decent place to meet other people? On *my* social level?

>finally get to talk with a cuite at work
>small talk for like a week
>find out that she is a bit nerdy but that ok because Im a full closet weeb
>we are both working this weekend shift so I ask her if she wanted to grab lunch together
>Sure annon, I would like that
>she calls in sick today

You would think that at my age I should know better. /blog

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How do you get the motivation to do that?
If it is a social acquaintance at work I worry things won't go well and I'll be labelled a creep by everyone else or worse lose a job.
If it is a stranger I worry we won't have anything in common.
I have never asked a woman out. Or even tried.

how did you approach her?

Sure, if you're a middle school kid, or a SJW (if you're male be prepared for rape accusations).

They used to be, but no longer. Now they're normalfag centrals. You might as well go anyway, what have you got to lose am i rite?

Probably, but you still need to approach them and talk to them on your own. At least you have a common topic to chat about there.

In my country local MtG tournaments are full of twenty somethings with barely any girls around. Average age a bit lower than in these threads but still not too far off.

>tfw start another bus job on monday
>more pay,bennies,routes are cake
>tfw binged ate due to stress but gonna come back from it and get shredded
>just came back from gym
>feel great
>hit pr on dead lift like 6 times
>feel good
>hit 245 on the bench press for 6,post binge
>2 costco muffins
>went shopping
>found easter peanut butter cups for 90 cents
>got last paycheck from last bus job
>tfw i'm gonna get like double soon for less work
>tfw the other bus job i'm going to has a gym with a power rack,barbells,bench presses,and dumbbells up to 100
>gonna bring heaver bum bells
>tfw after work i can just workout there without normies fucking with my routine
>no one goes to the gym, gonna work that shit, i have access to it 24/7
good thing i stuck it out over here but i'm gonna miss it honestly. I was cool with the people there and it was laid back as fuck.

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Great country I guess? Still no place for any male even approaching 30.

>had meeting with my boss regarding my paycheck
>demand more because i'm offered better positions at other companies
>they "need time to discuss"
>give them until end of next week
i hope they will say they cant doit
giving me a reason to fucking finally cut all cords i have in this place and move somewhere far away (but first getting another job)

>be me at 20 in university
>have friends, play in a band, have a cool gf
>3 years go by
>band broke up, gf broke up
>have to leave the apartment and go back to my hometown because no money
>my father dies early
>family now poor
>well at least I'm almost done with university
>crohn's disease hits
>depression hits
>try to pick up the books but I get panic attacks, my heart pumping like it's going to explode
>eventually drop out at 25, 5 exams from finishing
>time goes by
>now 30
>nothing has changed since then
>don't even remember what I've done in the past 5 years
>probably playing DOTA and more timewasting
>legitimately want to kms despite taking a billion pills a day

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You hopefully already have your foot in the other door?

yeah got two offers which would hire me on the spot
but I'm currently in a tough spot in my private life (khhv @28 and alone af) and my job is the only thing that gives or gave me joy

fucking tired of it all senpai

Every time I go on facebook there's a massive wall of babyposters. It's non stop. The qt's never post pics of themselves anymore, just their babies. The older I get, the more baby pics I see. I will never be free from this hell.

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I had my foot so far another door that i might as well be standing in the fucking room when i started pushing my weight around. I told them i was going to just quit. they needed so many people that they had people in the office,bosses do that kind of work. shit was so fucked up. one time they told me "we may have lost your paycheck envelope" i replied, "i may just stop coming" she got up off her computer chair so fast that is spun 3 times. now i got a better paying position. haha

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Cause they are fucking ugly now lmao. I loved going back on FB just to look at all the girls I thought were so hot and see how pathetic they look now. Meanwhile I grow stronger every day.

Invade syria

im 18, kill yourselves hahahahahahah

She is a coworker, so we are bound to work together sometimes and small talk ensues, I tried to keep it to myself the first couple of times of us working together and it was very uncomfortable.

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Well user maybe she really did have something else to do. See how she reacts next time you see her. Did she act at all interested when you talked to her? Did she ask you questions at all?

god I fucking hate children

the thing though is when they spawn one of those, these moms' lives start revolving around them. You have no idea how lifechanging it is, I'm witnessing my SIL dragging everyone else into this vortex of diapers and shit because she can't handle it alone

I want to send a photo of a quote from the Incredibles but all the pics i find are in that trashy impact font

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>today is relaxing day
>did nothing, watched anime, then took a nap
>came into extra money, could go eat something nice for once
>don't want to leave apartment
Only thing I want money for is to travel but you can't do that spur of the moment.

maybe you should have just asked for her number and not for a date at work basically.

all the girls that were my HS peers who used to be cute , look like total ass today. Their faces look drained like giving birth took their life force from them. don't get me wrong,I get down with that milf porn however when you dig though your year book and look up a girl who was in her prime like 10 years ago and see her current self. It's kind of sad for real. Because back then they had it all, a young woman who's social power once was unrivaled is now just a nobody. have it all and just lose it, no wonder why a lot of older women are bitter. It's like being wealthy,butler and all then suddenly losing it. Trying to recapture it with working but it will never happen.

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beat her to the punch by raping her before she can accuse you

anyone else here started to enjoy the smaller things in life after the Breakdown TM? I used to wan't to be this baller ass nigga with cars and shit but today i cherish a good nap,workout,and shower. I'm feeling a peace about things when before i used to stress the fuck out. sis

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Any advice for a 21 year old that's in the process of finishing college?

Anything you guys would have done differently?


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^Why the fuck do these people come here every thread?? Are they the same person over and over? It's like fucking catnip.

Get internships? But I guess since you are finishing I got no advice really.

>Any advice for a 21 year old that's in the process of finishing college?
>Anything you guys would have done differently?
stop coming here

Sorry, I just wanted to bump the thread and get advice at the same time.

Thanks, man. I'm hoping to get into graduate school (hopefully medical or podiatry), so I don't really need internships for now.

What makes you say that?

There's basically a 75% chance they'll give you a raise, 5% chance they fire you, and 20% chance they either deny it or try to delay it (if they try to delay it's because they want to deny it, but don't want you to quit, so they'd delay it over and over again to carrot you into working until your replacement arrives)

>What makes you say that?
Not the guy you are responding to but because it is a bad influence and you are a normal faggot. Even if you rise up r9k has some magical power to bring you down again.

I would have selected a list of women I want to ask out, perused trusty scotch bottle, and asked them out one at a time until at least one accepts, or all reject, before having to enter the workforce, The reason for that is that my work environment is 99.9% men, rest are married women and hamplanets (also married).
Other than that, I would have done exactly nothing differently. Not a single thing.

I am depressed. I want it to stop!

What do people do during the day?

I quit smoking weed all day on my days off and I have no idea what else to do. I can exercise an hour or two. I don't really want to go shopping because I'm saving for some things. So now I just lay around the apartment alternating between watching tv and rotating some games in between.

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Yeah but then I started stressing about stupid shit again. I'm guessing it will probably culminate in another breakdown and maybe I'll do the aftermath right this time.

>so I don't really need internships for now.
Research internships are a very important thing while in college when you're looking to possibly go for a grad degree. It gets your foot in the door, helps you learn about the cunts you'll have no choice but to bow down to, and helps you figure out if you're made for this or you should pursue something else.

Not only are most of the people on here deranged, it's like an addiction.

This is your life on Jow Forums: youtube.com/watch?v=dAHoxaphbEs

Because of all the stimuli it ruins all other forms of entertainment. You can't read books, practice an instrument, program, write a novel or anything else because it doesn't have the same stimuli. And another problem is all the fucked up shit that comes with that stimuli. You may think you're immune because it hasn't changed you yet, but it changes you gradually without you realizing it.

For example there's all the trap and sissy shit, everyone invalidates eachother and puts eachother down or they outright attack your self esteem. In threads like this everyone talks about how much of a failure they are, and overtime you'll start to apply that shit to your life, accept and stop putting up any resistance.

All the time you spend on here is time you could have put into programing, making music, reading, writing, studying Chess or whatever else you idealize. You could become an expert in any of those things and you would be proud of yourself for getting so good. You wouldn't feel like a failure, but if all you've done is endless browsing threads instead then you would have nothing to show for it.

If you have hobbies you can also make friends or find a gf through finding other people who do the same. This site is bad for you.

>Now they're normalfag centrals. You might as well go anyway, what have you got to lose am i rite?
Face maybe? I'm thinking about going with a cool "friend" but I have this reoccurring nightmare that he'll just overshadow me without even trying or even being interested in the activity at hand.

>but you still need to approach them and talk to them on your own
How'd you mean?

>Average age a bit lower than in these threads
>Still no place for any male even approaching 30.
That's a bit discouraging.

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I shitpost a lot. I like racist memes but have been slowly distancing myself from racist "communities" since i found out most of them are losers.

Besides that I do art but i haven't drawn in a while. I kind of suck for how long ive been at it.

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Come on thread, keep your head above the water.

I can confirm this post, stay away from Jow Forums and you'll be amazed at how much time you save. The question is, do you have anything to spend it on?

So us older anons are lost?

Thx I wont come here again

I ran into this problem. I just traded Jow Forums for reddit

I don't know user but I don't think so, fully anyways. I'm 29, just for point. I'm personally finding ways to be productive, but it mostly involves mixing in being productive with also getting what that tripfag describes at the same time. I got myself 2 monitors, have 1 with my browser up or a video playing so I can constantly check shit and the other with actual programs open to be productive with -- IF I close those programs I'm being productive with and just stare at my browser I get fucking nothing done the entire day but if I force the program to stay open, I eventually find myself in that place of boredom where nothing will interest me for more than 30 minutes and it lets me practice and improve at what I want intermittently between checking another board or re-reading a thread.
I am hoping the more I do this (it's only been like 3 weeks so far), the more attention I'll start paying to productivity and less into mind numbing shit - I could see it working, there are definite moments where I'm not particularly motivated but by simply just doing I get sucked in and forget about the other monitor for an hour or so.
I hope this makes sense, I'm trying any sort of bull shit to pull myself away from this life of doing fucking nothing cause I've been doing it for a little over a decade now and I'm plain tired of it. I'm even considering meditation but hell I can't even silence my internal monologue for longer than 30 seconds

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Nice tripdub combo.

I don't know, I think I need to find some people to hang with, on my social level, around my age but everyone is either way above me socially or at an age where they can't hang anymore.

Well it's no doubt to each his own, if you think you know what you need to do then just do your best to do it. It's just the doing it part that's so hard for some reason. Ah well.

>starting to wonder if i'm not simply socially retarded but genuinely mildly autistic

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Im not keeping my hopes up at all, I guess it was a mistake for me to think i could actually go somewhere with her.
The thing is she acted interested, and she actually started the conversation mos of the times so I guess it is my fault for thinking there was something else there
But I do have her number, but what Can I say without sounding like too clingy? I talk to her but I still have my autisim moments where I stay quiet for fear of screwing up the convo

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really, many normies are similar but since they use reddit, they are often lest fringe and alienated

Same here man. It's like $1000 to get diagnosed and you can't actually cure it, so fuck that. i guess i'll never know

>NEET Wizard
>Not fucking clue what to do
>ugly as shit so hate going outside
I'm at a complete loss as to what I'm supposed to do to fix my life.

Don't drop out like I did.

Just finish nigger. You'll have to finish eventually, just power through it while you're young. I'm 31 and dont have a bachelors, but still working on it.

join military if in usa

I'm not dying for a bunch of fucking rich old dudes and Jews.

Hi, everyone. I was looking for this thread for a minute and I am glad there was one. Hope you all are having a decent Saturday or whatever day it is where you are located. Anyone have anything super interesting happen this week or maybe incredibly shitty? My laptop broke so I cannot work from home for a hot minute and it feels like I am wasting cash just sitting around so I may as well spend the time sitting around with you guys

who dies in the us military anymore?

>got new job
>diet down the drain

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Why the fuck wouldnt you just say no?
How much more effort did that take than saying a syllable and moving in with your life? Lmao
Im assuming this girl is under 21 based on behavior.

Oh shit. Congrats on the new job but I know that feeling, having your schedule fucked with is just a recipe for not giving a shit about your diet. Food even stops being enjoyable, just feel bad when you pig out.

30 is over the limit dipshit.
Unless he has outstanding physical health, they wont even consider.
Also who tf wants to be an E1 at 30 taking orders from people over 10 years younger than you?
He would hate his life even more and would waste 4+ years of his life.

Just drank for the first time since being placed on Wellbutrin and I ended up overeating. Feel like shit right now

Were the drinks at least half decent?

You know she might just be sick
But now you're going to act hurt and autistic next time you see her and fuck it all up

>30 is over the limit dipshit.
the age limit is like 41 niggerlips

20 year olf faggot with a question here.

When do you get numb to the loneliness of no romantic partner...?

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realisticly speaking, can one assume that if a woman is 30 years or older, she's probably as fucked up inside as i am?

i don't know if that made any sense


^original answer

Numbing did not do shit for me to be honest because it is still actively telling yourself that they have control over you in one way or another. Instead, try to find yourself just doing shit you authentically enjoy. Once you learn to be happy alone, there is no need to numb. Just go buy a video game or take yourself out to a concert or for some ice cream.

I always overeat/-drink on the weekends.
I don't even enjoy it, i just try to fill a void of boredom. Everything is degrees of boring, and cooking does at least distract me some.

I always say to myself, now I will stop. I will have small dinner tomorrow, I will not masturbate, I will read at least a page in a book. I end up not doing any of that. And I feel like shit during and after.
I need someone who tells me what to do and does it with me. Then I can contribute. Leaving me to myself is destructive.

I will end up a lone loser and all that. Or some feminist twat lures me into her trap due to crippling loneliness and I end up miserable regardless.

I go to a psychiatrist, but he's really busy so I get an appointment every 2 weeks or so, and it doesn't really help. He even straight up asks why I'm even there. As if I'm unhappy because I want to be.
>Have you tried being not depressed, and do stuff that makes you happy? :^)

>When do you get numb to the loneliness of no romantic partner...?
You just eventually get used to it, but there are still plenty of times when you (I) realize how alone you (I) am and spend an entire weekend at the bottom of several bottles.

No. Just Bacardi gold and flat Coke Zero

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in the same lack of motivation boat here, user. I know I do not need to cook but it is something to do. Some sort of book club would be nice. Something so I can geek out with others after the fact so I feel rewarded.

I absolutely love coke. Just two days ago I realized that Coke Zero tastes the same and I was skeptical as all hell because assholes in the past told me Diet Coke tasted the same and fuck that lie. I do not mix my drinks anymore. I need to cut back on the drinking for maybe two months. I am too able to just crack open a 750ml and down it halfway with no chaser just to kickstart a buzz and it sucks. I noticed I do not even get one bottle now. I get the onsale 2 for fifteen dollars 750 whiskey or vodka every day until I cold turkey and car crash with my hangover. I wanna go back to just enjoying some beers with friends.

>was seeing abs
>binge ate for 3 days straight
>3 fucking day
>6000+ cals
>working out still however diet is so fucked up
>new job,new routine,and new everything fucked me up

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Okay, me again. What would you change if you were my age again?

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dammit he looks good though

Literally never ever. In a year or two you'll feel like you're at peace with the idea, then you'll hit 25+ and panic, then you'll give up a bit, then you're hit 28+ and you'll genuinely consider suicide. If you make it to wizardhood, chances are you've given up completely.

If I woke up and was 20 again, I'd work on getting a job and play much less/quit WoW.

Just to be able to do something by myself would be amazing. Reading a book, playing a video game, watching a movie. Instead I just sit on Twitch, this site, Youtube and cycle content and just distract myself.
I have some people I occasionally play online with, but the way I experience it is that it's on their terms. That their saying is what we do. And if it goes horrible, they can just leave and do another activity, while I idly sit and wait. They get angry at games, upset when they die. Moan about unfairness. I just shrug. I may comment how it's typical bad shit happens to me, but I don't get upset, it's more something that happened, happened.

Take today. I had somewhat OK breakfast, oats and sourmilk with cocoa. But then I also had two 0.5 energy drinks, and my dinner was 400g minced meat, guacamole, 100 g cheese, 100g sour cream, 3 onions, 1 red pepper, 500g grapes. And I bought god damn chocolate at the store, so add 150g or so of that. Add oil used in the cooking too, a couple of tablespoons.
Yesterday I made pizza, it was with homemade tomato sauce and tasted pretty good, but it was a chore to eat it. And I ended up eating 0.75 of it, it was a big pan-pizza, so way above recommended intake.

Anyhow, back to the boredom. Today, I've been sitting in this god damn chair for 16 hours. Only taken bathroom breaks, going to the fridge-break and a trip to the store where I forgot some of what I intended to buy, but ended up with a lot of junk.
I played 2 hours or so of video games, but it was uncomfortable, like everyone is so much better, so I'm more of a liability than a contribution.

I honestly dont care, im too old to be playing games like that.

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I guess the upside is that I didn't drink alcohol this weekend or the last, so it could always be worse :^)

sounds like my days except you eat a lot more than I do, friend.
I posted basically trying to get myself to do something while I do all the cycle content and distracting.
Not trying to provide answers or anything just very similar to me and my day to day so you're my e-friend now whether you like it or not

After high school, never dated anyone ever. I'm 27. I'm used to the pain at this point. It probably won't get any better great career or not.