This could have been your life, but instead you decided video games, Japanese cartoons, and masturbating to internet pornography were more important.
This could have been your life, but instead you decided video games, Japanese cartoons...
i decided that video games, Japanese cartoons, and masturbating to internet pornography were more important than crying over what I will never get because females dont like me
This is really the closest to normieism any of us could hope to achieve.
Inbred FAS kids, that's your best offer? wew
i hate corporate culture so much, but i suppose atleast its better than starving in a communist regieme
No, that's offensive. Nuclear families with children are offensive. Maybe you should go outside, user.
I never wanted this in the first place because I'm not a fucking normalfag
LOL that woman would speak to me on the street, let alone fuck me,
for free anyways
I never had much of an opportunity to be a high earner, which means I really won't ever have the opportunity to be a family man. So rationally, I would rather at least be comfortable with my life.
>his could have been your life,
And people say Americans have no culture.
No, I decided friendship was more important.
And then he left.
I wanted this life but the life didn't want me.
>This could have been your life, but instead you decided video games, Japanese cartoons, and masturbating to internet pornography were more important.
And thank God. What a life-saving decision it was.
that little girl has seen some shit
>tfw no vr headset wearing grandma
ffs i should just kill myself
>this could of been my life
Thank god I avoided that curve ball!
iie, that could never have been my life.
>not breeding to support your race
If you're a man, this can probably be you even into your 50s.
fuck off tradcon that is not happening until you take women's rights. why should men sacrifice themselves for women without male authority over the family. Women can just take your kids with no visitation and make you pay child support.
But i dont talk to women
>teenager the only one not smiling
>has this big supportive family
>playing the sport of his dreams
>has an amazing christmas
>probably had food and gifts and everything
what a fucking faggot
it's not that they were more important, it's that it's all we're left with
white suburban kids are always ungrateful little bastards
It was always going to be this way, I never had access to that future. I'm a 1st gen born from immigrants and raised in a majority native community. I never got to learn my parents language and I can't blame the girls in this country for wanting their own kind. That and I'm just a beta faggot
Women made that decision for me, sadly. I just needed a slightly bigger jaw
All of this post right here, I refuse to play into this fucked up system we've arrived at.
#relatable amirite
No, I didn't you literal retard, I tried getting pussy, but I got rejected by the picky women because I was born an ugly manlet. Fuck you, nigger, I hope you die the most painful death possible, I picked anime and video games because I had nothing else left, it wasn't a voluntary decision, instead of blaming us for the death of your precious white race, maybe you should blame women, the real culprits you absolute cretin. How the fuck is it our fault that their standards are completely idiotic ?
No my diagnosed autism did
We don't live in la-la-land where there's any likeliness that a healthy family could be nurtured in this current culture. If hookup culture and sexual liberation for women wasn't a thing, you'd have an argument, but that's just not how reality is right now. If someone found someone they believed to be an exception and who would make a good mother and wife to nurture something real with, chances are that the current cultural ideas would catch up and there could be a bad divorce. It's just too big of a risk, and you'd have to invest a great deal into even attracting that girl who seems like it's possible that she's more than a slave to her sexual urges and whims.
My comfort and peace of mind is more important than the future of the white race, to me. I'm going to stop existing in less than 80 years, and I'm going to spend it trying to be safe and comfy and loving my waifu who I can trust.
Could have. But most women are ugly and childish. I'm not going to put up with that shit on my own, let alone forcing my children to suffer that. Women aren't feminine anymore, to the point that fags can claim traps aren't gay.
Everyone naturally prefers the idealized anime form. People saying otherwise is typical normalfag cope.
This could have been your life, but instead you decided video games, Japanese cartoons, fighting for Israel, and masturbating to internet pornography were more important.