is being a skele worse than being fat?
>tfw 5'9", 110lbs
is being a skele worse than being fat?
>tfw 5'9", 110lbs
Excuse me but how is that even possible?
5'7'' and 135lb
fat person here and fuck no, being fat is the thing i hate about myself, granted im doing something about it, but never ever for once believe being too skinny is being worse then being fat. At least if you're skinny but have an attractive face you don't have to worry about being fat ruining it
No being fat is worse but really you just need to fucking eat.
let me correct myself skele not skinny
>tfw 5'11 128lbs
If your skele mode u have lots of potential to get a good physique
Begon skeellly boys make way for flesh mounds
>5'5 and 180lbs
>you just need to fucking eat.
It's not that simple if you don't want to look gross and gaining 50 pounds in a healthy way is hard as hell.
I'm 5'5" and 118 and still get called skinny. Wtf man
It's so inconvenient though.
I'm too depressed to cook my own food most of the time and getting takeout/delivery is too expensive.
this too. I feel more shit than usual when I eat poorly so the food I do eat is generally healthy.
Absolutely not. Having control of your eating is a gift.
I'm 6 foot and weigh 125 for the past 4 years
any tips?
It seems like you have to gain weight first to really build much muscle.
being fat is worse, if you're a lanklet or a skele you just get passed on, fat people are ridiculed and literally disgusting
t. fat person, not a day goes by I don't regret my decisions, am eating less though
I still kinda skelle but been lifting consistently for 3-4 months without changing diet and gain 8 pounds now I've started eating multiple small meals a day and have gained 4 pounds in 2 weeks
I started calorie counting and it turned out I've only been eating
>100.1 lbs
I'm trying to gain weight, anons.
>he thinks being that underweight is having control over your eating
You can gain weight by lifting and eating more. Some of it will be fat, but you can worry about that later. Try drinking your calories (smoothies, etc.) and including more fats in your diet.
Are protein shakes a meme? My dad said he'd give me a giant container of protein powder.
objectively wrong, get off my board normalnigger
nope, skellies get laid
fatties are considered subhumans be females, they won't even want to look into your eyes when doing they're servicing you.
I should know, i used to be fat, now i'm literally addicied to working out and it's ruining my life because that's like the only energy i have and i use it all in the gym and then i can't do or accomplish anything else during the day.
my life is literally just revoles around watching caloreis and going to the gym and not enjoying shit.
Not necessarily protein shakes. I just mix a shitload of peanut butter and frozen fruit together usually. Most protein powders are fucking trash that's either a byproduct of the cheese industry or laced with unhealthy levels of lead. Stick to real food.
Good to know.
I actually used to eat spoonfulls of peanut butter as a meal back when I was hard-up for cash so I could probably just do that again in addition to my regular diet.
Peanut butter is pretty much a prescription for skelly
I too once was a skelly at 5'10 115 pounds