20 years old

>20 years old

Attached: me.jpg (1600x900, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Can you grow a beard at least?

t. 24 to balding

>28 years old
>Jow Forums has made me self conscious
>convince myself I'm balding
>look at my drivers license pic from 10 years ago
>same as now, always had a 5head
Upside, not balding. Downside, 5head. This place is great for discovering insecurities.

Attached: aniki.png (468x345, 226K)

a pachy one, although still more than other guys around my age

Better get into those face and head aesthetics then.

Also just start shaving your head sooner than later, you'll look a lot less pathetic then.

I don't look pathetic. Balding doesn't mean it's bad already. I'm on dutasteride and I'm fighting for my hair.
>Inb4 my libido
My facial aesthetics are good but I won't suit a b*LD head.

>be mid 20s
>depression and suicidal thoughts are making me start to bald and get grey hair
>start lifting at 28 along with several other changes in my life
>balding has noticeably slowed/stopped
I unfucked my shit somehow i guess

buzz it right fucking now. Right now. Do not got through your mid 20s like I did being self conscious and in denial all the time. Just stop wasting and time and buzz that shit.

nah ur just being delusional, ur still balding kek...


anglos are pathetic

Please friend, just accept it. The sooner you embrace it the sooner you can make it work. You're only hurting yourself by delaying and fighting it.

not an anglo though

Come to our thread. We will be discussing the announcement of the cure during its presentation in approximately 3 hours.

Please dress appropriately. Drinks and snacks will be provided.

>father twice the age all black hair
not fair

Attached: 1487318353146.jpg (320x235, 10K)

>20 years old
>on DUT

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Fuck yeah, but I prefer my jaw.

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>too much hair volume

How is applying onion to the hair actually effective?

It’s not

eyy nice reference

I literally have every symptom of the gay alien skull. Fml

N0thing :'(

Can we stop this accept it meme? I'm not accepting balding at 24. Some of us LOOK FUCKING WORSE shaven because of their head/face shape. My hairline's receding but most people don't notice yet or it has a minimal aesthetic impact. I'm going to try every fucking drug I can and maybe save for a transplant. I would probably care less about my looks if I weren't a virgin. I cannot accept wasting the time when I was good looking, and with a shaved head I'd drop down like 2 points.
Not the OP. I'm 24.

Women don't care about hair. Just exercise, lift and cardio, eat healthy be healthy. And find your passion and work on it. Girls will come believe me.

Dude I went bald at 18. It's not so bad. The new World of Warcraft expansion will be out soon

dude brotzu conference in 40 minutes

he will save us

>It's not so bad. The new World of Warcraft expansion will be out soon
>new World of Warcraft
user, stop
yours truly user

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You forgot the most important. Tan and moisturise. Healthy skin is key for baldies like us

Murder me
I'm only 20 years old

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You right mane.
I was born with a fucked up hairline that is an m shape and looks like it’s receeding, however my hair is extremely thick and my family has no history of baldness. I got on Jow Forums and convinced myself I was balding until I looked back at pictures of me when I was 12.

I agree my man

You’re fine retard

Actually not that bad. Don't worry too much about it, user


>35 years old
>hair is thick, dark, and strong
>posting on Jow Forums while taking a shit

Wtf is wrong with me

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Butifel Norwood 2.5
looks similar to mine

lmao op, I'm balding at 18, with facial pubes

just stop balding

>early 40's
>not balding and hair doesn't totally look silver
>still dress like a 20something
>fuck yeah

I'm happy for you but sad in the same time because you are 40 and still post on Jow Forums

>tfw when no warrior skull and jaw
It's not fucking fair! Why did I have to lose the genetic lottery?

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Dont worry I have a warrior skull and jaw user

Early balding is a very nordic attribute

Don't worry you'll get over it. Keep your hair short and it doesn't look as shit.
I just pretend I'll end up looking like Jason Statham.

Attached: sdf.png (521x515, 495K)

Same case over here.
Yours is generic?

That's like nothing. I got that at 26. Just get your hair cut short and no one is gonna care or really notice.

Reminder losing your hair permanently seals you off from ever being with a prime aged 18-23 year old girl. Your only hope is desperate girls or nearing 30's.

It's possible he had telogen effluvium which is temporary hair loss due to stress

Balding can happen in cycles. It can go a little and then stop and come back 10+ years later.

That's the early stages of male pattern baldness. get on finasteride now to save what you have and thank me in 10 years time

lift hard and shave your head. You will look like johnny sins.

or mr clean

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