About surgery

Im thinking about doing a surgery because of my height (5'6 Male)
Its really fucking depressing seeing girls taller, or same height as me.
Thoughts about it? I know it would prob cost a lot but it drives me crazy.

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Fucking Christ do I just not get it I'm 5'5 wft I have no problems or insecurities with my height, why do all you think this way.

stop giving a shit about it
most girls are shorter than 5'6

Just break your legs yourself it can't be that difficult. Why give a chinaman your money.

Girls like taller guys, not manlits

Praise keks this is gold.
>Thinks there is a high increase surgery.

>Thinks a doctor is able to preform that under Hippocratic Oath.

>The only doctor that will ever preform that probably doesn't have a practice or anesthetic.

i'm 175cm is that okay?

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tfw you're small

yeah but then you're just lying about your manlet genetics to every girl.

>permanently destroying the integrity of your physical form so you can maybe put your dick in a hole
What the fuck is wrong with some reason, it wouldn't help you anyway since you're missing the most integral thing in any kind of human relationship short or long term which is a level and human mindset.

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I'm 175cm as well. Managed to fuck 23 women without trying really hard, so I think you should be fine.

Op post operation....

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If they dont accept youre short then dont wife these hoes

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>tfw 6 feets

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I'm 6'6. Short guys are dating all the hot girls, while taller guys like me consistently date below their league.

come on now user, if everyone your height did that, what would happen to the toothpick industry? Who would chop down the toothpick trees?

Fuck I'd trade you
You're taking it for granted
I'm a 6'0 femboy

I'm 5'6" and have fucked more girls than most. Go out there and fuck bitches, your height is optimal for it.

dogs does not count

Jow Forums is so bluepilled about height, it's bizarre

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There are lots of tall virgins on Jow Forums. They have to cope somehow.

Please don't feel bad about it user, I always felt incredibly bad about being 5'7 for a girl but my fiance made me embrace it and now I can comfortably wear heels that make me almost a head taller than him and I don't love him any less.

Oh look it is this tranny again