>post any type of criticism of religion/Christianity
>instant *tips fedora* replies
Post any type of criticism of religion/Christianity
>atheists can be shut down by just saying they are ugly nerds
>go to Jow Forums.org
>expect people to have rational arguments
The thing about christians though is that they literally depict their god as an old man sitting on a chair in the clouds so of course atheist retards from christian backgrounds are going to generalize all theists like that now. Fuck christians.
>atheists can be shut down by covering your ears and ignoring them by pretending they are edgy neckbeards that make no sense
If atheists can claim that God doesn't exist because they can't see Him then why can't christians claim atheists don't exist by covering their eyes and ears?
It's a meme dude, nobody here actually believes in god, they just do it to be contrarians.
Atheists are brainlets who just inherit their materialist atheistic mindset from their society.
You can't be fucking serious, dude. Wow.
>Christians are brainlets who just inherit their baseless theistic mindset from their society.
Thanks for admitting you do it to be a contrarian
Atheism started out as contrarian but then it became mainstream.
Actually it's a dumb argument, but I mostly see it being used by atheists(ie saying someone's just religious because they were born so).
Yeah pretending to be a christfag is just a fun meme.
>If atheists can claim that God doesn't exist because they can't see Him then why can't christians claim atheists don't exist by covering their eyes and ears?
Atheists claim there is no logical reason to believe in gods because of a lack of empirical evidence for their existence, it has nothing to do with not being able to "see" something.
>Empirical evidence, also known as sensory experience, is the information received by means of the senses, particularly by observation
>it has nothing to do with not being able to "see" something.
Atheists constantly say "hurr we have telescopes and there's nothing on the sky XDDD spaghetti monster lol". So yes they pretend that not seeing God means He doesn't exist.
Why is abrahamic god more real than zeus or spaghetti monster?
>spaghetti is part of the created universe and finite, God is not
>God has sent Prophets with scripture informing us of Him, spaghetti has not
Do you kmow anytjinf about those respectige Gods and their surrounding religious documents, practices, traditions and theologies?
Because if you did you wouldn't ask that question.
If you don't then you are ignorant and should educate yourself before speaking on the topic.
My dog created God
christfags are probably the dumbest thing to happen to this place in a while. imagine pretending to believe in god because of memes with cute girls in them that you saw on an anime imageboard thats the special ed of the internet. also because it contrasts the atheist stereotype of another shitty website that you claim to not go to but obsess over anyway
Your dog needs a creator, and that creator would be the actual uncreated God.
I agree that christians here are just retarded LARPers, but that's because christianity is a false religion. But nevertheless, atheism is even more stupid.
honestly it's just really hard for me to believe that christfags on Jow Forums aren't baiting and actually believe those old jewish tales.
Atheism is the principle of only accepting truth within a scientific context under non-deterministic frameworks. Thus it is optimal sensible. No other strategy can ever, by definition, be more logical than atheism.
Why does my dog need a creator, but your god doesn't? I claim my dog to be the creator of universe and the god himself
10/10 bait well played
original is not my reply none
nice satan dubs
Well yeah basically. The thing to take away from this is that it's not about arguing your position, it's about making the other guy look bad.
The scientific method can not disprove God.
>Why does my dog need a creator
Same reason your dog is a dog and not a turtle, someone must have specified its existence. Its existence as it is is not necessary in of itself.
You can't disprove that there are invisible magical unicorns on the hidden side of the moon. Yet you don't believe this. Why?
I have no reason to believe it whereas I do have reason to believe that an all-powerful creator brought this world and me into existence. What implications would the magical unicorns have if they did exist versus if they did not?
agnosticism and deism are the most reasonable choices in my opinion
I really hate abrahamic religions and think you have to be retarded to really buy into this shit in our age. It may only be acceptable if you want to larp as a christian for traditions sake
You're not being reasonable by saying that God made it impossible for us to know of His existence.
No, you do not actually have any reason to believe a god could possibly exist actually. If the unicorns existed, what proof do you have that they aren't the ones who created life on earth?
Agnosticism makes literally no sense. It's for people who have no clue what they're talking about. Legit for edgy people.
Deism is a self-defeating belief, exactly like the simulation thought experiment.
>you do not actually have any reason to believe a god could possibly exist actually.
uh huh, and who told you this?
>If the unicorns existed, what proof do you have that they aren't the ones who created life on earth?
Because anything of which can be said "if it existed" can not be eternal and hence not the uncreated creator of all else.
It's understandable that people use supernatural creatures to explain things that are yet inexplicable for them, like they did with weather, time, sun, death(still do with this one), etc
Let's assume an all-powerful God exists. Why do you think that only Christianity is rightful religion? Isn't it possible that Bible is not a word of God, but is a fiction?
Atheists can not prove their statement that God does not exist, and agnostics can not prove that God's existence is unknowable. So agnosticism is a small step in the right direction but still way off.
>uh huh, and who told you this?
The voice in my head. Unlike you I am an actual prophet in direct communication with god, which by your logic should trump anything you could possibly have ever heard or thought.
>Because anything of which can be said "if it existed" can not be eternal and hence not the uncreated creator of all else.
Glad you agree that god doesn't exist.
Atheists do not claim that god does not exist, they claim that there is no evidence that could possibly suggest that god exists, and that under the scientific method, any stance other than "god does not exist" is illogical.
You have described why the agnostic stance is clinically retarded better than I could, I'll steal your formulation for next time.
>yet inexplicable for them
Except it's not inexplicable.
>weather, time, sun
They were all explicable in the sense that we knew God created them. What we lacked was simply information. One can explain why blood exists without knowing to classify its composition and how to make us of it in modern medicine etc. it's only the latter that has advanced through the scientific method.
>Why do you think that only Christianity is rightful religion?
I don't, because they've innovated in belief that Jesus never authorized and they worship a different deity than previous Prophets. Thus I believe Islam to be the rightful religion since it's the only monotheistic religion that does not reject any Prophets.
Logic tells me you're lying.
>Glad you agree that god doesn't exist.
Nope because God's existence is necessary.
Seems to be some confusion about atheists of what it means.
>In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities
Either way that's clearly what I've been discussing about so far.
Saying you know that a God exists or doesn't exist is for faggots anyways.
You can't say something doesn't exist, if the space you're looking in is infinite.
Christians believe in something as irrational as God, thus enabling other much more destructive religious groups.