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Muslim/Middle East Thread
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you posted in /b/ 44 minutes ago fuck off fag
this isn't /s/ you stupid cunt
I believe OP found that off google images
Very interesting thread. A thread for Middle Eastern deserts. I don't believe I've seen such a thread. I will contribute to your thread my friend. I have several pictures to offer.
I've often wondered what it'd be like to leave the big city. Where would I go?
Would I go to a forest? To feel the soft dirt and breathe in the fresh pine?
Would I go to a great and spacious cave? Would sort of oddity would I come across?
What about exploring the harrowing edges of gargantuan mountain?
They all sound like wonderful adventures. Though, I feel as if I missed something.
The desert! Of course! We can't forget about the great empty deserts!
How wonderful! I hope this dry, desert-y adventure has been quite the experience! Au revoir, mon ami!
What an interesting thread OP
based egypt
as a person from north africa, I can tell you that it's the best place on earth
It's not the richest, cleanest or nicest place to live in...but it feels like home, like I can die there.
I wish my parents didn't immigrate to cuckland, I plan on moving back the second I can.
Great image, thanks for sharing friend!
You should plan on doing something about those Quads
white girls in hijabi make me hard
I adore middle eastern women.
Where are the first 2?
search zara muslim on pornhub my fren
Actually have 8 of them saved but they're not the same woman. Also the majorty of the webm are over 2mb so that can't be posted on r9k.
Why are arab whores such braphogs?
god i want to plant my seed inside a jihadi woman
That video is hot. I'll save it.
what were you doing on /b/ fag
got some middle east for you
>he's not a Muslim yet
What's wrong user, don't you want a harem of virgins in paradise?
That ass is wonderful
tfw no loyal muslim gf
You don't have to become a muslim user.
Yes you do man
>when she's halal in the streets but haram in the sheets
>tfw mudslime
>know this mudslime girl, instantly fall in love with her
>she's been my oneities since january 2017
>but she's 2 years older than me
>I'm little-brother zoned enough though I have like a foot on her and can grow a full beard in less than a month
help I want to make her my qt wife, she's not a braphog like the OP pics though
Contact her wali
why don't Muslim girls talk to American men? Even in public it's like they're scared
Although I have yet to see any man attempt to approach a Muslim girl on the streets, one of those YouTube faggots should do a social experiment on that.
That's really hot. Damn
she's not arab (I kind of am though) and we live in americuck land user.
what's the point? they (for the most part) save themselves for their husbands.
also it doesn't fucking help that when we went to the same school (i graduated) she drove me around when we hung out because I dont have a car.
It's not just an Arab thing though. But sure I don't know exactly how your muslim community works. Just contact her in a wholesome way then.
Also stop calling yourself "mudslime" to appease kuffar.
ill just ask her out when I see her over break and hope for the best
either she cucks my heart or becomes my qt
I like it because it's kinda like a JRPG enemy kek
Muslims in America become Americanized after a generation or two unless they build an enclave or they become terrorists. I see it all the time, Muslim parents letting their daughters dress American casual but their mom is in ninja clothing and their dad has a chef hat.
It must be easy as fuck to find a gf as a Muslim, Hindu, etc. in America because your family just finds you a GF. Or the women in other families are forced to find a guy of the same faith. Ez mode
>It must be easy as fuck to find a gf as a Muslim, Hindu, etc. in America because your family just finds you a GF. Or the women in other families are forced to find a guy of the same faith. Ez mode
absolutely not my dude. here I am, a 23 year old khv.
Arab chicks are just as picky if not worse than white ones. Also theres an emergence of the arab chad that's totally cucking us right now.
my qt isn't arab, she's pretty americanized in that she dresses normally and doesn't wear a head dress but she's still religious.
literally my only issue with her is that she totally drank the kool aid and is a complete libtard, I'm going to have to subtly red pill her. gonna be hard after my boi trump fucking just bombed syria even though I voted for him explicitly because he said he wouldn't.
>complete libtard
major red flag
>just bombed syria
bashar is a kafir pig.
>Also theres an emergence of the arab chad
I can kind of see that.
>she dresses normally and doesn't wear a head dress but she's still religious.
Wouldn't that be very illegal in actual Muslim countries? I don't know about you, but if I was Muslim, I'd find that very alarming. As soon as women start taking an inch...
>literally my only issue with her is that she totally drank the kool aid and is a complete libtard
Totally not a Muslim then except in circling dots on government forms.
How religious are you?
>bashar is a kafir pig.
>tfw no Muslim gf to do Crusades roleplay with
I'll be the mamluk cucking you then.
Spankable ass
Arab women are really hot imo, would wife one
I mean, if they're a Christian and not a Muslim, so that's not very likely
>not converting her with your BCC
This is also acceptable.
I guess I'll take any Middle Eastern woman, I don't even care!
I find all kinds of women extremely hot, the only thing that scares me is having children with a non-white woman. Muslims are mutt as fuck too so your child will not only be non-White, but all kinds of shit.
>gimme that Holy Land, heathen
>christian idolators help jewish devil worshippers conquer Palestine
>within 50 years it's the most sodomist friendly country in the world.
God's chosen people? They're the most accursed people on the face of the earth. You want to turn the holy land into sodom. The sooner the Islamic liberation takes place the better. You should start getting the rooftops ready now.
This is b shit tier thread. Why do mods allow this.
Except you christian retards can't do anything right. You're all agents of the devil as is evident by your treatment of the holy land. You're the furthest removed from the bible you claim to follow.
Post more of these asses
There is this Muslim chick at my uni gym that is always giving me looks. Shes really pretty but wears a hijab. light skin, pretty face, and fit but I'm not a Muslim so I'm not sure how that would work
>tfw muslim gf sees no other option than me converting
>tfw family would disown her if she even brought up apostasy
>letting a woman convert you to her religion
I can't even.......
I know, I know
Still young, maybe I'll end up with a nice girl of more similar faith(lessness).
Is it possible for a white man in North America to become a sheep herder in the middle east?
Tell me more about your Muslim gf though
Are you white American?
Modern Christianity is disgusting, I can agree with you on that. Sodomites and Jews should be purged from the world. Have to disagree with you on can't do anything right though, we're quite good at killing foreigners
Yurorich, but I went abroad to find her
She's mixed, very pretty
>no feet anywhere in this thread
shit thread
>Yurorich, but I went abroad to find her
That tells me nothing you fucking cuck
Ask more specific questions then mate
does your gf wear a hijab?
Nope. Doesn't go to mosque or pray regularly, but never drinks or eats non-halal food.
Basically just muslim in name. to be honest I would never go after a hijab-wearing girl. it's not worth it
>literally a barren wasteland
How does anybody even survive in the ME? I'd imagine growing shit is near impossible with all the sand and you can die from sun overexposure.
Not to mention shit explodes almost every day in any actual country so forget feeling safe.
Hummus is love hummus is life
Why are Arab grills so damn lewd?
This is the ultimate fetish
>those smug eyes
she knows
im just gonna say it
Thick ass you got there user
Smart words user
are hijabi grills virgins until marriage?
nope, they won't take it in the pussy but they'll suck a mean dick and get fucked in the ass
>are hijabi grills virgins until marriage?
sounds like robots should convert to islam
Why the fuck would anyone live in such a dried out hot shithole
>Why the fuck would anyone live in such a dried out hot shithole
they dont
is there a chart with pictures of what various mena women look like by country?
This thread made me realize that Sand Nigger women are Europe's Latinas.
>Come from places destroyed by war and drugs but somehow remain nationalist
probably because theyre so sexually repressed in everyday life that acting all lewd for their husbands is rewarding to them
I like them because they know about the Jew.
I like the muslim girls because of this.
Pretty much.
A lot of them seem nice when they renounce their religion and get away from all that shit.
Muslim food is fucking disgusting.
goddamn those are nice milkers
muslim girls are woke on the jews
What the fuck is Muslim food, there is no Muslim food you autist it's a religion
I would date a Muslim qt if they didn't have 5 or 6 brothers and a father that would kill us