I lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years, gave it my all. Blood, sweat, and tears. All for her. And then she chooses a spic instead of me (a tall Aryan male who is attractive). This makes no sense. Women wiII fucking doom the West.
I lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years, gave it my all. Blood, sweat, and tears. All for her...
how much are they paying you bro, seriously
he's pale enough, their children will have white skin so who cares?
Aryan's have recessive traits and spics have dominant traits so why are you surprised she chose him over you?
>I lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years, gave it my all. Blood, sweat, and tears.
But you didn't gave Money. You're wrong /b/ro.
>Aryan's have recessive traits and spics have dominant traits
What a dumb post.
>he's pale enough, their children will have white skin so who cares?
typical Jow Forums retard.. Looks dont magically get you the girl you desire.
you are a fucking retard if you lifted four years for some random slut. plus you probably pussyfooted around for four years instead of directly asking to her to go out. and i've think seen you post this shit like 3-4 times in the past 30 days.
user how do you think white people came into existance in the first place? some people where born with less melanin because it wasnt required in their climate, these people breed with other people and over generations the population got paler and paler until white people exist
why dont you go beat the fuck out of him?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm
Nah, not buying it, but maybe you can buy something with all the money (((they))) are giving you to make these threads
Not enough it would seem
>Working out for almost 19 years.
>Lose weight and wear better clothes.
>Women rather have ugly brown manlets.
Guess that is the price to pay for not being charismatic and being too serious.
He looks pretty white to me man. I don't know what you're complaining about.
Bet you're blonde as well.
I will say this once again. NEVER EVER TRUST THOTS
Daily reminder that "Aryan" is Indian term meant to that means "noble, master." Thank me later, you benighted brainlets.
what's up withthe sjw whores going after spics? (it's trump's presidency, they see it as an act of rebellion hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah)
>Thinking you will get her after 4 years anyway
Copy pasta alert watch out its not real
Um no he's posted it pretty much every day for the past month
My love for her will never fade
every fucking day. what's even the point
Fuck off normie cunt
My love for her wiII never fade
should this bait repeat post be like reported for being unoriginal asf? cause its kinda gay
Don't you have better things to do than to make the same thread every day? It's the same like the "Guangzhou - a city in china" guy...
My love for her wiIl never fade
The amount of butthurt newfags here is impressive. Lift another year in Guangzhou (a city in China) and she might like you famalam
Is this a bait thread created by an ugly spic
Yes but unfortunately too many people fall for it. Happens nearly daily here
>He posted it again