Write a letter to someone who will never read it at all

Write a letter to someone who will never read it at all.
You have schizophrenia if you think one of your real life oneitises will stumble upon here to read your letters.
Or if you think your dog, cat, mom, dad, girlfriend, boyfriend, Anna, some gay dude you met at a bar, Bradley, or friend would care enough to come here to read them.

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You aren't miserable, to me.

You remind me of my mother. She was the biggest whore in Alameda and the finest woman that ever lived. Whoever my father was for an hour or for a month... he must have been a happy man.

I'm still going to try, since I think all of my actions are monitored by this person anyway.

Dear V,
Here I am, once again. And I can't thank you enough for not burning the bridges. It's a delight every time I see you or when we text each other.
I just don't understand your emotional masochism. Why would you want to bring up the past that hurts you so much? Some people say that their past haunts them. But you are special, you haunt your past (maybe that's because you live in Soviet Russia).
Please try to distance yourself from it. I'm pretty sure you'll be happier without it. I'm aware that I'm gonna have to leave you too. It hurts but that's the right thing to do.
Love you and wish you the best,

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By the way, that dude still writes letters to Anna? Damn

Dear H,
You're one spineless cunt. I sincerely hope you end yourself you hypocritical child loving spic.
Signed, D.

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dear m,
if you ever leave me (very likely) i will be like that dude that writes to anna and write to you on these threads every single day of my life like an absolute loser
love, a

Dear D, fuck off whore.

Dear R, fuck off whore.

Dear S, fuck off retard.

Dear B, fuck off psycho.

My dear Kamilka,
I absolutely enjoy our friendship. You are an amazing person and being with you makes me truly happy, something which isn't that common. Your self-discipline and kind heart motivate me to be more productive unlike the usual slob I am and take care for myself after each time we meet, and things are definitely better and much more fun getting done together with you than alone on my own. I wish you could know how happy and grateful I am to be your friend, and I am glad we've reconciliated and settled those disputes.
Sincerely, O.

Are you from Uzbekistan or something?

No. It's just a nickname of her which I find cute.


I miss you. :(

I've been adding you and then deleting again, off and on for the last few weeks. It was in response to some things I read here, and things going on IRL but I think I'm past it now so don't worry about getting harassed by me.


I'm beggin you to come back to talk about things peacefully,Like I said in the message I sent you I had a psychotic crisis and I wasn't being myself, it's true I'vee kinda changed but I'm the same person you know the same stupid who begs for you so please return back,M, this is so heart breaking and I cant deal with it anymore it rly hurts.


K Male or Female?

whats is m's first name

fuckin shit
THis one goes out to..... yo smelly fuckin cunt
aight well it aint smell good so fuck youself cos that kipper nasty as shits fetid defiled and cursed bitch eat my cold shit desu
and now for the nice mesage to the other one
ur ok u no i like appreciate u wanna distance urslef from these crazy borin chats we had but hey u no u can himme up anytime bb no need b a stranger ay yA Bois gettin a new job! well as soon as i can that is but in the meanwhile heres a story about a man who didnt know how to pluck his asshole hairs so he used a can of deoderant and a lighter and he literally set his ass on fire and fufking beautifully synged all his small little follicles of hair in a blaze of glory and winced as his butthole got hot and sweatier until more and more and moree sweat cmae dripping off all lubriating and the sweat dripping unitil a big river of sweat piss and pus from the burned hairs that were like ingrown or someth idk but it was gross and like the river of sweat and shit formed into a geareat galactic creation story like ummmmm how shsall i say the universdal udmpster? well anyway it was how it all began and a divine being came with the elongated skull and abasicly used littlde tweezers to pusdh out all of the goo in the butt of this guy who was sweatinG so much from setting his asshole on fire to get the hair out in hiopes that STACY would but her disgusting stupid lips on it and lick it into absolut CLIMAX of degenerate decadence and pure absolute male g spot zone and as ANGEL NUMBER ONE squeezed the like all those spots of goo thee river was a microcosm of some guy who was sat there thinking about life and until he realised why he was born and looked up and saw a giant ugly asshole breing spread apart gushing a river of watery poop sweat but less poop now bc he stopped eating so much and it all sort of jus...... turned intto nothing bdc nothing to brea

bread was a staple of his arsenalof weaponry and he would often find himself alone in the mjidle of a great battle with a giant beast called J'wemrah whom had a big dick which shot laserbeams and DInosaur greentext arrows and wwas super lalegeic to bread which basicly meant to kikll the DRagon! he had touse the bread wich is why it is a staple of his arsenal of weaponry whice some say absolutely no NO NO NO no more bread! we need to HAVE good LAWS and GUIDLINES too many childen are exposed to BREAD and the power of it tat it holds to kill anoter person we need tests but it wasnt right bc Capitalesm basically rewards sociopathic behaviour like jordan peterson said it unnaturel and even rats are better than those corporate maggets who literall just consume consume and aboose power and are disgustingn vile ABHORRENT beings who deserve absolute execution at the hands of the... Smaller Less Known WOrking Individuals who made the bRead that defeated the gReat Dragon of who resided in the mountain and Jordan Opetterson said himslef "Zac rats havbe an in built sense of Morality of the lowest form which is that they know if aa htey are mean to the rat... more than like 7 times out of 10 if they dont let them win atelst 3 times or somethin thn the ratswill be upset bc the rat wont play anymoreee bc they jus dont see a poiont and get depressed and nother thing is rats are relaly nice ppl in the surface deep down i believe in fair play because basicly what it saiyan is um well that Morality is abt play time and play time is fun time baby ;) anytime i think abt rats like tht i get a lil nervous but lol it ok its for my Lectures (lechers) " and i said jorden pweeterson wWOOOOOOW ur so wise but wots tthis abt god? and he literally jsut picked up a bible and bashed my head in with it and said... Time To mEet God! i guess im the dangerous MALE now u have to have a conversation with me... or else it wont be respectable and i said wlell shit looks like u got me... hahaha good one bud


budapest was a big city in nepal it was every well known for its Export of String and Pearls and often a great deal of my favourite bathtubs come from budapes i should know i have many friends from bupdaest loike tom ogver there ask he he'll tell ya, i like em clean adn well polished and you can just fill em up with soap and hot water and jus really get right in there and grab them taps ohhhh so good yeah i like bathrubs alot and they like me im very popular with bathtubs i own a bathrtub store!""" donal Trimp said on LIVE TELEVIDSION as J'bembe watched throuhg the glass of a street in new york just happen to hear what he was saying bc it wasnt thick glass and he was confussed at thi s man talkien about BAthtubs he thought mighty warrior from J'bembe tribe had many battle won with Hyena Lion And Even Serpent and often got scar and remained fit and ready to battle but for some reaosn on this Day of all day a presiden in the wighthaus was literaly a hmm how do i say et if he reads this.. peraps a little larger side maybe slightely inhealthy? but J'bembe kn ew it was the AMerican way to eat lots of hamburgers and even Code Talker ate them it was literally engrained in theyr culture to eat hamburgers often and land of the free range chickens but they arenet actualy as good as european chickens who know they purpose in life and goo on to become good schnitzel (et. al. Danny Brown 2015) as good compliment for his J'bembe at the time was remember in at home his food and walk away from tTRUmp who now saying Bathtubs are good but weh should BOMB syria bc they are using too muuuch aSBESTOS in his favorite shampoo but hee didn like to say he had no hair and was wearin a wig but nobody had guts to say anytheing but it was an allergic reaction to the basically GOO he was wearing on his wig bc of Assad Bashar and he was like ITS WAR THEN and basicaly dont mess with Donald Trump hair is what J'nbembe learned from Washingenton DEEDCEE so he walk to near witehouse and litearaly ev

every house, every door and hallway, all empty because she left. i feel a lack of home even when at home, i feel a wandering lust to get out there and find my way. yet there are conditions that i just cant help, im really powerless this time, i just wish i could prove it to you, that i felt this way. regardless of it all, the curse of the moon is stronger than ever before in my life, my own humanity is doomed to be empty and hollow, i feel a strong desire to be with her yet i cant, even when i am there, it is a sad feeling. i will press on through the curious moonlight and cold air of the night to seek a warm shelter in the cabin near the trees and see a warm rug and a babe laid in bare nudity to say "hey ive been waiting for you" but alas it was just a mirage for me, i was just too eager you see! thats my advice, dont be too damn eager, dont go too much for a nickel or a dime, even hell dont go too far for love, because you can break things that you didnt know were there! yeah i tell you these things but you wont understand the yearn
do you yearn? i feel a sense of yearning whenever i look at the moon, i want the moon to be closer to me, it is a presence unlike anything you can feel in the day, truly an underlooked wonder of the universe, take a moment at night to stare deep into its pale exterior and on those nights wehre it appears red, where it comes closer, where the moon is literally RED you can think to yourself. i had this in the car, it was literally beautiful moon! back to the lack of day again, i feel like it can go on forever but it didnt, i was fooled. fooled too easily perhaps, but at the end of the night where will we be? what kind of cosmic joke is this? is there a punchline aside from ones people write? im waiting to find out, i dont even pick up the phone anymore. the moon is strange onight, and i wonder to myself if in other areas what it looks like, where are the cults who worship the moon? pale romantic melancholy is truly a wonderous suffering

ideha walk theough the lanes of absolute chaos traffic thinking to heeself "wow they really done go t themselves a lil gridlock heere i would say! i hope the city council devise a new route for the roads to converge upon in an area that will not damage potential pedestrians and disrupt the flow of nature and the cute little bunny rabbits and lil raccoons and butterflys and pretty things while also managing to let people get to their jobs in hair salons and home and get to their houses on the praiere and also to go and visit their gramp about tat new golf club u bought him for he liekd golf! " and wiht that the beeping truck was beeping superl oud and he had a mosutache and was smoking a thick cigar and he was literally like hooting his horn at a really small car inffront and steam was coming out of those auptimus prime tubes on the side and it had like flame decals bc this truck driver was a damn fucking cool ironic post meta kind of guy who just loved to hoot his hor n and boy its a world of truck drivers out there hahahaha ideha thought to herself what a loser im going to walk my way by the f ield to avoid this shmuck whos payin like eighty two by the gallon fo some ol crookety engine that the local gas station lad made back in the ol' days of scrapheap Harris who was quite eintelligent but could never QUite stifle his enjoyument of the smell of oil and other things like this metal bolts and stuff and he was just happy making people run bette r and to better the city and make it bigger and even fed the racoconas nd foxes that crept into his bins to eat and in al he didnt see a reason to destroy all nature just to make super advance trains to get ridf of all the need for truckers to be hootin their horns and stopping off at gas stations to fuck pretty young girls for a few dollars and a hit of meth for the truck driver because some had morals and didnt wanna force the girl to do meth and he fucked her and she was like okay i guess ill do whatever nad he

I'm surprised someone could waste this much time typing all of this shit. This coming from me, a guy who wrote entire essays on Youtube.

HOOTY TOOTY POINT AND SHOOTY this my gun and i like to run with it shooting shoot shoot bow bow bow bang bang and then a lil pangy smell after but hey now hell aint that all what you gotta deal with after shooting them fools huh j'bembe? well anyway listen kid i like ya, i dont usually take to them illegal aliens bein here but ur story touched me, im with ICE and im not gonna deport yo sorry ass to whatever wartorn country ur punk ass crawled outta cos goddamn ill be damned if they didnt have those boats coming in at the statue of liberty back in those days so ill say again welcome to america kiddo" and j'bembe was safe from ICE because of this man who saw the traditional american dream, the true outlier in trumps voters, the one who saw the good in a wretcHed and seemingly cowardly man, a true patriot who deserved respect even from Mighty warrior J'bembe so he sat down and told him about J;bembes gun that he made from the bones of animals and featehers from birds that never ran out because j;bembes gun was a wisened thought a technique a method to create death and destroy hunger for his own tribe, a similar feeling to shooting a real goon and ltierally using a gun for j;bemeb the first time was surreal he picked it up and fired it directly into the air in a blaze of glory and passion such can be described of man landing on the moon! the intensity of disney studios was unlike that which anyone could have imagined, it was disproportionate to think a government had such control over ideas and ideologies that they had to be known to get there beforee russia did ! well that was this old american Truckers way of shootin the shit with J;bemeb and finding out if he really thinks ill of america and he passed so its ok in the end!! on the other hand was a stain made from some sort of mistaken parking lot accident with disdain for an old woman who was not able to kick it with the young kids no more and some asshole literally shouted euthanize her but other people helped her c

i still think about you at night when im lonely and listening to upsetting jazz and i wonder what could have been with us if you had wanted to try as i did and i dance alone to the soft rhythms and lonely breathes each puff the jazzman blows down from his lungs into the existential horror of reality to sooth those ears of those who dare listen or have already heard the insurmountable pressure of being alive and thus require some sort of turmoil to be paved over for a moment with the chaos only an old spiritual negro could provide, for his wisdom was not one of the sort that you could just explain like as such in an objective manner, as many said jazz is a feeling , music is a feleing even, and this form of it was feeling just right at the time, the notes were played in the wrong way at the right time in the wrong pattern in the best possible wrongness that it could be and it left it ecstatic, full of wonder and a relaxed enjoyment of the chaos that had spawned from under his feet into countless nebula for years to come they will remember jazz and say this stuff, this stuff was really somethn alright i really, i really do like this stuff. a guy literally collected every John Coltrane release ever and even saw him live and was japanese and a sthey were nuked coltrane was sad i saw this on netflix and fetlt touchjed by his kindness and purity of soul like which never usually feels! a true musician in his prime! a musician! a mystic! and yet to say he left a legacy behind! no my friend jazz itself is pieces of heaven that they choose to leave US so that we know when we leave here hteres a chance ofsomething better, some divine form of beauty can sooth our aching souls in the next plain day of banality and ignorance, well the lack of ignorance on the jazz is bliss i can assure yu as much as ignorance of the jazz is blissful to those who truly hear it, orchestras of eternal life and perseverance in the fadce of nihilistique depravety and the erosion of society as a place

swan one swan two swan three all in unison began to flock to a group of baggie heads and plead merci merci for the snacks they had and so it was thrown to them and they gobbled it up like nom nom nom desu ithank you stoner brothers for your kindness the other people hit us with sticks and were mean but you my friend you helped us and for that we thank you! it reminded the lead of the group thr time that he saw a mighty swan charge toward something in the water, it was a display of pure malevolence and anger and power, it wanted to hurt and so it was beautiful too, it was muddy at the bottom and yet had clear white feathers and all i dcould think about was how fragile and easy to kill such an animal would be, to smash it with a brick in an instant sure would lead to absolute annihilation and rotting of this creature in its prime but its pure resilience toward dhddd me was frightening and i ran off because it did charge me and stuff haha but anyway i was saying that swans do weird shit and are eVen protected by law here! the majesty herself! i do like filter tips too yeah sure, but them birds man they are so fragile i want to hold them and let them know its okay to be weak if you even puff a lil smoke at them they will DIE so dont u dare put smoke near such cute animols or they lungs will erupt basically they cant handle nearly as much smoke as we can they are mostly air and its a danger to them if they smoke a cigarette so dont leave them on the ground if you have em give em to a bum or something im sick of seeing them lay around like you just didnt wanna smoke em? well keep it until u do dont throw em on the goddamn floor you dumb ass rich punk i outta have an ice dunk oh senpai literally the last time i saw someone throw a whole padck of tobacco on the floor and leave it so i took it home and dsmoked it myself and now i feel like a real fucking cool dude i do enjoy the film called Badlands with the beautiful love story and murders id advise it if you like bonne and cl

zero suhgah free from calories with extra choco bons for ur tight little bun buns to eat my dear said the easter bunne on the night of easter and read a lil story to u before u slept and tucked u in and made u wanna feel nice about bein alive and it'd tell u stories and it hoped everything was good for u and that u werent lettin bad thoughts take up too much of ur time and that ur life was going in a direction where you could enjoy a garden with your good friends at the end of the day and share a few laughs and see that deep down people have som really good times together and that the easter rabbit is a cute icon for making some quick money sure, but that money is bein spent on somethin more than what they say it is honestly chocolate is fucking delicious and i sure as hell like it when a giant fucking bunny tucks me in at night and tells me that time is an illusion and that we were thrown into an abyss of entropy decay and confusion, absolute comfort at its most truthful moment was hard to find. dreaming of holding your hand was the highlight of my week. i felt true emotion another time it was like a wave of sunlight peaking through a gap in buildings making my skin warm but it was in my mind so its not a real blade of sunlight but a warm emotion that took care of my thoughts and put my bad ideas to bed about the world and made me feel all cuddly and nice and i could drink from the nectar she offered for a long time and it was good so good and i left in a hurry after i saw a bee drown in the sweet sauce of that queen b hell you can get lost and i get lost bu t i dont wanna drown in that shit, she had heavenly eyeliner on and danced like in a trance but not too dramatic movemen making her body look weird but instead her movements were subtle and slender like that of a beautiful animal which it was and it wasnt just courtship i think more about enjoying thr literal splendour of being able to move like that at the specific time it happened, its too bad that nobody und

What's there to miss?


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you people are boring, i think i'm going back to Jow Forums

warm feelings came over me that night and i was in a dark dark place in my own mind but i enjoyed it and saw it all like wh did you have to do this uhuru uhuru set us free set us free and a big ant alpppeared and SQUASHED the entire group in his foostep and carried on movin across the plain of afrjca on his quest to be a disgusting beetel in the next life hurling shit along for some reason loike what the fuck is a dung beetle what the fuck man a dung dung dung he word DUNG is like sayng something absolute fucking hilarious about british people at their most fucking stupid moment basically about shieet DUNG is llike manure in a way but DUNG hahaahahahah oh man only the british would say dung about shit man they tried to keep it out of their mouth by bein proper but that ufuckin aristocratic guy with yellow teeth and fuckin muttonchop sidebeards and a monacle cant escape my mind whta fucking chaos people actually choose to do! desire can be taught and controlled and that is why it is improper to call them shit haulers like id have us all call em shitmobiles because those lil dung beetles are magnicifcent animals that create giant boulders and crush ants like the one that is walking over a lot of people right notw and basically God is laughing aT his funny story he made up there and invited us all to the afterparty were we murder each othero r just do pure stupid shit whenever we want to and thas how it ends relaly? with god at the aftermath? maybe who knows dung beetles sure dont though hahahahahaha fucking stupid shitrollers i literally take a dump in a pipe and flushj it away into the sewers so in a way im kinda like those in that our entire species collectively creates a giant river of shit instead of just one beetle creating a smol bol we create rivers and rivers and endless oceans of shit and piss mixed in underneath our great citys, and believe me we can find out how muhc cocaine your city is using by climbing into the depths of the industiral bowels and THERESk

Dear R.

If you're reading this, you've gotten out. And if you've come this far, maybe you're willing to come a little further. You remember the name of the town, don't you? I could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels. I'll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready. Remember, R. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well.

Your friend,

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Is it faggotry if I were to write a letter, but not show it here? And burn it?

dear senpai,

i love you.

- kouhai

good zhit dude