If I made a discord dedicated to /ss/ would anybody here wanna join?

If I made a discord dedicated to /ss/ would anybody here wanna join?

Attached: adasd.jpg (1920x1080, 245K)


Literal gay shota is straighter than this

>If I made a discord dedicated to /ss/ would anybody here wanna join?
Fuck off retard. We didn't care for the last thread you made.

This is the first one i make retard

I like /ss/

What's the cord?

I just made it so nothing fancy
discord gg /NAXzRUG

What even is /ss/?


bumping for bread lad

Attached: fe4.png (899x787, 672K)

straight shota, the best kind of pr0n

Yeah, I'm into starting strength too

bump /GSGHFjgssss

bumyp gijhfgo

You actually fucking banned me. Wasn't really expecting it.

A reminder that Discord actively bans loli/shota communities.

Stop asking so many FBI questions then

I find it a bit weird that you don't really want to talk about the topic of the server.

You were interviewing me though like you was a FBI person

its a bunch of pedos, self insert autist and one guy that wants to play games. nothing to see here


We arn't pedos. /ss/ isnt pedo. CP is bannable on the server and real CP is disgusting and illegal

Starting Strength, it's a beginner's workout routine to build foundational strength for the first months of lifting before you transition to another routine.

I'm pretty sure the FBI has better things to do.


Attached: You.png (600x900, 178K)

A quick reminder that neither are illegal. Many states and many countries actually have definitions that exclude them, or just straight up don't care.

Thats what a FBI person would say

Attached: 74b.jpg (252x291, 16K)

not the guy who banned him but he seemed like he only entered the server to "look at the freaks" asking a bunch of questions at people and not answering them when asked back

brraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap bump


Heil Hitler SS

Based. But not that kind of /ss/

source on that?

I only asked a single question, was open to answering it, and have shotacon images that I was planning to post.

