>look user, i'm sorry, i really like you, and we get each other perfectly emotionally and mentally
>but you're too boring for me right now, I want to live a little, and Chad is exciting, and you aren't
>maybe we'll meet again down the line, and we can finally be together, but right now, that's impossible
Look user, i'm sorry, i really like you, and we get each other perfectly emotionally and mentally
That's okay, if you can't appreciate my intellect your own is far too low for you to be worthy of keeping around.
Sure have fun babe, i'll be waiting for you.
uh im pretty sure thats a dick under the skirt
I recognize that wall!
she is the itaots cosplayer
>we get each other perfectly emotionally and mentally
I think you might be thinking about someone else than me, lassie.
>thats a dick under the skirt
God, could she be more fucking perfect? This is from like 2014, is it not?
Thats fine. Dont expect me to be waiting for you, though. Id rather be bitter and lonely than be your second choice.
Alright then, have fun riding the cock carousel. We definitely won't meet again down the line though.
>tfw ex gf from 4 years ago looked like that but she had BPD
Such a shame. Waste of a qt.
Your statement makes me realise how much times have changed. The past always seems more innocent.
Why you trapping so hard
How am I not exciting anyway I speak 3 languages and I play cricket for the county
Sorry, babe. I like Soundcloud rappers now.
but you're right, I will try harder.
I hope you get acute berylliosis you fucking cunt
I hope they find a tumor in your uterus so they remove your sex organs
gtfo normie scum worm
We had this thread yesterday.
Stop feeding.
call me that to my face pussy ILL FUCK YOU UP!!!
I'd still forgive her
>Will you niggers stop bitching about the fact that stacey prefers chad over you a million times over?
>Just think about it.
If a girl was given two options:
>a) a boring, but nice, semi fit guy with a stable job.
>b) a fun, athletic, charismatic, energetic person that radiates good vibes all around.
Stacey is obvi gonna choose Chad until she finally cant keep up with him and then will she come running back to financially stable beta boy.
My Mom did this with my druggie dad for years until she stayed single for a while and then found her current beta bf.
My dad has been a total Chad his whole life. Ripped, exciting, handsome, rich, and amazing dude. Did a lot of stupid shit and treated my mom like shit sometimes too but she loved him anyways until he went full heroin.
After she got beta bf I realized how much better my dad was at everything he wasnt and how much better he was at everything my dad wasnt.
In the end, we should all try to be a little Chad cause if not then how boring would life be? All men should do is find balance between being a good guy and being an exciting chad and learn how to please their women through thick and thin, keeping the relationship interesting, yet healthy at all times.
So go please your girl right now you robo piece of shit and stop being a depressed wuss all the time cause even girls get tired of feelings and bs
>the worst Los Campesinos album out on display