Anyone got any good stories of fucking with potheads?

Anyone got any good stories of fucking with potheads?

>hear guy at work bragging about how he got a medical marijuana card over some iphone app
>wait a week
>tell the boss I think he was high on the late shift the other night
>gets drug tested
>two weeks later he gets fired
>finds out it was me
>texts me about how weeds a peaceful drug and he is not hurting anyone
>says snitches get stitches

How come every le peaceful stoner turns into a hardcore violent gangster threatening to stab people when you mess with their druggies? I am thinking of filing a police report. I wish there was a way to get him arrested for more than the threat, but I dont think he will since he made up chronic back pain or some lie so that he could get le epic high with his stoner bros.

Anyone else got stories of fucking with these weedle deedle deed normies?

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I beat the shit out of some manlet jungle chink for blowing smoke in my face in high school. I went to juvie but it was totally worth it. Hate addict faglords.

You have posted this like 5 times OP

You're a dick OP but the guy does sounds like he's a bit nuts

I came here for drugged sex. The first sentence is misleading.

nice b8 m8 would r8 8/8

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>ruins someones livelihood
>they get mad

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You're a fag, I hope you get the shit beaten out of you.

pretty sure i've see this thread before so I'm sure this is a pasta, but OP's a little bitch for snitching, and I'm not even a druggie. I could understand if he did something fucked up while being high like beating you up or some shit but there was no reason for you to tell. This is probably why you're a little virgin cuck, and why no one liked you in hs.

>haha im gonna troll my coworker at the Denny's xDDDD le epic troll
>he is mad at me for getting him fired for no reason

Why did you do that? You are the bad guy in that story. If he was high when he was working and it affected his performance/safety that's different but you never mentioned that being the case. Complaining about what someone does in their off hours is like if someone tried to get you in trouble for what you masturbate to.

Why are you here normie? Fuck off, leave

Op is gonna get their ass beat lol

Being anti-drug is pretty normie. The majority of adults do not smoke pot.

being anti-weed is definitely not all that common nowadays

Snitches are more worse than potheads.

>>texts me about how weeds a peaceful drug and he is not hurting anyone
>>says snitches get stitches
lmfao straight from the cringey repressed fantasies of a social retard .

that's pasta retard normie

>mess with their druggies
you got him fired you cuck

Are you faggots actually falling for this low teir bait? Holy shit, how many underages are there on here?

Hopefully OP gets his wig split.

>How come every le peaceful stoner turns into a hardcore violent gangster threatening to stab people when you mess with their druggies?

You didn't mess with his drugs idiot, you messed with his livelihood. It's quite common for people to become violent under such circumstances.

I'm more interested in why you make these threads. I mean, from all groups of people you can troll, you chose specifically stoners on r9k. You also seem dedicated with the amount of threads you make, each with a new story(so probably fake). You also tailor your posts to try it make it as inflammatory as possible. Why? I'm interested in why you would be so dedicated in an effort to piss of a very specific group of people.

We should get some good stories of when potheads fuck with normal autists.

>be pothead
>smoke the dankest of dank
>retards get upset that I smell dank in public
>don't give a shit because cannabis is legal
>suck my dick autists

>being anti-weed is definitely not all that common nowadays

Maybe if you're a 25 year old living in Cali or Denver but for most of the adult world marijuana consumption is still highly frowned upon.

Weed is the most normalfag shit. If you have the means to obtain weed it means you have friends or people who you can talk to.

This is a Legendary Pasta!

He gon get his cheeks busted and his wig split

Not really, I order mine online.

Great work, user. Don't let anyone tell you that weed smokers aren't retarded and deserving of death. Weed either makes people into stupid niggers or makes stupid niggers more stupid.

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I buthd so many cheekth when i was in prithon - big herc

>use to get high before work when I was a shelf stocker at a grocery store during college
>teenage cashier smells it on me
>she was raised christian and believed it's sin
>talk to her about it a few times, she slowly goes from closed minded to curious
>tell her that I use it as anxiety medication, and that if it was sin that god wouldn't have made it in the first place.
>she eventually smokes it with me at brake
>tells me she loves it
>become her lowkey dealer until she went off to college a year later

We both worked the 5 to 11 shift, and the store closed around 9:30, so we had 90 minutes to clean the store. We'd go out back and share a joint before cleaning up and talking about whatever, really comfy times. She was pretty smart too, got in to a nice college. Manager was always doing his own things so it was easy for us to slip away for a few minutes. Those were good days.

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>She was pretty smart too
I'm sure she was, before you turned her into a junkie.

Ah, the corruption of youth always brings a smile to my face.

>Junior year of HS
>friend and I walking home through an alley
>4 niggers from the local middle school standing in the alley
>last one blows his fucking vape smoke in my face
>turn around and beat the shit out of all of them
>piss on the one that blew smoke in my face and throw his shoes on the roof of a nearby building

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>smoke weed while doing grocery job
Ah yes, the key definition of corruption and being a junkie

Not everyone who smokes weed is constantly high. I use it once in a while, after I've accomplished all my plans for the day. It's no different than alcohol. Probably not a great idea to be drunk in school or at work or while driving or operating heavy machinery, but it's okay at the end of a hard day's work to have a few beers or some wine with dinner. People can understand that with alcohol, why can't they see that it's the same with weed?

No wonder you work at a grocery store

I knew one who loved smoking while on the bog.
I put gorilla glue on the seat and his ass stuck to it.
To add salt into the wound, I folded a pierced brown sauce packet under the seat so when he sat down it sprayed into his pants.

Long story short, Weedy Whiskers got stuck to a toilet and called his mate (and dealer) to rescue him. His mate saw the brown sauce and thought he shit himself.

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not any more, actually just about to finish an internship.

Except stonie addicts are ALWAYS getting high before work, before class, AT work. They think its normal. Theres people in this very thread who admit to it.

Hey cheech, if you cant do everyday tasks without wanting to be intoxicated, you are an addict

>has the social skills to keep a job

get out you fucking normal faggot

>Things that really happened
Wowzers sick bro!
I remember when this kid tried to shoot up my school luckily I had my rollies on and I quickly dispatched him via my military grade slingshot then the Virgin qt3.14 started sucking my dick and the whole school stood up and clapped

Okay, that's the one exception

Why are potheads so fucking obnoxious about it? You don't hear alcoholics constantly talking about their big stash of vodka but potheads treat their gram of hash like a fucking god.
I never fell for the "weed isn't addictive brah!!111!11!1!1!1" bullshit, if coffee and chocolate are potential addictive substances the fuck makes people think weed won't be?

wow fuckin sick man

Consider that the only people you know are stoners are the ones who make it obvious, by for example coming to class stoned, smelling like weed, etc. You probably meet lots of people who smoke weed but you don't know they do since they're the ones who do it after work/school, responsibly.

I don't endorse getting stoned before work. But on the other hand if it's a shitty grocery store job stocking shelves, it's not the end of the world either.

>Why are potheads so fucking obnoxious about it? You don't hear alcoholics constantly talking about their big stash of vodka but potheads treat their gram of hash like a fucking god.
The drug subculture is largely the fault of prohibition. It's seen as some cool rebellious thing now. Before prohibition it was no big deal, anyone could walk into a store and pick up a bottle of cannabis extract or cocaine wine and there was not this big subculture about it. If anyone can walk into a store and buy it it's seen as less special and if you talk about it all the time people will just wonder why you're making such a big deal about something anyone can get.

Lots of people buy drugs online nowadays, grandpa.

How many time is this thread going to be posted.

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