Males are obsolete

Think about it. Males are a disposable mutation with the Y chromosome, whereas femaIes are the real complete humans. Now that there are machines to do labor that males would do, and there's so much sperm in sperm banks, why should we keep males? They are more violent, rapists, and they start all the wars and are the source of most human suffering.
I think we should get rid of males completely, or if we're going to keep them around we should use genetics to make them small and cute, sort of like pets to own. They'd be much better that way and much more safe.
What do you think femanons? Let's build paradise.

Attached: womyn_power.png (682x1023, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

thus spoke the 400 lbs creature, typing away at the keyboard that was invented by men

I like getting dicked too much to abandon males. And i love the smell of my robot bfs nutsack.

I'm not fat
then we should reduce their numbers or make them smaller so they won't be so dangerous and easily controllable.

> (OP)
>thus spoke the 400 lbs creature, typing away at the keyboard that was invented by men
Rightly said, fellow human.

>I'm not fat
post a picture of you, preferably without clothes, and showcasing your tits and cunt

this is beyond retarded. you should stop larping as female user you're not going to fool anyone with such weak baits

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I hope heaven is real so I can watch the western feminist society get destroyed by Muslims for hundreds of years.

its against the rules silly
We've been writing about eliminating males for decades, nothing retarded about it.
>90%+ of murders
>99% of rapes
>cause of all pollution
>cause of all wars
only literal children men are safe and good, but then they grow up into full grown hairy smelly males. Maybe not keep them as children but if they never got big and violent and aggressive then they can be tolerated. otherwise, males need to go extinct.

>or if we're going to keep them around we should use genetics to make them small and cute, sort of like pets to own.
no just get rid of them

>its against the rules silly
do you see any cops around?
now post tits or else

yea we should probably just get rid of them but some womyn want them for some reason like so if we muussst keep them then we should reduce their numbers or size or something.

Weak bait
0/10 (+1 for saying "femanon")

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>cause of all pollution
That isn't true. Women also drive cars and use electricity from fossil fuels. Also, the pollution from birth-control in the water supply is pretty much all women.

It's not worth keeping men around in any form just so a few women can enjoy ball stench.

Lmao whose this "we" shit? In an actual power play for societal dominance females would not have a chance in hell.

Men only do the bad things that they do to have sex with women. So instead of getting rid of half the population, we should just turn all men gay. That way, we can keep the people who create most of the world's art and culture, and end all the problems that you mentioned. The straight girls will just have to get used to masturbating more instead of sex.

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>sperm from sperm banks run out
>women are too emotional to keep countries in control, go to war on eachother
>if anyone gives birth and its male, they are too blinded by their feminist garbage to realize how important it is to keep them, and then kill them
>lack of sperm and countries all being at war kills entire humanity

Meanwhile making an artificial embryo is much easier than artificial sperm

If anything, we should discard women.

This is supreme bait kys

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>cause of all pollution
>what is perfume

la creatura is that you?
el goblino you should know better; women cannot make any decision by themselves, just leave that to us, the superior sex.

What if I'm not a lesbo?

sadly most womyn are hetero, maybe replace males with controllable manbots? They're always talking about replacing us with robots, how funny it would be to flip in on them lol

Gay men will still cause misery in this world. The only good thing is that they won't enslave women in marriage.

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gay men are even worse than straight men desu

Women talking about replacing men sounds alot like North Korea talking about getting rid of the United States.

why should men exist just so you can get dick? they are too dangerous to keep around just for sex.

or. we can just put you in jail for inciting genocide.

tne problem lies not with males but with civilisation.
all those things you listed like being violent aggressive and ruthless are good things but modern world and society brainwashed you into thinking otherwise. only the fittest will survive in the wild european forest. humans were hunter-gatherers for most of their existence as a spiecies. we should go back to our natural way of living. the longer we live like this the worse will the gene pool get. after the invention of agriculture those who weren't strong enough to hunt were anabled to live and spread their inferiority. same happened with the progress in medicine more and more people with genetic defects are allowed to live which causes them to spread their inferior genes. look at wild animals there are no retarded dears and there are no crippled bears. every single animal living in the forest is beautiful and strong
>tl;dr everything you have said is wrong and everything you believe is a lie

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feminism is a farce. this is why ill never support it.


Anything a man can do a malebot can do 100 times better. The only reason straight women pair up with men because there is no better option.
Men will be replaced by malebots, both in the workplace and in relationships.

feminist - just get rid of all the men. now tell me how thats any different from men wanting women to go back to the kitchen. except men arent talking about killing women so we are on a higher moral ground.

yes, these mythical "malebots". i dont see any yet, who will program and produce them? oh right probably men.

>Males are a disposable mutation with the Y chromosome

Fuck off back to lolcow already, saw you posting this shit millions of times both here and there.

>near extinct all males
>before males go launch nukes at every country
>last males die in a suicide pact
>roasties are left to put society back together

Lol they would fucking fail miserably.

typical dumb male talking about how violence is good and 'evolution'.
this is evolution, there is no natural state or "inferior" its only about what is better at adapting to change. if males need to go back to caveman times to survive, then that just means you deserve to go extinct.
your a traitor then to womynkind.
males are the ones building the robots and they'll build womanbots too, so we need to figure out how to get womanbots banned but malebots legal.


and what else - i would bet that most women wouldnt support patricide, as they have men in their lives. but feminists? they dont even have a cock to lick.

typical men making a mess and then expect women to clean up

OP is just going through his youtube/tumblr comment memory and actually getting bites. That's neat.

oh im a woman now? feminist brainlet. this is why feminists are a modern joke, worse than male incels.

i hate feminism. any woman who takes it seriously deserve to be alone and suffer the fate of inceldom.


OP is a vacuous, misandrist cunt

Here's your (You), by the way

i fucking love this thread hahahah

please keep going, i will go make some popcorn while watching this shit oh my god

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its not a joke, thats how feminists truly are. they deserve all the ridicule they get.

I love how all the males can't prove me wrong. they know deep down that they're mutations and dont deserve to exist.
femanons why defend them? They aren't good, they're dangerous and need to go extinct.

Hey we built it up and we'll tear it down on our way out. See if you dumb roasties can bring it back even with the handicap of scraps laying around.

Men kill women all the time. That's why we want to get rid of them.

yeah just kill us off and take over the bones of society built by men. all the comforts women enjoy (feminists included) riding off the backs of men.

btw, if you are christian, according to the bible, the male gender was created before the female

so basically you were made thanks to men, and yet you complain

also, god is a male figure

>big concrete buildings and cough syroup are evolution
holy shit user you might be retarded

as do women. except the only males they can kill are by abortion.

>radical feminist
you retard
now you'll get bombed with his opinion on how christianity is extremely evil and patriarchy

male here, it's true, she's right, glad i got to live before this became common knowledge

hm'st, i wonder what Jow Forums bestows for myself today?

>sees this


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In the future the list of diseases eradicated by humans will look like this:

feminism is a disease. women stabbing men in the back nothing new under the Sun.

Males aren't a disease you misandrist demon were human beings
How about instead of killing males or females we kill genocidal feminists like you.

OP please comeback. your posts are the funniest shit i've seen in a while. comeback and post with us

Here I am
There's nothing funny about the plague of males that encroach all womynkind

Men are a failed abortion. The female body rejects male fetuses more often. All living males are just failed abortions. A mistake that shouldn't have lived.

You're dumb, put down that Solanas lmao

>mfw smarter, stronger, larger than a female and will never bleed from my holes or go through childbirth
feels good

>mfw I could beat up and rape 20 feminists all at the same time if I wanted because women are weak and worthless
No wonder women are so vaginahurt all the time.

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feminism btfo will it ever recover ?

Saxon women were pretty based, much better than modern femicunts. They could actually do shit and weren't spoiled/whiny/entitled. And Saxon beta males = exiled.

>tfw men are both physically stronger and mentally (logically) stronger than women
Are roasties even trying?

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>tfw female
>tfw no ugly weak y chromosome
>tfw completely immune to sexually specific pathogens
>tfw the majority of biologists, biology majors, and increasing
>tfw control sperm banks across the world.
Poor little male. I though you were supposed to be good at military strategy?

proof why abortion should be mandatory for women pregnant with male fetuses

>ugly weak y chromosome
>y chromosome gives me testes which increase my muscle mass to several times that of females as well as thickening my skeletal structure and increasing my stature so that I tower over XXlets and could easily overpower 99% of them with no training
What did the blood-hole meat flaps mean by this?

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I don't want men small and cute you proto pedo loopy lesbo bitch. Sure they think I'm fetish material because I'm under 5 feet but at least I can say I love men cuntface sow. Stick a curling iron in your birth canal uncle fucking pig.

wait, are you saying women shouldnt have the right to choose?
not very feminist huh?

I wish you'd get your wish fullfilled just to see how your "paradise" slowly turns into the most vile and hopeless place that earth has ever seen.

>males are danger to us because of their superiority that's why we should kill them while they are bean sized and harmless


poor male, you don't understand yet you're supposed to be the smarter sex?
I said if we were to keep them around we should turn them into pets. We should really kill them all desu

Yep pretty much what feminism boils down to.
>men are more violent
>murder children

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>my y-chromosome makes me stro-

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holy shit

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Femanons please keep me, I am loyal and obedient to the superior female gender

we don't murder children. we murder males.

>what would happen if women didn't show up to work
Moms couldn't dump their kids at the daycare and I'd have to use self-checkout at the grocery store.
>what would happen if men didn't show up to work
Complete societal collapse.

Does this not equally apply to XXlets fetuses, beef flap?

Kill yourself betaboi

Sure, I'd like a sandwich, why not?

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fuck off with this meme, no one is born "gay" you become gay

I'm a guy, can you keep me alive? I'm a real nigga, I'm 'bout my own shit. I'll suck a woman dick if I gotta to survive.

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Guys stop bullying women, Dont bully the inferior gender, they just failed their big feminism takeover and now they are out of options.
We dont even need to bother about it, that's how superior we are.

>poor male, you don't understand yet you're supposed to be the smarter sex?
Not an argument. And I know I'm smarter, men are proven to have greater logic and problem-solving ability than roasties. We're both smarter and stronger. Only way females achieve anything is through manipulating beta males with sex pheromones. You're basically parasites. Women alone are completely useless.

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This just proves that feminists want more equal rights

Dildo munching bitch, you don't understand anything about cute men you just want to be a pedo. Go to an elementary playground for your kicks little shit.

Ok rib woman. Keep on keepin on. Man came first.

>Now that there are machines to do labor that males would do
You do know most of those machines have more than just a big on/off switch, right?

Fuck choice feminism. It's a like a cancer patient choosing to have a tumor take over their body and kill them.

>sitting on your ass all day while a man works to feed, clothe and house you while you rack up bills on dumb bullshit is enslavement
I've heard this from femifucktards before, can someone explain what they mean by this?

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check [x]

There's no such thing as a "cute man", especially not a big hairy smelly ugly aggressive monkey. All men must die.

>implying it's not morally correct to let someone die if they want to die

Fuck off

Women are superior goddeses

I'm none of those things , am I worthy to serve you? :3

>free people choosing what they want is wrong

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