How's your relationship with your father?

How's your relationship with your father?

I don't have a relationship with my father -- thank God.

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my dad's a drug addict who sees me as a disappointment. Ironic.

He's a nice guy but was an awful, incompetent parent and part of me resents him for enabling me to fuck my life up.I told him I wanted to kill myself several times when I was elementary school aged and he did nothing. I don't even think he told my mom.

He lets me be unemplyed and live in his apartment so i guess we cool

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My father is a NEET, who hasn't worked in a very long time, and who mooches on my mother's money. He says he's tired of paying for the kids, even though he hasn't paid for the things of his children in years. He's majorly depressed, too, and everyone runs away from him, as he has abused his wife and children for a long, long time.

He's quite pathetic, and should go away sometime soon.

And here you are alive. Guess he understood you were just wanting attention


Disclaimer: This is original content

>Live 6 hours apart.
>Only talk on the phone.
>Wasn't raised with him.
>I find him annoying so I avoid him mostly.
Eh, whatever, y'know?

Good, we used to go out every sunday and fish or go birdwatching and talk. Now that I moved out I don't see him that much he gets really excited when I visit.
My mom fucking sucks tho.

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>my dad's a drug addict
probably smokes weed from times to time
>who sees me as a disappointment
no shit find a job you fucking parasite
Quit being delusional

Great, now that he's dead.

He has given up on me and I don't blame him. I'm a 27 year old layabout.

Look if you want to be a normie faggot go to b

Muh safe space.
Relax im just fucking with ya. Words of wizdom next time somebody says some agresive shit like i did never respond to them

Both my parents neglected me my whole life, probably why I'm a miserable cunt sitting on his computer all day every day

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It's improved. We talk about computers and programming mostly. But I was mostly neglected my whole life

Nick Fuentes BASED

I actually am a big fan of Nick Fuentes.

Ex-drunkard, ultraorthodox and antisemite. Prepotent and proud of it. Used to beat my mother and cheat with diverse bitches. Came three days later to the hospital where I was born (jailed for public disorder while drunk), and didn't recognised me as his son until he asked for a paternity test.

Meh, I ocasionally talk to him, but I seriously promised myself that I am not going to be like him. I only interact with him because of my half-sis, which I love.

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I can tell that he honestly tried to raise me right after my drunk dike mom gave up on me, but he failed because I was a cunt not willing to work to fix my shit and he had no experience with teenagers.

Mom and dad were never together, I was only concieved because of jack Daniels and bad decisions, and my mother never went to court to talk custody because she'd lose the child support payments.

Nowadays, Dad and I have a better relationship since we both like guns and are both Catholic. I saw him shed a tear when I told him I'm dating a Catholic girl.

All in all, my relationship with me dad started out like shit, but now it's pretty good.

>All these white bois with shit dads

My relationship with my father is superb. Hes a colossal asshole but otherwise no complaints. Are white boys overcompensating for their shitty dads by saying we dont have any?

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Haven't seen him in probably 7 years. You know the term "Manchild"? He's like a "Manteenager". Instead of sitting around watching anime and eating tendies all day, he acts as if he's still 18 or so. He's a middle-aged white man with dreadlocks, for gods sake. He has another kid now, or so i've heard. Feel sorry for the poor kid desu.

All my dad ever did was occasionally take me swimming until age 8 or so, and then take me fishing a couple times (except he's an idiot so we didn't catch anything). He never went to any of my school plays or parent-teacher meetings, or ever meet any of my friends. It's not even as if he was always busy - around the recession a decade ago, he was unemployed for a couple years and had all the time in the world.

Quite glad I don't have a relationship with him, but I'm quite scared that one day he'll pop up and expect me to welcome him with open arms.

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