Why does anybody hate weed?

Why does anybody hate weed?
It helps so many people in this world and you refuse to acknowledge that.
I think many of you robots would benefit from some medicinal marijuana.
You could even make some friends.

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"I've been dealing depression and anxiety lately and it's gotten really bad, sorry if I'm slow today"
>hurr Durr just smoke some fucking weed man

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it has helped me with my anxiety and back pain for about a year now and ive never been this happy. My neighbor uses it for ptsd and backpain from when his HumV hit an IED in Iraq in 2002. it helps so many people and you are just being ignorant

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>make friends
Getting high isn't a real thing

Do i snez ur neighbor's ex army? that freak should take a page out of christendom's book & get DAMNED

Weed smells like skunk shit, don't tell me what to do faggot

how do u know what skunk shit smells like?
-ur secret admirer
I will forever hold you in my hart, dixie chixp's, when you tell people what to not do to you it's old and crusty, you dusty musty rusty hunk of ghonoria

I actually love weed and I would be smoking plenty if I didn't live in my mommy's basement like a loser

Shut the fuck up pothead retard. I bet you don't even shoot heroine in the White Castle bathroom you fucjung weakling

It helps nobody. The correlation between absolute bottom-of-the-barrel paint-snorting retards and weed smokers is almost pearson 1. Moreover, your ilk is extremely obnoxious both online and offline and structure your entire existence around weed instead of simply smoking weed as part of your routine the way cig smokers smoke to keep the edge (brought in by their addiction to nicotine) off.

I do chemotherapy recreationally, step it up bitch

I hate weed but we should just legalise everything. It makes no sense to me that you can legally buy a firearm but not a piece of dried plant. I don't think guns should be illegal either, just stating the hypocrisy of it all.

tfw i live with my parents too its not hard to hide weed from adults. if u have like an old laptop box thats under your bed just put it in there
i used to hide my weed inside my desktop

>piece of dried plant
Your retarded

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I don't hate weed, I hate the typical retards who smoke it.

>not addictive btw
>not a drug btw

I hate it because so many people believe that bs. It's propaganda.

It makes me paranoid, sad, slow and retarded. I've been happier on basically every other drug I've taken. It also smells like absolute fucking garbage

I wouldn't say I hate it, based on having not tried it before, but just being able to smell it makes me feel unpleasantly lightheaded.

Why do people think it stinks? I don't smoke but it smells amazing to me, it's what I imagine a fantasy jungle to smell like.

Because people who smoke it are fucking annoying. it helps them sure, but then that's all they fucking talk about. they are almost as cringy as furries.

>yo bro check out this awesome nug it smells like an infant took a week old greasy shit that's how you know it's good
It reeks, it will never not give me a headache if I'm in the same room with it

I strongly dislike the odor , you wanna smoke fine but don't pollute the air in my home.

The weed I've come into contact with just smells like a lemony plant. I smell a lot of similar scents innawoods.

I'd prefer if you personally just jammed a pine air freshener up your ass and farted directly into my mouth over the stench of weed. Maybe it's because in college I was just constantly in a series tiny enclosed rooms with someone who wanted to get shifaced and it was all I could breathe for hours on end