>remove Jow Forums from r9k
remove Jow Forums from r9k
>remove Jow Forums from r9k
remove Jow Forums from r9k
>remove Jow Forums from r9k
remove Jow Forums from r9k
>remove Jow Forums from r9k
remove Jow Forums from r9k
>remove Jow Forums from r9k
remove Jow Forums from r9k
>remove Jow Forums from r9k
remove Jow Forums from r9k
>remove Jow Forums from r9k
remove Jow Forums from r9k
Remove Jow Forums from r9k
take a break from Jow Forums kid
why don't you wait to remove yourself instead?
do you have no patience?
want some traps? Cause I'm just waiting for things to cool down before coming back with trap stuff
circumventing the r9k filter is highly against the rules OP
No, fuck you. My right wing views were a huge part of being ostracized and bullied my entire life.
you're a faggot and deserved to be bullied. hopefully you get bullied more for posting on the wrong board
You sound like the brits after WWI. I bet it will be a "jolly good time' for you
>I'm just waiting for things to cool down before coming back with trap stuff
give me a date on this
Same here user. Once shit hits the fan they will beg us to save them.
All niggers must be exterminated from the face of the earth so we can secure delicious watermalon for the white man.
nice trips
I'm not doing any specific time just when everything looks like a good time to post
>Once shit hits the fan they will beg us to save them.
i'll be there next time. you won't be needed.
Why not post some real traps instead of your idealised anime pics you faggot?
if you post on /Jow Forums even once you should be flagged and never allowed to post on any other board ever again
everyone who's not a braindead retard or lazy mod/admin agrees with you
Beneath the storm you're left to fight alone
Remember son, you're reaping what you've sown
Under the waves and sinking like a stone
I'm sorry son, you're reaping what you've sown
Feel free to post them on /lgbt/ or /cm/, you disgusting faggot.
Fuck off normie, no one cares about useless politics.
Now kys
>resorting to samefagging
Because 2d>3d, I thought you would know this.
If 2D>3D, why are you so insistent on brainwashing people to create disgusting genderbent freaks?
Most of my post are just shity feels thread trap posting is just to annoy you guys. Besides it's not like I'm part of some psyops to turn bots to trannys.
>implying he is
you don't know jack shit
Do you have any good translations of SALC 16? The only translations I can find only go up to SALC 12.
>real or idealized
How is that a question, who wouldn't want the idealized version?
>preventing degeneracy
>implying he is not
Idealised versions of anything are damn near impossible to achieve, instead, we rely on the best we've got, and being a man is sure as hell better than being a estrogen-injecting, crossdressing freak of nature.
>delusioning yourself to the point where you consider traps a special kind of the jews
>unironically posting on a board filled with degenerates, pedophiles, loli's, traps, rape fetishists, etc
Yeah seriously go kill yourself
>deluding yourself to the point where you consider grass to be green
This is how retarded you sound.
You deserve to be bullied if you post on Jow Forums.
No sadly wish I could. I don't read good enough nipon to translate myself.
Nah I just do it for the fun of it. I don't care if some people take my shit posting too seriously. I post traps because I get boners and it gets funny reactions.
We will leave as soon we deem r9k a trap free space
Once trap posting starts again we will raid again, don't worry
The same to you, friend.
I'm out of options.
>we will leave
Yeah like how Jow Forums left /tv/, right? Fucking retard. You're cancer and you deserve the chemo.
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
>want pol out but not the lgbt trans fags
fighting the wrong fight user
You can always go back to your reddit hugbox you jackass.
>We will leave as soon we deem r9k a trap free space
no you fucking won't
if I smash a Jow Forumstards head will any brain come out?