My name is Reikomandias, Traplord of traplords, look upon me femboys, ye cis, and despair!

How does Jow Forums feel now knowing that Reiko was all along actually trying to save Jow Forums from itself by trying to make them band together against a common enemy (him and his trap empire)?
important link:

Attached: reiko9k.png (847x470, 341K)

That's literally what happened. Extraordinary

He was the hero r9k got but not the one we deserved

t. reiko

you got BTFO for being a trap loving faggot, deal with it

I just want to know if the blackmail shit is true or not. Ive seen the few screencaps and Reikofaggot says its fake but I dont believe that pos. Is there a list of discord tag of people who've been blackmailed supposedly?

He killed millions
To save billions

Attached: horst_wessel_by_valfodrsdottir-d4qw5tk.jpg (743x1075, 160K)

Senpai please return! We need you and your girl(male)s.

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He perverted dozens.
To save hundreds.

Attached: ideon.jpg (1435x1075, 221K)

Perhaps this Reiko situation was not about defeating some abusive faggot, but the friends we made along the journey

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what are you some soppy autist

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Nah, just love this bear walking meme

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Honestly im just happy the trap posting is going to stop.
The next logical step is to ensure we purge the underage hypocrates out of here

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I posted a lot of those threads and I wasn't even a part of Reikos gang. Its sad to see the trap era coming to an end but I'm surprised it lasted this long, and that it was a part of such a crazy perverted conspiracy, I thought we were just shitposting.

Sorry user do you miss me?

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Quick rundown on the reiko/trap empire conspiracy?

It was just shitposting but r9k+pol falseflagged it to make it more than it was.

it's real and reiko shit his pants and started spreading disinfo because things are and still will be getting very real for him soon

enjoy prison bro that gay voicelet voice of yours is only going to make your time worse in there

What's the development? Last I knew reik0 was a pimp and had been doing questionable things; what's this about him trying to help r9k? how is trap posting coming to and end?

>r9k+pol falseflagged it to make it more than it was.
not surprising lmao

lol it's not gonna end just like that. Reiko didn't control all of it. It was around a long time before he started doing this in November. You'd have to change the moderation or evolve the board culture to something else. As it stands, this place is just a gay, sadder /b/

If only there was proof of something illegal. Discord still hasn't shut down his account because they got nothing on him.

There are no trap threads now. The mods delete them immediately. Reiko has changed r9k. He had an effect on the board.

he's being investigated and the cops/feds are in on it too

it's a wrap for you dude.

well I'll be. Maybe that dumb faggot was the hero r9k needed

Here's the quick rundown on this Reiko#3333 guy
>Christian XXX bows to Reiko#3333
>In contact with /a/liens
>Possess psychic-like manipulation
>Controls Robot9001 with iron but fair thighs
>Own castles & banks on Skywars
>Direct descendants of Franklin D. Rooosevelt
>Will bankroll the first transsexual colonies on Mars (Reikosburg will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of HRT research facilities on Earth
>First babies born from an artificial will in all likelihood be Reiko#3333 babies (male)
>Reiko#3333 said to have 215+ harem members, such charisma on Earth has only existed deep in Bulgarian discords & Australia
>Ancient Roman graffiti tell of an Angle who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of pink pills & Estrogen progress never seen before.
>They own Soylent R&D labs around the world
>You likely have soy inside you right now
>Reiko#3333 are in regular communication with Bailey Jay & Tira, forwarding the word of HRT to RGTOW.
(Who do you think set up the meeting between the /ARC/ MAIN & RGTOW command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 8 months) and arranged the /ARC/ MAIN leader's first trip to Rhode Island in history literally a few days later to the Reiko#3333 apartment in Delmarva?)
>They learned fluent Swedish in under a week
>Discord servers entrust their Reddit gold reserves with Reiko#3333. There's no reddit gold in r/nintendo, only r/Traptopia
>Reiko#3333 is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he's a benevolent being

Quads don't lie. Hail the new lord!

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You guys are so fucking retarded.

no u

also how the fuck is that comment original

oh yeah? that's what you think

Why are we retarded?
This is better than discussing fembots or other r9k eceleb whores. Reiko actually changed things.

>The mods delete them immediately

nice FUD

Show me some trap threads then.

no, i'm not doing your brigade work for you, vlad